Ok, we have progress. It turns out the syntax on one of my ICS vars settings was incorrect. The human is now able to challenge Myrddin to a wild 20 game, load a fen, and then make a move, after which Myrddin will respond and the game will play normally to its conclusion....but ONLY if the fen has white to move. If black is to move, then it appears Winboard never sends the human's first move to Myrddin so it never knows that it is on the move. We tried this with several positions. White always worked and Black always failed.
Here's the relevant portion from the winboard debug file for one attempt. I can provide as many as you like if necessary. Note that the resignation was forced by me when it was obvious that Myrddin was not thinking.
<ICS: \015\012Challenge: frentz (1765) [black] MyrddinComp (2585) unrated wild(20) Loadgame 3 3\015\012You may accept this with "accept frentz", decline it with\015\012"decline frentz", or propose different parameters.\015\012\007aics%
ics input 0, castling = 7 0 4 7 0 4
recognized 'wild(20)' (20) as variant normal
>ICS: /accept frentz\015\012
<ICS: Creating: frentz (1765) [black] MyrddinComp (2585) unrated wild(20) Loadgame 3 3\015\012\007You accept the challenge of frentz.\015\012"Seeking" ad #32 removed.\015\012"Seeking" ad #48 removed.\015\012"Seeking" ad #202 removed.\015\012{Game 1535 (MyrddinComp vs. frentz) Creating unrated wild(20) match.} *\015\012\015\012<12> rnbqkbnr pppppppp -------- -------- -------- -------- PPPPPPPP RNBQKBNR W -1 1 1 1 1 0 1535 MyrddinComp frentz 1 3 3 39 39 180 180 1 none (0:00) none 0\015\012The players have agreed that disconnection will count as a forfeit.\015\012aics%
ics input 0, castling = 7 0 4 7 0 4
Ratings from 'Creating:' frentz 1765, MyrddinComp 2585
recognized 'unrated wild(20) match.' (20) as variant normal
recognized 'unrated wild(20) match.' (20) as variant normal
Switch board from normal to normal
shuffleOpenings = 0
<ICS: \015\012Game 1535: frentz does loadfen r1b1r1k1/pp3p2/2p2qn1/4p1p1/4PnPp/2PBNP2/PPQ2R1P/R3N2K b - - 0 1.\015\012\015\012<12> r-b-r-k- pp---p-- --p--qn- ----p-p- ----PnPp --PBNP-- PPQ--R-P R---N--K B -1 0 0 0 0 0 1535 MyrddinComp frentz -1 3 3 35 35 180 177 1 none (0:00) none 0\015\012aics%
ics input 0, castling = 7 0 4 7 0 4
Parsing board: r-b-r-k- pp---p-- --p--qn- ----p-p- ----PnPp --PBNP-- PPQ--R-P R---N--K B -1 0 0 0 0 0 1535 MyrddinComp frentz -1 3 3 35 35 180 177 1 none (0:00) none 0
>ICS: /moves 1535\015\012
recognized 'ICS unrated wild(20) match' (20) as variant normal
ParseBoard says variant = 'ICS unrated wild(20) match'
recognized as normal
Remembered ratings: W 2585, B 1765
load 8x8 board
13920 >first : variant normal
13920 >first : level 0 3 3
13920 >first : name frentz
13920 >first : rating 2585 1765
parseboard 1, castling = 45 45 7 45 45 6
accepted move none from ICS, parse it.
moveNum = 1
board = 0-8 x 8
Move parsed to 'none (0:00)'
nps: w=-1, b=-1
Display title 'MyrddinComp (35) vs. frentz (35) {3 3 normal}, gameInfo.variant = 1'
<ICS: \015\012MyrddinComp (2585) vs. frentz (1765) --- 2014.01.10 00:29:46 \015\012Unrated wild(20) match, initial time: 3 minutes, increment: 3 seconds\015\012\015\012<12> r-b-r-k- pp---p-- --p--qn- ----p-p- ----PnPp --PBNP-- PPQ--R-P R---N--K B -1 0 0 0 0 0 1535 MyrddinComp frentz -3 3 3 35 35 180 177 1 none (0:00) none 0\015\012\012Move MyrddinComp frentz \015\012---- ---------------- ----------------\015\012 {Game in progress} *\015\012aics%
ics input 1, castling = 45 45 7 45 45 6
recognized 'ICS Unrated wild(20) match' (20) as variant normal
Parsing board: r-b-r-k- pp---p-- --p--qn- ----p-p- ----PnPp --PBNP-- PPQ--R-P R---N--K B -1 0 0 0 0 0 1535 MyrddinComp frentz -3 3 3 35 35 180 177 1 none (0:00) none 0
load 8x8 board
Parsing game history: MyrddinComp frentz
---- ---------------- ----------------
{Game in progress} *
Feeding position and moves 1 through 1 to first chess program
14000 >first : variant normal
14000 >first : force
write FEN 50-move: 0 1 1
e1. p=-4
14000 >first : setboard r1b1r1k1/pp3p2/2p2qn1/4p1p1/4PnPp/2PBNP2/PPQ2R1P/R3N2K b - - 0 1
14000 >first : time 18000
14000 >first : otim 17700
14000 >first : playother
<ICS: \007\015\012<12> r-b-r-k- pp---p-- --p--qn- ----p-p- ----P-Pp --PnNP-- PPQ--R-P R---N--K W -1 0 0 0 0 0 1535 MyrddinComp frentz 1 3 3 32 35 180 173 2 N/f4-d3 (0:10) Nxd3 0\015\012aics%
ics input 1, castling = 45 45 7 45 45 6
Parsing board: r-b-r-k- pp---p-- --p--qn- ----p-p- ----P-Pp --PnNP-- PPQ--R-P R---N--K W -1 0 0 0 0 0 1535 MyrddinComp frentz 1 3 3 32 35 180 173 2 N/f4-d3 (0:10) Nxd3 0
load 8x8 board
parseboard 2, castling = 45 45 7 45 45 6
accepted move Nxd3 from ICS, parse it.
moveNum = 2
board = 0-8 x 8
Move parsed to 'Nxd3 (0:10)'
nps: w=-1, b=-1
Display title 'MyrddinComp (32) vs. frentz (35) {3 3 normal}, gameInfo.variant = 1'
<ICS: aics%
ics input 2, castling = 45 45 7 45 45 6
>ICS: resign\015\012
<ICS: {Game 1535 (MyrddinComp vs. frentz) MyrddinComp resigns} 0-1\015\012Game was not rated. No rating adjustment.\015\012aics%
ics input 2, castling = 45 45 7 45 45 6
GameEnds(26, MyrddinComp resigns, 0)
write FEN 50-move: 0 2 1
e1. p=-4
e2. p=-2
33799 >first : result 0-1 {MyrddinComp resigns}
33799 >first : quit
The only obvious (to my eyes) weird thing is the "accepted move none", although I have no idea what that means or if it really is weird or not. But you can see that later on the human played Nxd3, which Winboard recognized but did not send to Myrddin.
Any ideas? Now that it is working, would it help to coordinate a time in which you could try this on ICC or FICS? Whatever works for you. Many thanks in advance....