I don't know wether this problem exists as well on FICS but it annoys me since several years and I wonder if there could be a solution for it.
Usually my engine plays fully automated on ICC, additionally I have a weakened version of Quark running on ICC - just to entertain the members there. My home network is connected to the internet via DSL and a router which is automatically disconnected about every 24 hours by my ISP and there is nothing I can do against this. The problem is now, that WinBoard doesn't recognize the disconnection and does not reconnect itself to ICC so that I always have a) an aborted or adjourned game and b) hangs around for several hours doing nothing until I reconnect it. A possible solution could be something like: "If you don't hear anything from the ICS for x minutes, disconnect and try to reconnect" - Would that be possible, Harm ?
Greetings, Thomas