I don't know if this is also an issue but from the icc help file
http://www.chessclub.com/help/GiveawayCastling is sometimes legal; just ignore the check considerations, since there is no concept of "check" in Giveaway.
that means in giveaway you can castle while in check, like icc atomic, I dont know if not clearing the flags would deal with the special check rule. If you allowed castling but prohibited it in check, it would not completely follow the giveaway rules. keep in mind that other than the castle move being allowed in giveaway, in giveaway and suicide the king is just another piece no different than a pawn or knight and can be captured, so it makes sense check wouldnt matter. check never matters in giveaway.
Also another differece is when you have no more moves, which happens when pawns meet each other and cant progress. like all that is left is e4e5 pawns. on icc if you have no moves you win ( i think its assumed by the geometry since there is no check rule that both sides must be out of moves.) on fics if there are no more moves a count is done of the remaining pieces. he with the fewest pieces wins. Imagine a white pawn on e3. black has two pieces left and they are on e5 and e6. white moves e3e4 locking pawns now at e6e5 ( 2 black pawns ) and white at e4. black to move, he has no moves. white had last move. on icc black wins cause he ran out of moves first. in suicide white wins becaue he has only one piece at the time moves run out and black has two. who ran out of moves first doesnt matter in suicide. I dont recall if a tie is a draw or it goes to the player who ran out first.
In ics play this is not an issue i've found and the server handles game end. I dont know if its an issue in at home play. Its also not a big issue though. I've met fics players who say they dont care if the fics or icc rules are used. Some suicide players prefer the icc rules actually of giveaway on this. but I wanted to be complete on the differences.