After a long time I analysed some positions from the last team match of my club and used for the first time all of the cpus
of my quad. I analysed the positions with latest GradualTest by Odd Gunnar Malin which understands UCI and all went well
with Rybka 4 and Stockfish 1.91JA, but I was a bit surprised by the depth difference between both, even when knowing that
Rybka neglects 3-5 ply in counting for one cpu.(Task manager check showed that all was ok though, because Stockfish used
99% in one process and Rybka 4*25% in 4 processes...)
I did some experiments launching Rybka in PSWBTM and watching the Taskmanager and to my astonishment it used only one core
in this configuration using WB 4.42 and an older Polyglot (1.39). The log showed that WB resetted the cores to 1 despite a different entry
in my Polyglot ini file 'Max CPUs = 4').
Was this a known bug for that version or do I need a newer Polyglot or what went wrong here?
(I could provide a log of course if needed)