Just saw it here: http://wbec-ridderkerk.nl/html/newspage.htm
This could be a stable one as Daniel released it with source. Thanks.
It comes with another update of the egbb_probe (egbbdll.dll) - version 3.3. I hope he uploads the new sources too so that we could compile an egbbdll64.dll for the 64-bit scorpio bitbase-enabled engines, including this new Scorpio ! Just be reminded that this new version could only use the new bitbases found here: http://dcorbit2008.corporate.connx.com/
...and the ones I uploaded on my back-up site: http://computerchessengines.mylivepage.com/file/index
I'll try mediafire to upload them, as my link only provides download when you login - sorry for that. I hope others provide some mirrors to lessen the bandwidth usage on Dann Corbit's site!