Moderator: Andres Valverde
Vladimir Xern wrote:I realize that this is rather insignificant, but I felt like I should report it nonetheless.
Marc Lacrosse wrote:Your improved winboard-x is more and more impressive ! I am really in love with it
Marc Lacrosse wrote:Recording of the first evaluated value when leaving the book is a very interesting feature! Maybe it could be interesting to have a simple utility for exporting all these positions in a EPD file (with the evaluations as opcodes).
Daniel Shawul wrote:A little comment: Now that the engine out put window is there, i dont think there is a need for the older analysis window.
Dann Corbit wrote:The RC file won't load.
Thomas Mayer wrote:Yesterday I had a problem with the analysis-window: after some games I did an analysis and got every 2 seconds a repetition of the current line in the engine output window.
Thomas Mayer wrote:The old analysis window did use a feature of WB Prot. II -> it was always visible which move is currently searched by the engine.
Thomas Mayer wrote:It is possible to copy lines from the output window, but it would be nice to have some kind of button for that.
Thomas Mayer wrote:During games, you delete the output window after every new move. This shouldn't happen while in ponder - it would be better not to clear the window when the ponder move was made. A possibility to recognize that is e.g. when the depth of the new line is smaller then the depth of the last line -> then it was usually not the ponder move. (If that is easier then to recognize the pondermove itself)
Thomas Mayer wrote:It would be nice to have some kind of debug-window. Just a window which shows the same output that is written into the winboard.debug file.
Thomas Mayer wrote:Anyway: simply fantastic, winboard is back... Well, it was never away...
Thomas Mayer wrote:P.S.: I haven't tested it yet, but in old winboard the colours at ICS mode were gone when Zippy is used. Is that still the same with your version? Because Daniel Mehrmann sent me once a version where the colours (of the ics-text) were back again. This was great !
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