I thought I'd put up a download for this version instead of letting it gather dust. (I haven't done any chess programming for a month, other than finally adding support for en passant in FEN copy and paste a few days ago.)
This is an intermediate version, the idea was to completely change the eval (Make the eval more bloated while increasing lazy eval) and the search too (by adding a tactical quiescence search that includes checks and other moves.) I haven't done nearly all this though, so I don't claim this isn't mostly still the same Slow Chess. A lot of the King Safety and Passed Pawn scoring are new at least. Many other smaller eval changes and search changes (ie. finds some backrow mates in the QSearch now, etc.)
This one also has personality support (add -agg, -con or -dep to the command line, "slow.exe -agg", these are almost surely weaker than default.) I haven't made a personality editor yet, but next version will have full support of this.
I make no playing strength claims, but it's different enough it might be fun to test.