BrettVsop wrote:... is it possible to create a shortcut to load a saved position rather then a saved game?...
I guess the options -lpf and -lpi are your friends.
-lpf or -loadPositionFile file
-lpi or -loadPositionIndex index
If the `loadPositionFile' option is set, XBoard loads the
specified position file at startup. The file name `-' specifies the
standard input. If the `loadPositionIndex' option is set to N, the
Nth position found in the file is loaded; otherwise the first
position is loaded.
BrettVsop wrote:... It is possible to save multiple games in one pgn file. Is it possible to load a specific game in a single pgn file through the command prompt.
Again a look in the helpfile delivers something helpful:
-lgf or -loadGameFile file
-lgi or -loadGameIndex index
If the `loadGameFile' option is set, XBoard loads the specified
game file at startup. The file name `-' specifies the standard
input. If there is more than one game in the file, XBoard pops up
a menu of the available games, with entries based on their PGN
(Portable Game Notation) tags. If the `loadGameIndex' option is
set to `N', the menu is suppressed and the N th game found in the
file is loaded immediately. The menu is also suppressed if
`matchMode' is enabled or if the game file is a pipe; in these
cases the first game in the file is loaded immediately. Use the
`pxboard' shell script provided with XBoard if you want to pipe in
files containing multiple games and still see the menu.