H.G.Muller wrote:You dont really need BayesElo for that; the expression for the standard error is quite simple and follows directly from statistical theory...
Good to know that my results were aware the theory.
H.G.Muller wrote:...[more theory snipped]
... In general, error margins in tournaments with wildly different participants will be larger than those where all participants are similar, for the same number of games. Because many games then really do not give you any information at all...
Well I didn't want to disprove that. I've chosen engines which
a) run flawless at bullet time controls and
b) get a score of at least 20% in the testing group, so that even the last one gets a half or whole point from no. 1 from time to time.
I'm going to use that results as a base for comparision for other tests. First results for different Polyglot and Glaurung books can be expected tomorrow.