Harry wrote:9250 <second: feature myname="Aristarch 4.50 (c) 2004 Stefan Zipproth"
9250 >second: accepted myname
9250 <second: feature variants="nocastle"
9250 >second: accepted variants
As the second engine Aristarch will never play normal chess as a winboard engine in two machine mode in wb 4.6.2. Winboard says: second engine does not play this. If Aristarch is the first engine, it works fine.
Well, this is desired behavior, right? If Aristarch does not play normal Chess, it should not be used in a two-machines game of normal Chess. I suppose everything would work fine if you switched the variant to 'nocastle' before clicking Two Machines.
That it works when Aristarch is the first engine should be considered a bug. I don't want to let WinBoard exit immediately when the first engine does not play the current variant, though, but give the user the opportunity to switch variant through the menu, in stead. It really is a disastrous situation, though, because WinBoard uses the first engine in any mode, even Edit Position, to check move legality. But I am not sue how to solve that. I can gray out all menu items, but there is no mode I can switch WB to that would not need the engine.
A non coventional move input from a machine or you type in a move like f2f1Q, then winboard parse it as a correct move and send it to the (other) machine. But many engines, or some engines, I don't know, get tears in the eyes and explain such moves as illegal. The old winboard, I tested it with version 4.2.7, change such moves to f2f1q or n and so on and for all the universe is all right.
Hmm, I thought I fixed that before, so we might have a regression here. Or perhaps I only fixed it for when the opponent engine says such a thing. Users rarely type moves. I will check it.
[Edit] OK, it should be fixed now in the
beta version. The error might have crept in with the new parser. I convert any alphabetic promo character to lower case now immediately in the parser, so this should not occur anymore. Thanks for reporting.