Any idea where I can find the bt2450.pgn test suite by Hubert Bednorz and Fred Toennissen?
Couldn't locate a download with Google....
Moderator: Andres Valverde
rq2r1k1/5pp1/p7/4bNP1/1p2P2P/5Q2/PP4K1/5R1R w - - bm Nxg7; c0 "Short-Ribli Nxg7 gewinnt"; id "BT2450.01";
6k1/2b2p1p/ppP3p1/4p3/PP1B4/5PP1/7P/7K w - - bm Bxb6; c0 "Hedinger-Dossenbach 1958 Bxb6 gewinnt"; id "BT2450.02";
5r1k/p1q2pp1/1pb4p/n3R1NQ/7P/3B1P2/2P3P1/7K w - - bm Re6; c0 "Kwinones-Mjagmarsuren Skopje 1972 Re6 gewinnt"; id "BT2450.03";
5r1k/1P4pp/3P1p2/4p3/1P5P/3q2P1/Q2b2K1/B3R3 b - - bm Qf7; c0 "BT04 Harding 1978 Qf7 gewinnt"; id "BT2450.04";
3B4/8/2B5/1K6/8/8/3p4/3k4 w - - bm Ka6; c0 "Only winning move for white, Ka6 gewinnt"; id "BT2450.05";
1k1r4/1pp4p/2n5/P6R/2R1p1r1/2P2p2/1PP2B1P/4K3 b - - bm e3; c0 "Feustel Testbuch Schachtaktik ...e3 gewinnt"; id "BT2450.06";
6k1/p3q2p/1nr3pB/8/3Q1P2/6P1/PP5P/3R2K1 b - - bm Rd6; c0 "Black forces a draw, Majzeliw ...Rd6 haelt remis"; id "BT2450.07";
2krr3/1p4pp/p1bRpp1n/2p5/P1B1PP2/8/1PP3PP/R1K3B1 w - - bm Rxc6+; c0 "Schachversand Nord 1989 Rxc6 gewinnt"; id "BT2450.08";
r5k1/pp2p1bp/6p1/n1p1P3/2qP1NP1/2PQB3/P5PP/R4K2 b - - bm g5; c0 "Reitz-Bednorz 1989 ...g5 bester Zug"; id "BT2450.09";
2r3k1/1qr1b1p1/p2pPn2/nppPp3/8/1PP1B2P/P1BQ1P2/5KRR w - - bm Rxg7+; c0 "Kasparov-Meph.Dallas Rxg7 gewinnt"; id "BT2450.10";
1br3k1/p4p2/2p1r3/3p1b2/3Bn1p1/1P2P1Pq/P3Q1BP/2R1NRK1 b - - bm Qxh2+; c0 "Karpov-Chandler 1983 ...Qxh2+ gewinnt"; id "BT2450.11";
8/pp3k2/2p1qp2/2P5/5P2/1R2p1rp/PP2R3/4K2Q b - - bm Qe4; c0 "Elite Glasgow-H.Haupt ...Qe4 bester Zug"; id "BT2450.12";
3b2k1/1pp2rpp/r2n1p1B/p2N1q2/3Q4/6R1/PPP2PPP/4R1K1 w - - bm Nb4; c0 "Weiner, Pfleger: Scachcomputer Nb4 gewinnt"; id "BT2450.13";
3r1rk1/1p3pnp/p3pBp1/1qPpP3/1P1P2R1/P2Q3R/6PP/6K1 w - - bm Rxh7; c0 "Mate in 7 moves, Mader-Meph.MMII 1989 Rxh7 bester Zug"; id "BT2450.14";
4k1rr/ppp5/3b1p1p/4pP1P/3pP2N/3P3P/PPP5/2KR2R1 w - - bm Rg6; c0 "Schachversand Nord 1989 1.Rg6! bester Zug"; id "BT2450.15";
r1b3k1/ppp3pp/2qpp3/2r3N1/2R5/8/P1Q2PPP/2B3K1 b - - bm g6; c0 "Ketterling-CCsChampion 1...g6! gewinnt"; id "BT2450.16";
4r1k1/p1qr1p2/2pb1Bp1/1p5p/3P1n1R/3B1P2/PP3PK1/2Q4R w - - bm Qxf4; c0 "Colditz 1. Qxf4! gewinnt"; id "BT2450.17";
8/4p3/8/3P3p/P2pK3/6P1/7b/3k4 w - - bm d6; c0 "Judowitsch 1976 1.d6! haelt remis"; id "BT2450.18";
3r2k1/pp4B1/6pp/PP1Np2n/2Pp1p2/3P2Pq/3QPPbP/R4RK1 b - - bm f3; c0 "Baumann-Test 1...f3! gewinnt"; id "BT2450.19";
r4rk1/5p2/1n4pQ/2p5/p5P1/P4N2/1qb1BP1P/R3R1K1 w - - bm Ra2; c0 "Agsamov-Tringow 1.Ra2! gewinnt"; id "BT2450.20";
r4rk1/pb3p2/1pp4p/2qn2p1/2B5/6BP/PPQ2PP1/3RR1K1 w - - bm Re6; c0 "Hort-Wockenfuss 1982 1.Re6! gewinnt"; id "BT2450.21";
rnb1k2r/pp2qppp/3p1n2/2pp2B1/1bP5/2N1P3/PP2NPPP/R2QKB1R w KQkq - bm a3; c0 "Hort-Miles 1982 1. a3 bester Zug"; id "BT2450.22";
r1b2rk1/pp1p1pBp/6p1/8/2PQ4/8/PP1KBP1P/q7 w - - bm Qf6; c0 "Gaprindaschwili-Servati 1974 1.Qf6 gewinnt"; id "BT2450.23";
R7/3p3p/8/3P2P1/3k4/1p5p/1P1NKP1P/7q w - - bm g6; c0 "Studie von Kubbel 1914 1.g6!! gewinnt"; id "BT2450.24";
8/8/3k1p2/p2BnP2/4PN2/1P2K1p1/8/5b2 b - - bm Nd3; c0 "Petrosjan - T.Mally 1987 1..Nd3!! gewinnt"; id "BT2450.25";
2r3k1/pbr1q2p/1p2pnp1/3p4/3P1P2/1P1BR3/PB1Q2PP/5RK1 w - - bm f5; c0 "Zukertort-Blackburne 1883 1.f5 bester Zug"; id "BT2450.26";
3r2k1/p2r2p1/1p1B2Pp/4PQ1P/2b1p3/P3P3/7K/8 w - - bm e6; c0 "Rubinstein-Keller 1. e6! bester Zug"; id "BT2450.27";
b2r1rk1/2q2ppp/p1nbpn2/1p6/1P6/P1N1PN2/1B2QPPP/1BR2RK1 w - - bm Ne4; c0 "Baumann-Test 1. Ne4 bester Zug"; id "BT2450.28";
r1b4Q/p4k1p/1pp1ppqn/8/1nP5/8/PP1KBPPP/3R2NR w - - bm Ke1; c0 "Baumann-Test 1. Ke1 bester Zug"; id "BT2450.29";
2k5/2p3Rp/p1pb4/1p2p3/4P3/PN1P1P2/1P2KP1r/8 w - - bm f4; c0 "Fischer-Rubinetti 1970 1.f4! gewinnt"; id "BT2450.30";
wing wrote:found it!!
30/33 02:05 571,550,819 4,552,339 +1.37 a3-a4 Kg8-h8 Qf5xe4 Rd8-c8 Qe4-f5 Rc8-d8 Qf5-g4 Bc4-d5 Kh2-g3 Bd5-g8 Qg4-e4 Bg8-b3 Qe4-c6 Kh8-g8 Kg3-h2 Bb3-e6 Qc6-c2 Rd8-e8 Kh2-g3 Rd7-d8 Qc2-c7 Rd8-d7 Qc7-c6 Re8-d8 Kg3-f4 Rd8-e8 e3-e4 Rd7-d8 Qc6-b7 Rd8-d7 Qb7-a6 Kg8-h8 Qa6-b5
30/31 02:05 571,550,819 4,552,339 +1.37 Kh2-g3 Kg8-h8 Qf5xe4 Bc4-e6 Qe4-c6 Rd8-e8 a3-a4 Rd7-d8 Qc6-b7 Rd8-d7 Qb7-a6 Be6-b3 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qa6xa5 Bb3-e6 Qa5-a6 Kh8-g8 e3-e4 Kg8-h8 Kg3-f4 Kh8-g8 Qa6-c6 Rd7-d8 Qc6-a4 Rd8-d7 Qa4-a6 Re8-d8 Kf4-g3 Rd8-e8 Kg3-f4
30/31 02:05 571,550,819 4,552,376 +1.37 Qf5xe4 Bc4-e6 Qe4-c6 Kg8-h8 Kh2-g3 Rd8-e8 a3-a4 Rd7-d8 Qc6-b7 Rd8-d7 Qb7-a6 Be6-b3 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qa6xa5 Bb3-e6 Qa5-a6 Kh8-g8 e3-e4 Kg8-h8 Kg3-f4 Kh8-g8 Qa6-c6 Rd7-d8 Qc6-a4 Rd8-d7 Qa4-a6 Re8-d8 Kf4-g3 Rd8-e8 Kg3-f4
30/49 02:05 571,550,819 4,552,376 +3.77 e5-e6 Rd7xd6 Qf5-f7+ Kg8-h8 e6-e7 Rd6-d2+ Kh2-g3 b6-b5 e7-e8Q+ Rd8xe8 Qf7xe8+ Bc4-g8 Qe8xb5 Rd2-d3 Qb5-c5 a7-a6 Kg3-g4 Rd3-d5 Qc5-b4 Rd5-d3 Kg4-f4 Rd3-d5 Qb4xe4 Rd5xh5 Qe4-c6 a6-a5 e3-e4 Rh5-h4+ Kf4-g3 Rh4-h1 e4-e5 Rh1-g1+ Kg3-f2 Rg1-g4 Qc6-e8 Rg4-f4+ Kf2-g3 Rf4-e4 Kg3-f3 Re4-e1 Kf3-f4 Re1-d1 e5-e6 Rd1-f1+ Kf4-g3 Rf1-e1 e6-e7 Re1-g1+ Kg3-f2
30/32 02:05 571,550,819 4,552,412 +6.17 Bd6-b4 Rd7-b7 e5-e6 Bc4xe6 Qf5xe6+ Kg8-h8 Qe6xe4 Rb7-c7 Kh2-g3 Rc7-d7 Bb4-c3 Rd7-c7 Qe4-e5 Rc7-b7 Qe5-f4 Kh8-g8 Qf4-e4 Rb7-d7 Qe4-e6+ Kg8-h8 Kg3-g4 Rd7-c7 Bc3-e5 Rc7-d7 e3-e4 b6-b5 Qe6-c6 b5-b4 a3xb4 Rd7-d1 Qc6-c4 Rd1-d7
Dann Corbit wrote:wing wrote:found it!!
This one cannot be right, since black has no move Qf7:
5r1k/1P4pp/3P1p2/4p3/1P5P/3q2P1/Q2b2K1/B3R3 b - - bm Qf7;id "BT2450-04";
Probably, the color is reversed:
5r1k/1P4pp/3P1p2/4p3/1P5P/3q2P1/Q2b2K1/B3R3 w - - bm Qf7;id "BT2450-04";
Also, this one:
3r2k1/p2r2p1/1p1B2Pp/4PQ1P/2b1p3/P3P3/7K/8 w - - bm e6; c0 "Rubinstein-Keller 1. e6! bester Zug"; id "BT2450.27";
has the second best solution listed as the solution.
The move Bb4 probably wins faster:
- Code: Select all
30/33 02:05 571,550,819 4,552,339 +1.37 a3-a4 Kg8-h8 Qf5xe4 Rd8-c8 Qe4-f5 Rc8-d8 Qf5-g4 Bc4-d5 Kh2-g3 Bd5-g8 Qg4-e4 Bg8-b3 Qe4-c6 Kh8-g8 Kg3-h2 Bb3-e6 Qc6-c2 Rd8-e8 Kh2-g3 Rd7-d8 Qc2-c7 Rd8-d7 Qc7-c6 Re8-d8 Kg3-f4 Rd8-e8 e3-e4 Rd7-d8 Qc6-b7 Rd8-d7 Qb7-a6 Kg8-h8 Qa6-b5
30/31 02:05 571,550,819 4,552,339 +1.37 Kh2-g3 Kg8-h8 Qf5xe4 Bc4-e6 Qe4-c6 Rd8-e8 a3-a4 Rd7-d8 Qc6-b7 Rd8-d7 Qb7-a6 Be6-b3 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qa6xa5 Bb3-e6 Qa5-a6 Kh8-g8 e3-e4 Kg8-h8 Kg3-f4 Kh8-g8 Qa6-c6 Rd7-d8 Qc6-a4 Rd8-d7 Qa4-a6 Re8-d8 Kf4-g3 Rd8-e8 Kg3-f4
30/31 02:05 571,550,819 4,552,376 +1.37 Qf5xe4 Bc4-e6 Qe4-c6 Kg8-h8 Kh2-g3 Rd8-e8 a3-a4 Rd7-d8 Qc6-b7 Rd8-d7 Qb7-a6 Be6-b3 a4-a5 b6xa5 Qa6xa5 Bb3-e6 Qa5-a6 Kh8-g8 e3-e4 Kg8-h8 Kg3-f4 Kh8-g8 Qa6-c6 Rd7-d8 Qc6-a4 Rd8-d7 Qa4-a6 Re8-d8 Kf4-g3 Rd8-e8 Kg3-f4
30/49 02:05 571,550,819 4,552,376 +3.77 e5-e6 Rd7xd6 Qf5-f7+ Kg8-h8 e6-e7 Rd6-d2+ Kh2-g3 b6-b5 e7-e8Q+ Rd8xe8 Qf7xe8+ Bc4-g8 Qe8xb5 Rd2-d3 Qb5-c5 a7-a6 Kg3-g4 Rd3-d5 Qc5-b4 Rd5-d3 Kg4-f4 Rd3-d5 Qb4xe4 Rd5xh5 Qe4-c6 a6-a5 e3-e4 Rh5-h4+ Kf4-g3 Rh4-h1 e4-e5 Rh1-g1+ Kg3-f2 Rg1-g4 Qc6-e8 Rg4-f4+ Kf2-g3 Rf4-e4 Kg3-f3 Re4-e1 Kf3-f4 Re1-d1 e5-e6 Rd1-f1+ Kf4-g3 Rf1-e1 e6-e7 Re1-g1+ Kg3-f2
30/32 02:05 571,550,819 4,552,412 +6.17 Bd6-b4 Rd7-b7 e5-e6 Bc4xe6 Qf5xe6+ Kg8-h8 Qe6xe4 Rb7-c7 Kh2-g3 Rc7-d7 Bb4-c3 Rd7-c7 Qe4-e5 Rc7-b7 Qe5-f4 Kh8-g8 Qf4-e4 Rb7-d7 Qe4-e6+ Kg8-h8 Kg3-g4 Rd7-c7 Bc3-e5 Rc7-d7 e3-e4 b6-b5 Qe6-c6 b5-b4 a3xb4 Rd7-d1 Qc6-c4 Rd1-d7
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