Some engines allow to adjust the playing strength. This is very good for me because even abn engine from the bottom of the rating lists are often too strong for me. Not to speak about the medium or upper range.
I dislike it when the engines move immediately (as Phalanx does) instead they should immitade a normal time usage (for example Shredder or ProDeo).
I made a few tests with Beowulf, Shredder, ProDeo and Homer. All of them at the weakest possible level. I took Xadreco, Surprise, Hoiches and GreKo to compare. Some observations so far:
Homer and BeoWulf are not getting really weak. Homer plays almost at the original level.
ProDeo and Shredder are doing really well. ProDeo seems to get really weak and managed it to lose all games in one round. (Think of the opponents!)
Xadreco is a bit delicate regarding the color. If it plays first white in a 2-game match it chrashes as black. If it plays black first there is no problem.
I'll add Yace to the test objects. Especially the "random mover" level.
I'm interested in more engines. So if you know some engines with an adjustable playing strength (especially if there is a Linux version) please let me know.
I'll report when the tests are finished.