Hello Michel, Just wanted to let you know that I believe this line of Polyglot is trimming whitespace somewhat too aggressively. For instance Rybka 3 by default contains a folder with 4 files. Rybka 3.exe, Rybka 3 Human.exe, Rybka 3 Dynamic.exe and Rybka 3 960.exe. Setting the EngineCommand polyglot option to any of those last 3 engines with or without quotes, I get the standard Rybka 3 engine loading.
According to the manpage.txt file, enclosing the engine name in quotes should stop this behaviour, but it doesn't seem to be effective in this case. The polyglot38.exe included with the Winboard 4.4.0 package doesn't have this problem, 1.4.46b does contain the same problem though.
Russell Murray