Moderators: hgm, Andres Valverde
H.G.Muller wrote:OK, this apparently was a known bug, as my recent WinBoard versions no longer have it. ...
Volker Pittlik wrote:I mean the draw claim is also handled wrong by xboard. I'll run test games with debug enabled. Hint: Crafty is a good test object because it has all this draw claims implemented. It seems most of the draw claims are handled wrong. Over night here a draw claim (insufficient material) was "corrected" although it wasn't wrong:
123. Kg3 Bd5 { False draw claim:
'Insufficient material' } 0-1
End position: 8/8/8/3b4/3k4/6K1/5N1p/8 w - - 6 124
Volker Pittlik wrote:Here is an example for a denied 50-moves-rule draw:
[Event "Computer Chess Game"]
[Site "vpittlik"]
[Date "2009.07.28"]
[Round "1"]
[White "Crafty-23.0"]
[Black "Xpdnt 090704"]
[Result "0-1"]
[TimeControl "40/60"]
46. Qxg4+ {+2.30/14 1.3} Kf7
{-2.09/15 4} 47. Qd7+ {+2.29/14 1.4} Kf8 {-2.09/15 1.2} 48. Kh2
{+2.41/12 1.3} Rg7 {-2.08/10 1.2} 49. Qc8+ {+2.37/13 1.8} Ke7 {-2.03/9 1.2}
50. Qc4 {+2.41/13 1.3} Rg5 {-2.04/13 1.2} 51. Kh3 {+2.40/13 1.4} Rg7
{-2.04/12 1.2} 52. Qc7+ {+2.42/13 1.4} Ke6 {-2.04/13 1.2} 53. Qc6+
{+2.42/14 1.4} Ke7 {-2.04/13 1.2} 54. Qd5 {+2.42/14 1.4} Rg5 {-2.06/13 1.2}
55. Qb3 {+2.41/14 1.4} Rg1 {-2.06/13 1.2} 56. Qb7+ {+2.42/13 1.4} Ke6
{-2.06/14 1.2} 57. Qd5+ {+2.41/15 1.4} Ke7 {-1.96/3 0.1} 58. Qb3
{+2.41/15 3} Rg5 {-2.06/14 1.3} 59. Qb7+ {+2.40/14 1.5} Ke6 {-2.06/15 1.3}
60. Qa7 {+2.38/15 1.5} Rg7 {-2.06/13 1.3} 61. Qa2+ {+2.42/15 1.6} Ke7
{-2.06/14 1.3} 62. Qa3+ Kf7 {-2.06/13 1.3} 63. Qb3+ {+2.42/14 1.5} Ke7
{-2.06/13 1.3} 64. Qb7+ Kf8 {-2.06/13 1.3} 65. Qa8+ {+2.38/15 1.6} Ke7
{-2.06/14 1.3} 66. Qa2 {+2.39/14 1.5} Rg5 {-2.06/14 1.3} 67. Qa7+
{+2.37/15 1.6} Ke6 {-2.06/12 1.3} 68. Qh7 {+2.37/16 1.7} Rg7 {-2.06/14 1.3}
69. Qf5+ {+2.37/16 1.6} Ke7 {-2.06/14 1.3} 70. Qc8 {+2.37/16 1.8} Rg5
{-2.06/12 1.3} 71. Qc7+ {+2.37/15 1.7} Ke6 {-2.06/14 1.3} 72. Qc4+
{+2.37/15 1.8} Ke7 {-2.06/13 1.3} 73. Qb5 {+2.37/16 2.2} Rg6 {-2.06/11 1.3}
74. Qb7+ {+2.38/14 1.8} Ke6 {-2.06/8 0.1} 75. Qb6+ {+2.38/15 1.8} Ke7
{-2.06/11 0.9} 76. Qc7+ {+2.37/16 2.2} Ke6 {-2.07/14 1.5} 77. Qc4+
{+2.37/16 2.0} Ke7 {-2.07/14 1.8} 78. Qc5+ {+2.37/16 2.1} Kf7
{-2.07/15 1.9} 79. Qd5+ {+2.37/16 2.3} Kg7 {-2.07/16 2.1} 80. Qd7+
{+2.37/16 2.1} Kf8 {-2.07/16 2.0} 81. Qc8+ {+2.37/15 1.2} Ke7
{-2.07/15 1.3} 82. Qc3 {+2.37/15 1.2} Rg5 {-2.07/12 1.3} 83. Qc8 Kf7
{-2.07/13 1.2} 84. Qd7+ {+2.35/15 1.3} Kg8 {-2.07/15 1.3} 85. Qc7
{+2.34/12 1.2} Kf8 {-2.07/14 1.3} 86. Qa7 {+2.30/14 2.5} Rg7 {-2.07/14 1.7}
87. Qc5+ {+1.64/10 1.2} Kf7 {-2.07/13 1.5} 88. Qd5+ {+1.53/11 1.2} Ke7
{-2.06/13 1.4} 89. Qd3 {+1.66/11 1.3} Rg6 {-2.06/11 1.4} 90. Qd2
{+1.64/11 1.2} Kf8 {-2.06/11 1.3} 91. Kh2 {+1.20/13 1.6} Be7 {+0.00/17 4}
92. Qd5 {+0.01/15 1.3} Rh6+ {+0.00/17 1.0} 93. Kg3 {+0.01/15 1.3} Rg6+
{+0.00/18 1.3} 94. Kf3 {+0.01/16 1.3} Rf6+ {+0.00/18 1.2} 95. Ke2
{+0.01/17 1.2} Bd6 {+0.00/16 0.5}
{False draw claim: 'Drawn by 50-move rule'} 0-1
And an excerpt from a debug:
time odds: 1 1
280839 >first : time 4188
280839 >first : otim 3832
280839 >first : Bd6
AnimateMove: piece 24 slides from 4,6 to 3,5
280916 <first : 1/2-1/2 {Drawn by 50-move rule}
GameEnds(39, Drawn by 50-move rule, 5)
GE(38, False draw claim: 'Drawn by 50-move rule', 5) bare king k=4 color=22
280916 >first : result 0-1 {False draw claim: 'Drawn by 50-move rule'}
280916 >second: result 0-1 {False draw claim: 'Drawn by 50-move rule'}
280917 >first : quit
280932 >second: quit
I can send the complete debug to you if you need it.
Guenther Simon wrote:...
Well that surely is no valid draw claim by insufficient material. White should have offered a draw instead.
Volker Pittlik wrote:I think the main point here is not if the draw is offered or claimed. What counts more here that it's definitely not a win for black!
I did a quick check with some of thestronger engines. All display 0.00 as evaluation.
H.G.Muller wrote:...WinBoard is not supposed to second-guess at what the result would have been if the engine that violates the rules...
Volker Pittlik wrote:8/8/8/3k1N2/8/4b2K/8/8 w - - 0 81
Draw with all moves.
H.G.Muller wrote:...
The risk of switching off the feature with rogue engines like this...
H.G.Muller wrote:...
This is not a position that can be claimed as a draw under FIDE rules...
H.G.Muller wrote:What you refer to are the rules for quick-play. WinBoard does not implement those,...
H.G.Muller wrote:...Even if the GUI would implement quick-play finishes, this would have made no difference: You were playing a 40/10 game, which is a standard time control...
H.G.Muller wrote:...Sloppy is in violation of the rules...
H.G.Muller wrote:...Just switch it off, then XBoard will also honour every false claim...
Article 10: Quickplay Finish
A ‘quickplay finish’ is the phase of a game when all the (remaining) moves must be made in a limited time.
If the player, having the move, has less than two minutes left on his clock, he may claim a draw before his flag falls. He shall summon the arbiter and may stop the clocks. (See Article 6.12.b)
If the arbiter agrees the opponent is making no effort to win the game by normal means, or that it is not possible to win by normal means, then he shall declare the game drawn. Otherwise he shall postpone his decision or reject the claim.
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