F.Huber wrote:Now it's Winboard's turn again for further improvements in supporting UCI engines ...
Well, tell us what you need... (Yes, I know, a scroll-bar in the Engine-Settings dialog window... )
Moderator: Andres Valverde
F.Huber wrote:Now it's Winboard's turn again for further improvements in supporting UCI engines ...
H.G.Muller wrote:Well, tell us what you need... (Yes, I know, a scroll-bar in the Engine-Settings dialog window... )
H.G.Muller wrote:Well, (2) is obviously at the top of my list; any feature we add should work under all Windows versions we officially support. But no progress there, yet. When I try to open the combos on my Win2k I do see the black line at the bottom thicken. But my hypotheis that other controls were covering it seems invalid: even when the line below it is empty there is no list. It is like it refuses to draw beyond the orignal size limits I defined for it (which in Win XP only define the size of theunselected box.
typedef struct {
WORD code;
WORD controlType;
wchar_t d1, data;
WORD creationData;
} Item;
struct {
WORD menu;
WORD winClass;
wchar_t title[20];
WORD pointSize;
wchar_t fontName[14];
Item control[MAX_OPTIONS];
} template = {
0x0000, 0x0000, L"Engine #1 Settings ", 8, L"MS Sans Serif"
void AddControl(int x, int y, int w, int h, int type, int style, int n)
int i;
i = template.header.cdit++;
template.control[i].item.style = style;
template.control[i].item.dwExtendedStyle = 0;
template.control[i].item.x = x;
template.control[i].item.y = y;
template.control[i].item.cx = w;
template.control[i].item.cy = h;
template.control[i].item.id = 2000 + n;
template.control[i].code = 0xFFFF;
template.control[i].controlType = type;
template.control[i].d1 = ' ';
template.control[i].data = 0;
template.control[i].creationData = 0;
case ComboBox:
AddControl(x, y+1, 95, 9, 0x0082, SS_ENDELLIPSIS | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, i);
AddControl(x+95, y-1, 50, 11, 0x0085, CBS_AUTOHSCROLL | CBS_DROPDOWN | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD | WS_TABSTOP, i+1);
COMBOBOX OPT_ChessEngineName,17,74,194,129,CBS_DROPDOWN |
H.G.Muller wrote:What I don't get then is how it decides the height of the combobox when it is not opened.
H.G.Muller wrote:[edit] Yep, works!
And one other thing (don't know if it's the fault of Winboard or Polyglot?), that seems to happen only with my own engine ChestUCI (but only in WB+PG):
The loading of ChestUCI takes quite a long time (several seconds), and this also on my faster desktop!?
I have no idea what could cause this, it doesn't happen in other GUIs (e.g. Arena) and also not with other UCI engines.
2985427.688 POLYGLOT *** START ***
2985427.688 POLYGLOT INI file "chest.ini"
2985427.688 Adapter->Engine: uci
2985427.798 POLYGLOT *** SETTING BOOK ***
2985427.798 POLYGLOT BOOK "default_book.bin"
2985428.178 GUI->Adapter: xboard
2985428.178 GUI->Adapter: protover 2
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature done=0
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature analyze=1
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature colors=0
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature draw=1
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature ics=1
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature myname="ChestUCI Ver.5.1"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature name=1
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature pause=0
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature ping=1
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature playother=1
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature reuse=1
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature san=0
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature setboard=1
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature sigint=0
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature sigterm=0
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature time=1
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature usermove=1
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature memory=0
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature smp=0
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature egt=""
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature variants="normal"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="HashSize -spin 64 -1 447"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="DefenderMoves -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="ProblemType -combo *Mate· /// Stalemate /// SelfMate /// SelfStalemate /// HelpMate /// HelpStalemate"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="SearchDepth -spin 10 0 126"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="AllSolutions -check 1"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="FullMovelist -check 1"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="CompleteDuals -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="UseDatabase -check 1"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="SearchMode -combo *Normal /// Special /// Automatic /// AutoTurbo /// RetroAnalysis /// ParameterAnalysis /// DatabaseAnalysis /// EgtbAnalysis"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="ChecksOnly -spin 0 -1 31"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="ThreatDepth -spin 0 -125 125"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="ThreatRange -string 3"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="KingSquares -spin 0 -9 9"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="PieceLimit -spin 0 -16 16"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="MaxMoves -spin 0 -222 222"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="SearchOrder -combo *KPX /// KXP /// PKX /// PXK /// XKP /// XPK /// only_CR /// only_CRK"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="RetroOptions -spin 7 0 7"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="EgtbCache -spin 16 1 447"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="EgtbPath -string <empty>"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="ShowAnalysis -check 1"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="ShowProgress -check 1"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="ShowStatistics -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="EngineMode -combo *UCI /// Chest /// Expert"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="ExpertOptions -string -rS"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Show Options -button"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="AutoClipboard -check 1"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="AutoLogfile -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Show Logfile -button"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="AutoSolution -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Show Solution -button"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="TextViewer -string <empty>"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="CpuInfo -string <empty>"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="German -check 1"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot Log -check 1"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot LogFile -string polyglot.log"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot UseNice -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot NiceValue -spin 5 0 20"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot Chess960 -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot Resign -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot ResignMoves -spin 3 0 10000"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot ResignScore -spin 600 0 10000"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot MateScore -spin 10000 0 1000000"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot Book -check 1"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot BookFile -string default_book.bin"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot BookRandom -check 1"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot BookLearn -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot KibitzMove -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot KibitzPV -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot KibitzCommand -string tellall"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot KibitzDelay -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot ShowPonder -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot UCIVersion -spin 2 1 2"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot CanPonder -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot SyncStop -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot RepeatPV -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature option="Polyglot PromoteWorkAround -check 0"
2985428.178 Adapter->GUI: feature done=1
2985428.218 GUI->Adapter: accepted done
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted analyze
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted colors
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted draw
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted ics
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted myname
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted name
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted pause
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted ping
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted playother
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted reuse
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted san
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted setboard
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted sigint
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted sigterm
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted time
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted usermove
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted memory
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted smp
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted egt
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted variants
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted option
2985428.228 GUI->Adapter: accepted done
2985428.238 GUI->Adapter: new
2985428.238 Adapter->Engine: isready
2985428.238 POLYGLOT WAIT
2985428.238 Adapter->Engine: ucinewgame
2985428.238 GUI->Adapter: random
2985428.238 GUI->Adapter: ics -
2985428.238 GUI->Adapter: level 40 1 0
2985428.238 GUI->Adapter: post
2985428.238 GUI->Adapter: hard
2985428.238 POLYGLOT WAIT
2985428.238 GUI->Adapter: easy
2985428.238 POLYGLOT WAIT
2985428.238 GUI->Adapter: ping 1
2985428.238 Adapter->GUI: pong 1
2985428.238 Engine->Adapter: readyok
2985473.754 GUI->Adapter: option HashSize=32
2985473.754 Adapter->Engine: setoption name HashSize value 32
2985473.754 Adapter->Engine: isready
2985473.754 GUI->Adapter: option SearchMode=EgtbAnalysis
2985473.754 Adapter->Engine: setoption name SearchMode value EgtbAnalysis
2985473.754 Adapter->Engine: isready
2985473.754 GUI->Adapter: option Polyglot ResignMoves=5
2985473.754 GUI->Adapter: option Polyglot Resign=1
2985476.798 GUI->Adapter: result * {xboard exit}
2985476.798 POLYGLOT WAIT
2985476.798 GUI->Adapter: force
2985476.798 POLYGLOT WAIT
2985476.798 GUI->Adapter: ping 2
2985476.798 Adapter->GUI: pong 2
2985476.798 GUI->Adapter: quit
2985476.798 POLYGLOT *** "quit" from GUI ***
2985476.798 POLYGLOT *** QUIT ***
2985476.798 Adapter->Engine: quit
2985476.798 POLYGLOT Closing engine
2985476.828 POLYGLOT Calling exit
Michel wrote:There are various tests to perform.
H.G.Muller wrote:The comment window can be suppressed by the option /autoCommentPopup=false. It is saved in the winboard.ini file, but unfortunately the compiled-in default for this option has always been "true". There is no menu item yet to control this feature from the menus, you would have to give it on the command line (or type it behind your engine name or in the field "additional options" of the startup dialog, or edit it in the winboard.ini.
H.G.Muller wrote:Oops, very sorry. I mixed up the name of the option with the name of the function that does it...
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