For those brave enough to test an unfinished and possibly unstable new program, Glaurung 2-epsilon ("two minus epsilon") is now available for download from the Glaurung web site. At the moment, only the source code and binaries for Mac OS X are included. Windows and Linux executable will follow soon.
This is a complete rewrite of Glaurung; the name is almost the only thing that remains of the old program. The new program is still far from complete, and lacks important features like parallel search, multi-PV mode, and configurable engine parameters. The style of play is dull, passive and ugly because of lack of chess knowledge. Don't expect to see any attractive attacking games in the style of Glaurung 1.x.
If this doesn't put you off, give it a try. I think the current version is at least as strong as Glaurung 1.2.1 (assuming that both engines use only a single CPU). The missing features and knowledge will be added gradually, beginning with the parallel search.
Have fun!