Gnuchess book

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Moderator: Andres Valverde

Re: Gnuchess book

Postby H.G.Muller » 02 May 2014, 13:41

The correct syntax is

Code: Select all
xboard -fcp ./gnuchess -fd ./gnuchess/gnuchess-6.1.1/src -zp -ics -icshost

(I never understood why -ics is not implied by -icshost, or, alternatively, why -icshost does not have a default URL, but that is how it always has been. You have to give -ics to get XBoard in ICS mode, and then specify the ISC as well. Recommended is to get a timeseal somewhere and install it, and then also add -icshelper timeseal, to not have the network lag count against you.)
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Re: Gnuchess book

Postby matrix101 » 02 May 2014, 15:42


It`s quite strage that if I type "xboard" in terminal window the board is green and light green and if I prepend "sudo" to the xboard command the board is white and orange.
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Re: Gnuchess book

Postby H.G.Muller » 02 May 2014, 16:00

That is not so strange: by 'sudo' you become another user, (namely 'root') and each user has its own settings.
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Re: Gnuchess book

Postby matrix101 » 02 May 2014, 20:49


I have not studied C/C++ very deeply yet, but to get me on the right foot I need a good C++ guide (I haven`t got one in my hands yet!). It is worth mention though that I need to understand the Standard Library first.

First, C++ has some advantages compared to C.

1) Any time the computer can handle checking something instead of relying on the irrational mind it`s good. For example creating types that protect invariants and doing so in an automated way. In C++ the compiler can enforce this.

Back to the original topic I don`t know if there is much difference between the standard libraries of C and C++. Anyway, I found these:

I download STL (v3.3) as a tar file and then compile?

I thought STL would be included in gcc++ obviously not

I have no experience on STL but I think they are related to #include stuff
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Re: Gnuchess book

Postby p3hzucn » 01 Nov 2017, 17:41 ... 02daddbook

book_1.02.pgn --> book.bin

1. Change the GNUChess.ini file. (Book = true; OwnBook = true; BookFile = book_1.02.pgn)

Book = true
BookFile = book_1.02.pgn
OwnBook = true # false for no book (e.g. Nunn-like matches)
BookFile = book_1.02.pgn

2. Click the GNUChess.exe file.
The syntax to add a new book is: book add file.pgn
Enter command in rows: book add book_1.02.pgn

GNU Chess 6.2.4
Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Licence GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it
There is NO WARANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
White (1): book add book_1.02.pgn

3. If the book.bin file is complete, edit the GNUChess.ini file.
(Book = true; OwnBook = true; BookFile = book.bin)

Book = true
BookFile = book.bin
OwnBook = true # false for no book (e.g. Nunn-like matches)
BookFile = book.bin
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