by H.G.Muller » 28 Apr 2014, 13:17
It should be where you asked to install it when running the installer (and then in the WinBoard sub-folder). By default this is C:\WinBoard-4.7.3\WinBoard.
The installer creates items in the Windows start menu to start WinBoard in various modes, but also one to get directly to the WinBoard folder, no matter where you installed it.
Clicking on winboard.exe there would start WinBoard in default mode (i.e. through the Startup Dialog, so that you can specify there exactly what you want). You can also click on any .xop file, which are files that contain lists of options, to start WinBoard with those options. (The installer associates .xop files with XBoard, if you did not untick that.) Or you could drag the .xop file on top of the winboard.exe icon, to achieve the same. That should work for all file types associated with WinBoard: if you drag a PGN file on top of it, it should start in Game Viewer mode for that game file, if you drag a .trn tourney file on top of it, it starts playing for that tourney, etc.