at least together with Joker 1.117c produces a funny display bug in the
output window regarding calculation of used time(and nps therefore too).
In each PV line of a depth marked with a star by Joker as in:
- Code: Select all
515280 <second: 13* 11 1118 10303246 c4d3 d1d3 d5b4 d3b3 g8h8 c1d2 a6a5 a1e1 h7h6 e4c3 e7d6 g5e4 d6e7 b3d1
it calculates time as given in seconds instead of centiseconds, thus the output
for this line was 18:38.00 instead of 00:11.18. (nps therefore /100)
P.S. I also noticed that Joker crashed 7 times in 8 games in this test,
but this could be also a compatibility problem with BookThinker and
unrelated to above problem except there will be an overflow problem
at long thinking when displaying factor 100 more?
Currently I am doing a new test and set BookThinker and Inbetween
(for giving the hash param to Joker) to compatibility mode for XP...