Engine and human moves with Winboard

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Engine and human moves with Winboard

Postby abc » 01 May 2018, 21:28


Thanks to some tutorials out there, I was able to get Crafty and Stockfish running with Winboard on an ICS (using the engine in such a way as to not violate any rules, of course). With the current setup, the engine automatically makes all the moves and I have no control at all. My question is whether it would be possible to occasionally insert my own moves in the game before the engine has made its move, allowing my opponents to play more of a human and machine duo. Or would it be possible to play my own moves entirely with the engine running in the background and only giving suggestions?

Thanks for any help with this! I've tried several chess programs including BabasChess, Arena, and Thief, and Winboard was the only one that seemed to allow me to use an engine online without disabling that feature for fear of cheating, or whatever other reason. So again, thanks for making this functionality available.

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