I run a computer account on fics (critterbot) which uses critter for chess and wild variants and tjchess for crazyhouse. When I use critter, an UCI engine and I want to autojoin tourneys, I must use zippygameend command to send a few commands to the server in order to join tourneys. With this I have no problem.
However when I use tjchess, a winboard engine, I do not want to join any chess tourney; the rating of tjchess in normal chess on my computer might be around 2000, compared to 2700 of critter. The problem is that tjchess auto joins chess tourneys on FICS (blitz, lightning and standard), without me sending any command to auto join.
So I don't really know why tjchess auto joins tourneys on FICS.
I run critter with
- Code: Select all
timeseal 5000 -p 5501&
xboard -ics -icshost localhost -icsport 5501 -icslogon =/home/isaac/Games/critteronfics/critterstart.bin -zp -fUCI -fcp /usr/games/critter -zippyGameEnd \"lin0\\nlin1\\nlin2\\nlin3\\nlin4\\nlin5\\nlin6\"
- Code: Select all
timeseal 5000 -p 5501&
xboard -ics -icshost localhost -icsport 5501 -icslogon =/home/isaac/Games/TJchessFICS/tjchessstart.bin -zp -cp -fd /home/isaac/Games/TJchessFICS -fcp ./tjchess -zippyGameEnd \"seek 1 0 zh\\nseek 2 0 zh\\nseek 3 0 zh\"
I repeat once more: critter does not auto joins tourneys while tjchess does. I do not want to auto join chess tourneys for tjchess but I don't know how to fix this.
I've read on the Internet about icsdroneeng (http://sourceforge.net/projects/icsdrone/files/) and it seems that apparently in the latest version of this program, autoJoin is auto set on "on". I have tried many different commands to use "-autoJoin off" without any success (all crashed).
Do you have any idea why tjchess auto joins tourney? How can I fix this?
Thanks in advance!