I have made an experimental version of XBoard that supports a feature option="..." command, and displays a menu dialog with controls, and send them back to the engine as option ... command when the user changes them. The exact format is as we discussed elsewhere. ( http://www.open-aurec.com/wbforum/viewt ... 75&start=9 )
For those who want to play with it, the sources are on my website as pradu.tar.gz
You can also find a version of Fairy-Max there to which I added lots dummy (= non-functional) option features, just to test if everything works. It is called dummymax.c , and must be compiled with the -DLINUX option.
Everything seems to work, but I don't see any useful application for it, unless the engine would save the option settings. In that case XBoard can be used as an interface for editing engine settings in dialog form. Otherwise, all settings ae gone as soon as you exit XBoard, and you would have to redo everything for the next game...
I would like to have some feedback if people find this useful, or that I'd better take it out again.