While trying to make my engine fully complaint with cutechess-cli I had to make many modifications on winboard protocol implementation.
I have finally managed to avoid all the problems like resignation, repetition and 50-move draws, sending "feature done 0"
while loading egbbs etc... which none of them gave me problems at least in Winboard itself. I am still not clear about draw claims even if i can do test
games with cutechess-cli with no problems now. However, there are still rarely occurring repetition draw problems in Arena with draw claims, which i always
thought were the GUI's problem but I don't think that anymore. I searched for that in CCC and found very loooooonnnnng debates. I am tired and can't go through
all that so i would really really appreciate it if someone clearly summarizes me what the consensus is for the current protocol, especially on the order of move and
draw claims. If there is none, what is the best recommended practice?