Shiloh wrote:Hi Eric.If you minimize the terminal put the cursor over the dialogue box then it will accept your input.Also do not try Show Moves History it will crash xboard at least it did my version.What does --with-Xaw3d do? thxs
This at least is easily fixed. At some point I changed the name of this menu item from "Show Move List" to " Show Move History", to conform to the naming in WinBoard, thinking this was an innocent change that required no testing. But I did not realize that xboard sometimes accesses widgets by name, and that for menu items the name of the widget is the text that appears in the menu. So somewhere in another source file it wanted to put a check mark in front of the item "Show Move List" which did no longer exist, and this led to a crash. Also doing the name change there (in xhistory.c, in two places) repairs it.
I really should "grep" for every menu item I change to see if it occurs somewhere else in the source. And for menu items that are checked I can be sure it will occur twice, once to check and once to uncheck it.
Thanks for finding this major bug.