1. In ics mode (-ics specified) the engine starts up and then you can start a game (via "match") but xboard does not send the egtpath command (and also not "cores" or "memory"), not before the game is started and not after starting it. "egtpath" gets sent at the end of the game, after "result."
Command line for case 1:
xboard -keepAlive 5 -debugMode true -ics -zp -ponder -icshost winboard.nl -egtFormats "syzygy:/home/jdart/chess/syzygy" -fcp "/home/jdart/dev\
/arasan-chess/bin/arasanx-64-bmi2 -H 32G -c 24 -ics -t" -fd "/home/jdart/dev/arasan-chess/bin"
2. In offline mode, playing a match, egtpath and the other commands are sent right away after the engine sends "feature done=1" (they are sent after "result," too).
Command line for case 2:
xboard -debugMode true -zp -ponder -mg 10 -smpCores 12 -tc 5:0 -inc 1 -egtFormats "syzygy:/home/jdart/chess/syzygy" -fcp "/home/jdart/dev/ara\
san-chess/bin/arasanx-64-bmi2 -H 256m -c 12 -ics -t" -fd /home/jdart/dev/arasan-chess/bin -scp /home/jdart/chess/engines/crafty-25.2/crafty -\
sd /home/jdart/chess/engines/crafty-25.2
In both cases, the engine has sent "feature egt=syzygy".
log for the "deferred" case (case 1) follows (I think this is incorrect behavior).
- Code: Select all
271 <first : Arasan v21.3.0-18-g2fd572f Copyright 1994-2019 by Jon Dart. All Rights Reserved.
10219 >first : new
10219 >first : post
10219 >first : hard
<ICS: \012\015 _ __ __ __ \012\015 | | / /__ / /________ ____ ___ __\
_ / /_____ \012\015 | | /| / / _ \/ / ___/ __ \/ __ `__ \/ _ \ / __/ __ \\012\015 | |/ |/ / __/ / /__/ /_/ / / /\
/ / / __/ / /_/ /_/ /\012\015 |__/|__/\___/_/\___/\____/_/ /_/ /_/\___/ \__/\____/ \012\015 ^^__ \
_ _ _ \012\015 / - \_ | || || |\012\015 <| \
__< H.G.M's Variant Chess Server |_______|\012\015 <| \ \\
__ ___ /\012\015 <| \ |___|_|\012\015 <|______\ \
|_|___|\012\015 _|____|_ |___|_|\012\015 (________) \
(_______)\012\015 /________\
ics input 0, castling = 7 0 4 7 0 4
<ICS: /_______\ \012\015 \012\015\012\015Head admin : admin Complaints to : NO\
T_CONFIGURED\012\015Server location: NOT_CONFIGURED Server version : 2.2.x-DEVEL\012\015Server name : NOT_CONFIGURED\012\015\012\015If you\
are not a registered player enter the login name "guest"\012\015login:
ics input 0, castling = 7 0 4 7 0 4
21265 <first : # starting poll thread
21265 <first : # got cmd (main): xboard
21265 <first : # calling do_command(main):xboard
21265 <first : # do_command: xboard
21265 <first : # move text = xboard
21265 <first : # got cmd (main): protover 2
21265 <first : # calling do_command(main):protover 2
21265 <first : # do_command: protover 2
21265 <first : feature name=1 setboard=1 san=1 usermove=1 ping=1 ics=1 playother=0 sigint=0 colors=0 analyze=1 debug=1 memory=1 smp=1 variant\
s="normal" egt="syzygy" option="Favor frequent book moves -spin 50 1 100" option="Favor best book moves -spin 50 1 100" option="Favor high-we\
ighted book moves -spin 50 1 100" option="Can resign -check 1" option="Position learning -check 1" option="Strength -spin 100 0 100" option="\
Move overhead -spin 30 0 1000"
21265 >first : accepted name
21265 >first : accepted setboard
21265 >first : accepted san
21265 >first : accepted usermove
21265 >first : accepted ping
21265 >first : accepted ics
21265 >first : accepted playother
21265 >first : accepted sigint
21265 >first : accepted colors
21265 >first : accepted analyze
21265 >first : accepted debug
21265 >first : accepted memory
21265 >first : accepted smp
21265 >first : accepted variants
21265 >first : accepted egt
21265 >first : accepted option
21265 >first : accepted option
21265 >first : accepted option
21265 >first : accepted option
21265 >first : accepted option
21265 >first : accepted option
21265 >first : accepted option
21265 <first : myname="Arasan v21.3.0-18-g2fd572f"
21265 <first : feature done=0
21266 >first : accepted done
21281 <first : found 6-man Syzygy tablebases in directory /home/jdart/chess/syzygy:/home/jdart/chess/syzygy-6man/wdl:/home/jdart/chess/syzygy\
21281 <first : feature done=1
21281 >first : accepted done
21281 <first : # got cmd (main): new
21281 <first : # calling do_command(main):new
21281 <first : # do_command: new
21281 <first : # in save_game
21281 <first : # game_moves=0
21281 <first : # out of save_game
>ICS: arasanx\015\012
<ICS: \377\373\001
ics input 0, castling = 7 0 4 7 0 4
<WILL ECHO >DO ECHO <ICS: \012\015"ArasanX" is a registered name. If it is yours, type the password.\012\015If not, just hit return to try a\
nother name.\012\015\012\015password:
ics input 0, castling = 7 0 4 7 0 4
<WILL ECHO >ICS: ******\015\012
<ICS: \377\374\001
ics input 0, castling = 7 0 4 7 0 4
<WONT ECHO >DONT ECHO <ICS: The HD of the old server machine suffered a head crash. As a result all \012\015accounts have been lost, and peop\
le should register anew.\012\015__________________________________________________________________________ \012\015Do 'help' for a list of th\
e commands that are available.\012\015Do 'help admins' for admin information, "=admin" for a list of all admins.\012\015Do 'help ficsfaq' for\
answers to frequently asked questions.\012\015__________________________________________________________________________\012\015\012\015\012\
ics input 0, castling = 7 0 4 7 0 4
<WONT ECHO >ICS: alias $ @\015\012$set interface xboard 4.9.1 + arasanx-64-bmi2\015\012$iset startpos 1\015\012$iset ms 1\015\012$iset lock 1\
\015\012$style 12\015\012
>ICS: set width 80\015\012
<ICS: Alias $ replaced.\012\015fics%
ics input 0, castling = 7 0 4 7 0 4
<ICS: fics% startpos set\012\015fics% ms set\012\015fics% lock set\012\015fics% Style 12 set.\012\015fics% Width set to 80.\012\015fics%
ics input 0, castling = 7 0 4 7 0 4
>ICS: who\015\012
<ICS: \012\0152039 ArasanX(C) 1493 Bliep(C) 781 POS(C) \012\0151931 rpiStockfish(C) 1478 rpiFruit(C) ----:m\
amer(TD) \012\0151538 rpiMinkoChess(C) 1152 rpiEmbla(C) \012\0151531 Floyd(C) 1042 rpiBikjump(C) \012\015\012\015 1\
0 players displayed (of 10). (*) indicates system administrator.\012\015fics%
ics input 0, castling = 7 0 4 7 0 4
29974 <first : kib Hello from Arasan v21.3.0-18-g2fd572f
29974 <first : # finished 'new' processing
29974 <first : # got cmd (main): random
29974 <first : # calling do_command(main):random
29974 <first : # do_command: random
29974 <first : # do_command: random
29974 <first : # got cmd (main): post
29974 <first : # calling do_command(main):post
29974 <first : # do_command: post
29974 <first : # got cmd (main): hard
29974 <first : # calling do_command(main):hard
29974 <first : # do_command: hard
29974 <first : # got cmd (main): accepted name
29974 <first : # calling do_command(main):accepted name
29975 <first : # do_command: accepted done
29975 <first : # move text = accepted done
>ICS: match rpistockfish 3 1 u\015\012
<ICS: Issuing: ArasanX (2039) rpiStockfish (1931) unrated blitz 3 1.\012\015--** rpiStockfish is a computer **--\012\015fics%
ics input 0, castling = 7 0 4 7 0 4
<ICS: \012\015rpiStockfish accepts your challenge.\012\015fics% \012\015Creating: rpiStockfish (1931) ArasanX (2039) unrated blitz 3 1\012\01\
5\012\015{Game 1 (rpiStockfish vs. ArasanX) Creating unrated blitz match.}\012\015\012\015<12> rnbqkbnr pppppppp -------- -------- -------- -\
------- PPPPPPPP RNBQKBNR W -1 1 1 1 1 0 1 rpiStockfish ArasanX -1 3 1 39 39 180 180 1 none (0:00) none 1 0\012\015fics%
ics input 0, castling = 7 0 4 7 0 4
Ratings from 'Creating:' rpiStockfish 1931, ArasanX 2039
recognized 'unrated blitz match.' (-1) as variant normal
Parsing board: rnbqkbnr pppppppp -------- -------- -------- -------- PPPPPPPP RNBQKBNR W -1 1 1 1 1 0 1 rpiStockfish ArasanX -1 3 1 39 39 180\
180 1 none (0:00) none 1 0
recognized 'ICS unrated blitz match' (-1) as variant normal
ParseBoard says variant = 'ICS unrated blitz match'
recognized as normal
Remembered ratings: W 1931, B 2039
load 8x8 board
43531 >first : level 0 3 1
43532 >first : computer
43532 >first : name rpiStockfish
43532 >first : rating 2039 1931
Display title 'rpiStockfish(39) ArasanX(39) {3 1}, gameInfo.variant = 0'
43534 <first : # got cmd (main): level 0 3 1
43534 <first : # calling do_command(main):level 0 3 1
43534 <first : # do_command: level 0 3 1
43540 <first : # got cmd (main): computer
43540 <first : # calling do_command(main):computer
43540 <first : # do_command: computer
43540 <first : # got cmd (main): name rpiStockfish
43540 <first : # calling do_command(main):name rpiStockfish
43540 <first : # do_command: name rpiStockfish
43540 <first : # got cmd (main): rating 2039 1931
43540 <first : # calling do_command(main):rating 2039 1931
43540 <first : # do_command: rating 2039 1931
43540 <first : # contempt (calculated from ratings) = +0.27
<ICS: \012\015<12> rnbqkbnr pppppppp -------- -------- -------- -----N-- PPPPPPPP RNBQKB-R B -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rpiStockfish ArasanX 1 3 1 39 39 \
180 180 1 N/g1-f3 (0:00) Nf3 1 0\012\015fics%
ics input 0, castling = 7 0 4 7 0 4
Parsing board: rnbqkbnr pppppppp -------- -------- -------- -----N-- PPPPPPPP RNBQKB-R B -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 rpiStockfish ArasanX 1 3 1 39 39 180 \
180 1 N/g1-f3 (0:00) Nf3 1 0