Just want to make a note that I've put a 2.0 beta of Neurosis on my website.
It's the version that played in Leiden last November, but my interest has been low since then, and haven't worked on it since. The 2.0 version of my 3D-gui isn't ready, so it's just a Winboard-executable. You can use it when you have or download the 1.91 zipfile and replace the older Neurosis.exe (the Winboard-compatible file) file with the newer one.
Tactically it's almost the same as 1.91, but I had retuned my evaluation. (most static terms multiplied by two, and other things better balanced.) Tactically it's slower/extremely slow now, (the reason it loses most of it's games..) but positionally it's not the worst. Also it's very stable and I'm happy with it.
I might still finish up my Gui for release again, (It can ponder in N3D now. Tried that last November in Leiden too but then I found a bug in it and had to go back to Winboard again. ) and enter with it in Leiden in May, if not, then this is the last of Neurosis.
I did start on a new chessprogram a while ago, but that might never come off the ground or take a really long time. Atleast the point now is to be extremely selective and unsafe in search to reach big depths, instead of being extremely safe and conservative, as with Neurosis. (that didn't work too well for chess-strength. )