An interesting testposition (Rybka shows 15 nps)

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An interesting testposition (Rybka shows 15 nps)

Postby Piotr Cichy » 07 Aug 2006, 20:07

In the following position:

8/1ppppp2/1NRpnNp1/1PBPqPk1/1KbQRrp1/1PrPbBn1/3PPP2/8 w - - 0 1
[diag]8/1ppppp2/1NRpnNp1/1PBPqPk1/1KbQRrp1/1PrPbBn1/3PPP2/8 w - - 0 1[/diag]

Rybka shows only 15 nodes per second on Athlon64 3000+ :D

Some engines need even a few minutes to analyze this posiotion to depth 1!
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Piotr Cichy
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Re: An interesting testposition (Rybka shows 15 nps)

Postby Reinhard Scharnagl » 07 Aug 2006, 20:58

SMIRF is keeping cool:

01:08.0 (09.01=) +4.889 1.Qxe5 (=/=) Bxc5+ 2.Kxc3 Nxe2+ 3.Bxe2 dxe5 4.bxc4 dxc6 5.dxe6 exf6 6.Rxf4 exf4 7.e7 Bxb6 8.e8=Q gxf5
00:43.2 (08.01=) +4.410 1.Qxe5 (=/=) Bxc5+ 2.Kxc3 Nxe2+ 3.Bxe2 dxe5 4.bxc4 dxc6 5.dxe6 exf6 6.Rxf4 exf4 7.e7 Bxb6 8.e8=Q gxf5
00:24.4 (07.01=) +3.783 1.Qxe5 (=/=) Bxc5+ 2.Kxc3 Nxe2+ 3.Bxe2 dxe5 4.bxc4 dxc6 5.fxe6 cxb6 6.Rxf4 exf4 7.Nxg4 fxe6 8.dxc6 bxc6
00:20.1 (06.01=) +4.166 1.Qxe5 (=/=) dxe5 2.fxg3 Bxc5+ 3.Kxc3 dxc6 4.gxf4+ Nxf4 5.bxc4 exf6 6.Rxf4 exf4 7.bxc6 gxf3 8.cxb7 cxb6
00:10.1 (05.01=) +4.166 1.Qxe5 (=/=) dxe5 2.fxg3 Nd8 3.gxf4+ Bxf4
00:08.8 (04.01=) +4.115 1.Qxe5 (Rxe5) dxe5 2.fxg3 Nd8 3.gxf4+ Bxf4
00:03.8 (03.01=) +3.508 1.Qxe5 (Rxe5) dxe5 2.fxg3 Nd8
00:02.6 (02.02=) +3.508 1.Qxe5 (Rxe5) dxe5 2.fxg3 Rc2
00:01.4 (02.02+) +1.471 1.Qxe5 (Rxe5) dxe5 2.dxc3 dxc6 3.Rxf4 Bxf4 4.Nxc4 Nxc5 5.fxg3 Nxd3+ 6.exd3 gxf3
00:00.9 (02.02+) -0.162 1.Qxe5 (Rxe5) dxe5 2.dxc3 dxc6 3.Rxf4 Bxf4 4.bxc4 cxb6
00:00.1 (02.01+) -0.637 1.Rxe5 (=/=) Nxd4 2.Bxd4 dxc6 3.dxc3 dxe5 4.bxc4 exd4 5.fxe3 cxb6 6.exf4+ Kxf6
00:00.0 (02.01+) -1.453 1.Rxe5 (=/=) Nxd4 2.Bxd4 dxc6 3.dxc3 dxe5 4.bxc4 exd4 5.fxe3 cxb6 6.exf4+ Kxf6

Reinhard Scharnagl
Posts: 608
Joined: 01 Oct 2004, 08:36
Location: Klein-Gerau, Germany

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