As to your latter example: I think it would be a bad idea to have a combo box select such presets, because the combo-box selection would stay up even when the user would then change some of the settings it affected, so that strictly speaking the choice is no longer in force. It would be better if the engine provided a separate button for each preset (e.g. "Preset Aggressive", "Preset Defensive").
That being said, a new option type (-reset ?) could do the job. It would essentially be the inverse of a -save option, which flushes all options from GUI to engine before sending the button press. With -reset the GUI would clear all options from its memory, and then expect the engine to flush the options to the GUI, i.e. give the same response as to a protover command.
Using option features again to relay current option settings might seem needlessly cumbersome, as they do not only relay settings, but also give the option definitions. But if you think about it, it is also more flexible: It could allow the engine to have different sets of options depending on the "preset" you choose. An engine could hide most of its options, only implementing a "More" button of the -reset type next to a few very basic settings such as BookFile. An once a user would press "More" a host of controls would suddenly open up to him. (Of course it would be sympathetic if a "Less" button was amongst them...
) Polyglot could implement a button "Show / Hide Undesirable Options", etc.
For WB this would be easy to implement, as curently the mechanism for reading feature commands is in fact always active, and any option feature, even when received in the middle of a game, would be added to the list in the normal way. So the only thing I would have to add is the -reset type, treat it as a button everywhere except when it is pressed. Then I should set the number of options to zero for that engine before sending the signal, and close the settings dialog after it. (Perhaps automatically re-opening a new one as soon as a feature done=1 is received.) For the engine it should also be easy, as it can simply call the same code as it uses after receiving protover. (Next to implementing changing the option settings you wanted the button to trigger, e.g. restoring defaults.)
I don't want to do this in 4.4.0, though; as far as I am concerned 4.4.0 is already released, and I don't want to add major, bug-prone changes now. The Engine-Settings dialog is announced as an experimental feature, and the original plan was to not include it at all in 4.4.0. It is clear that a lot will have to be improved on it for 4.4.1. (Real spin controls paying attention to the length of option names while formatting, so they will never be cut short; distinguishing -string, -file and -path options; allowing resizing of the dialog window; add tabs or scroll bars; implement -slider controls...) The -reset option type could be added to that list.