Well, if you don't know CB-Emu, I think I should first explain it a bit:
CB-Emu is a program that emulates around 400 old chess computers (Fidelity, Mephisto, Novag, Saitek, Tasc etc.).
Since some of these old chess computer are rather complicated to operate (if you don't know them), I've included
a special version (called 'MessChess') in CB-Emu that allows to use these emulated engines e.g. with WinBoard.
For this purpose MessChess uses a plugin that acts as interface between WinBoard and the emulated chess computer.
If you start MessChess and select any of these old engines, then it automatically starts WinBoard together with the
emulated engine, and for WinBoard it looks as if the engine would be a usual WB-engine.
If you would like to try this MessChess - the link is on my website:
https://fhub.jimdofree.com/ (the program is CB-Emu_Pro)
CB-Emu is the main program and the included MessChess is the sub-version that uses WinBoard as GUI.
Now about about the problem with this 'Edit Game' mode in WinBoard:
Let's assume WinBoard has been started by MessChess and has loaded the specified engine.
Now I would like to enter the first few moves manually (for both sides, i.e. without the chess engine responding), so I use
'Edit Game' and WinBoard sends a 'force' command to the engine (resp. to the plugin in MessChess) - so far all is ok.
The problem is, that not all of these old chess computers have such an 'Edit' mode that allows to enter a sequence
of moves. When the plugin receives this 'force' command from WinBoard, it checks if the chess engine supports this mode,
and if not then I get a popup message "MultiMove not supported!" from the plugin.
What should I do now? I can't abort this (non-supported) 'Edit' mode, because WinBoard doesn't allow me to uncheck 'Edit Game'
again, and if I would just make my first (white) move, the engine will respond with it's first (black) countermove.
But Winboard doesn't expect any countermove in the 'Edit' mode, so there's now a situation where WinBoard and the emulated engine
are not synchronized anymore, and there's no way to continue anyhow.
That's the reason why I would like being able to deactivate (i.e. switch off) this 'Edit Game' mode again in WinBoard!
And what should Winboard do after switching off the 'Edit' mode?
Well, it should just go back to it's previous mode (or state) before I've switched on 'Edit Game' - that's just the mode that is active
immediately after starting WinBoard (with a loaded engine) or whenever it's the users turn to move during a usual chess game.
In this mode (which I would simply call 'Playing' mode) only one of the options 'Machine White' or 'Machine Black' (but nothing else)
is checked, and I can either enter my own move or tell the engine to make a move by using 'Machine White (or Black)'.
I'm sure you know the Arena GUI, and there you can just click the 'Edit' button to switch on 'Edit' mode, and clicking again on this
'Edit' button switches off this mode again.
I would say it is the usual behaviour of any option which can be switched on, that it also can be switched off again by clicking on
this option (or button) a 2nd time - not only in chess GUIs, but in almost every Windows program I know.
The other problem (after loading a PGN game) is not really a serious problem but rather an inconvenience:
after the game is loaded, I would prefer WinBoard to be in the same 'playing' mode as I've described above, so that I could
immediately enter my own move (e.g. to continue a not-finished game) without having to explicitely switch to 'Edit' mode first.
I just think that these 2 extra clicks 'Mode > Edit Game' should not be necessary to continue the game - WinBoard should be
in the same state/mode as if the game has just been 'played' instead of having been loaded from a PGN file.