These are the WinBoard debugs, with Soldat playing White and Black.
Thanx, Alex
- Code: Select all
recognized 'normal' (-1) as variant normal
WinBoard 4.2.7 + chaturanga.exe
Reset(1, 0) from gameMode 0
recognized 'normal' (-1) as variant normal
GameEnds(0, (null), 2)
StartChildProcess (dir="C:\Arena\Engines\Chaturanga") chaturanga.exe
641 >first : xboard
protover 2
1082 <first : Chaturanga
1082 <first : by Stefano Malloggi
1082 <first :
1082 <first :
1082 <first : Commands:
1082 <first : board <w> Print Board on screen (0) or on log file (1)
1082 <first : go Start analysis
1082 <first : help Show this list
1082 <first : load <filename> Load fen position
1082 <first : new Start new game
1082 <first : perft <d> Compute perft at depth d
1082 <first : remove Undo last two plies
1082 <first : quit Exit program
1082 <first :
1082 <first :
1082 <first : r n b q k b n r
1082 <first : p p p p p p p p
1082 <first : . . . . . . . .
1082 <first : . . . . . . . .
1082 <first : . . . . . . . .
1082 <first : . . . . . . . .
1082 <first : P P P P P P P P
1082 <first : R N B Q K B N R
1082 <first :
1082 <first :
1082 <first : feature setboard=1 playother=1 myname="Chaturanga 2.3.1" done=1
1082 >first : accepted setboard
1082 >first : accepted playother
1082 >first : accepted myname
1092 >first : accepted done
1102 >first : new
1102 >first : level 0 1 1
1102 >first : post
1102 >first : hard
1102 >first : easy
LoadGame(): on entry, gameMode 0
Parsed game start '[Event "Ci001b"]' (41)
Parsed PGNTag: [Event "Ci001b"]
Parsed PGNTag: [Site "SIBELIUS"]
Parsed PGNTag: [Date "2007.11.05"]
Parsed PGNTag: [Round "1"]
Parsed PGNTag: [White "Chaturanga 2.3"]
Parsed PGNTag: [Black "Aldebaran 0.7.0"]
Parsed PGNTag: [Result "*"]
Parsed PGNTag: [BlackElo "1689"]
Parsed PGNTag: [Time "09:30:50"]
Parsed PGNTag: [WhiteElo "2200"]
Parsed PGNTag: [TimeControl "60+1"]
Parsed PGNTag: [Termination "rules infraction"]
Parsed PGNTag: [PlyCount "32"]
Parsed PGNTag: [WhiteType "human"]
Parsed PGNTag: [BlackType "program"]
recognized 'Ci001b' (-1) as variant normal
1112 >first : new
1112 >first : level 0 1 1
1112 >first : post
1112 >first : hard
1112 >first : easy
1112 >first : force
Parsed e4 into e2e4
Parsed c5 into c7c5
Parsed Nf3 into g1f3
Parsed d6 into d7d6
Parsed d4 into d2d4
Parsed cxd4 into c5d4
Parsed Nxd4 into f3d4
Parsed Nf6 into g8f6
Parsed Nc3 into b1c3
Parsed a6 into a7a6
Parsed Bg5 into c1g5
Parsed e6 into e7e6
Parsed f4 into f2f4
Parsed Be7 into f8e7
Parsed Qf3 into d1f3
Parsed Qc7 into d8c7
Parsed O-O-O into e1c1
Parsed Nbd7 into b8d7
Parsed g4 into g2g4
Parsed b5 into b7b5
Parsed Bxf6 into g5f6
Parsed Nxf6 into d7f6
Parsed g5 into g4g5
Parsed Nd7 into f6d7
Parsed f5 into f4f5
Parsed Nc5 into d7c5
Parsed f6 into f5f6
Parsed gxf6 into g7f6
Parsed gxf6 into g5f6
Parsed Bf8 into e7f8
Parsed Rg1 into h1g1
Parsed game end: *
GameEnds(34, , 3)
ForwardInner(31), current 0, forward 31
PauseEvent(): pausing 0
1182 >first : e2e4
1182 >first : c7c5
1182 >first : g1f3
1182 >first : d7d6
1182 >first : d2d4
1182 >first : c5d4
1182 >first : f3d4
1182 >first : g8f6
1182 >first : b1c3
1182 >first : a7a6
1182 >first : c1g5
1182 >first : e7e6
1182 >first : f2f4
1182 >first : f8e7
1182 >first : d1f3
1182 >first : d8c7
1182 >first : e1c1
1182 >first : b8d7
1182 >first : g2g4
1182 >first : b7b5
1182 >first : g5f6
1182 >first : d7f6
1182 >first : g4g5
1182 >first : f6d7
1212 >first : f4f5
1212 >first : d7c5
1212 >first : f5f6
1212 >first : g7f6
1212 >first : g5f6
1212 >first : e7f8
1212 >first : h1g1
LoadGame(): on exit, gameMode 6
StartChildProcess (dir="C:\Arena\Engines\Soldat") Soldat 0.25b.exe
1793 >second: xboard
protover 2
1823 <second:
1823 <second: Soldat 0.25b
1823 <second: illegal move: protover
1833 >second: new
1833 >second: level 0 1 1
1833 >second: post
1833 >second: hard
1833 >second: easy
1833 >second: force
1833 >second: e2e4
1833 >second: c7c5
1833 >second: g1f3
1833 >second: d7d6
1833 >second: d2d4
1833 >second: c5d4
1833 >second: f3d4
1833 >second: g8f6
1833 >second: b1c3
1833 >second: a7a6
1833 >second: c1g5
1833 >second: e7e6
1833 >second: f2f4
1833 >second: f8e7
1833 >second: d1f3
1833 >second: d8c7
1833 >second: e1c1
1833 >second: b8d7
1833 >second: g2g4
1833 >second: b7b5
1833 >second: g5f6
1833 >second: d7f6
1833 >second: g4g5
1833 >second: f6d7
1833 >second: f4f5
1833 >second: d7c5
1833 >second: f5f6
1833 >second: g7f6
1833 >second: g5f6
1833 >second: e7f8
1833 >second: h1g1
1843 >first : computer
1843 >second: computer
1843 >second: white
1843 >second: time 6000
1843 >second: otim 6000
1843 >second: black
1843 >second: go
1853 <second: non supporto: random
1863 <second: non supporto: post
1863 <second: non supporto: hard
1863 <second: illegal move: easy
1863 <second: illegal move: computer
1863 <second: ply score time nodes pv
1863 <second: 1 -37 0 143 a8b8
1903 <second: 2 -44 1 2241 b5b4 e4e5
2344 <second: 3 -37 5 7634 b5b4 e4e5 a8b8
2364 <second: 4 -33 49 63638 b5b4 c3e2 c8b7 e2g3
2364 <second:
2364 <second: Null riuscite : 744, fallite : 771
2364 <second: move b5b4
Ignoring move out of turn by second, gameMode 5, forwardMost 30
GameEnds(32, Black wins on time, 4)
61869 >first : result 0-1 {Black wins on time}
61869 >second: result 0-1 {Black wins on time}
62340 >first : force
62350 >second: force
Exiting: Match Chaturanga 2.3.1 vs. Soldat: final score 0-1-0
GameEnds(0, (null), 2)
62350 >first : quit
62370 >second: quit
- Code: Select all
recognized 'normal' (-1) as variant normal
WinBoard 4.2.7 + Soldat
Reset(1, 0) from gameMode 0
recognized 'normal' (-1) as variant normal
GameEnds(0, (null), 2)
StartChildProcess (dir="C:\Arena\Engines\Soldat") Soldat 0.25b.exe
891 >first : xboard
protover 2
931 <first :
931 <first : Soldat 0.25b
931 <first : illegal move: protover
941 >first : new
941 >first : level 0 1 1
941 >first : post
941 >first : hard
941 >first : easy
LoadGame(): on entry, gameMode 0
Parsed game start '[Event "Ci001b"]' (41)
Parsed PGNTag: [Event "Ci001b"]
Parsed PGNTag: [Site "SIBELIUS"]
Parsed PGNTag: [Date "2007.11.05"]
Parsed PGNTag: [Round "1"]
Parsed PGNTag: [White "Chaturanga 2.3"]
Parsed PGNTag: [Black "Aldebaran 0.7.0"]
Parsed PGNTag: [Result "*"]
Parsed PGNTag: [BlackElo "1689"]
Parsed PGNTag: [Time "09:30:50"]
Parsed PGNTag: [WhiteElo "2200"]
Parsed PGNTag: [TimeControl "60+1"]
Parsed PGNTag: [Termination "rules infraction"]
Parsed PGNTag: [PlyCount "32"]
Parsed PGNTag: [WhiteType "human"]
Parsed PGNTag: [BlackType "program"]
recognized 'Ci001b' (-1) as variant normal
961 >first : new
971 >first : level 0 1 1
971 >first : post
971 >first : hard
971 >first : easy
971 >first : force
Parsed e4 into e2e4
Parsed c5 into c7c5
Parsed Nf3 into g1f3
Parsed d6 into d7d6
Parsed d4 into d2d4
Parsed cxd4 into c5d4
Parsed Nxd4 into f3d4
Parsed Nf6 into g8f6
Parsed Nc3 into b1c3
Parsed a6 into a7a6
Parsed Bg5 into c1g5
Parsed e6 into e7e6
Parsed f4 into f2f4
Parsed Be7 into f8e7
Parsed Qf3 into d1f3
Parsed Qc7 into d8c7
Parsed O-O-O into e1c1
Parsed Nbd7 into b8d7
Parsed g4 into g2g4
Parsed b5 into b7b5
Parsed Bxf6 into g5f6
Parsed Nxf6 into d7f6
Parsed g5 into g4g5
Parsed Nd7 into f6d7
Parsed f5 into f4f5
Parsed Nc5 into d7c5
Parsed f6 into f5f6
Parsed gxf6 into g7f6
Parsed gxf6 into g5f6
Parsed Bf8 into e7f8
Parsed Rg1 into h1g1
Parsed game end: *
GameEnds(34, , 3)
ForwardInner(31), current 0, forward 31
PauseEvent(): pausing 0
1051 >first : e2e4
1051 >first : c7c5
1051 >first : g1f3
1051 >first : d7d6
1051 >first : d2d4
1051 >first : c5d4
1051 >first : f3d4
1051 >first : g8f6
1051 >first : b1c3
1051 >first : a7a6
1051 >first : c1g5
1061 >first : e7e6
1061 >first : f2f4
1061 >first : f8e7
1061 >first : d1f3
1061 >first : d8c7
1061 >first : e1c1
1061 >first : b8d7
1061 >first : g2g4
1061 >first : b7b5
1061 >first : g5f6
1061 >first : d7f6
1061 >first : g4g5
1061 >first : f6d7
1061 >first : f4f5
1061 >first : d7c5
1061 >first : f5f6
1061 >first : g7f6
1071 >first : g5f6
1071 >first : e7f8
1071 >first : h1g1
LoadGame(): on exit, gameMode 6
StartChildProcess (dir="C:\Arena\Engines\Chaturanga") chaturanga.exe
1682 >second: xboard
protover 2
1682 <first : non supporto: random
1682 <first : non supporto: post
1682 <first : non supporto: hard
1682 <first : illegal move: easy
PauseEvent(): pausing 1
1692 <first : non supporto: random
1692 <first : non supporto: post
1692 <first : non supporto: hard
1692 <first : illegal move: easy
2203 <second: Chaturanga
2203 <second: by Stefano Malloggi
2203 <second:
2203 <second:
2203 <second: Commands:
2213 <second: board <w> Print Board on screen (0) or on log file (1)
2213 <second: go Start analysis
2213 <second: help Show this list
2213 <second: load <filename> Load fen position
2213 <second: new Start new game
2213 <second: perft <d> Compute perft at depth d
2213 <second: remove Undo last two plies
2223 <second: quit Exit program
2223 <second:
2223 <second:
2223 <second: r n b q k b n r
2223 <second: p p p p p p p p
2223 <second: . . . . . . . .
2223 <second: . . . . . . . .
2223 <second: . . . . . . . .
2223 <second: . . . . . . . .
2223 <second: P P P P P P P P
2223 <second: R N B Q K B N R
2223 <second:
2223 <second:
2223 <second: feature setboard=1 playother=1 myname="Chaturanga 2.3.1" done=1
2233 >second: accepted setboard
2233 >second: accepted playother
2233 >second: accepted myname
2233 >second: accepted done
2243 >second: new
2243 >second: level 0 1 1
2243 >second: post
2243 >second: hard
2243 >second: easy
2243 >second: force
2243 >second: e2e4
2243 >second: c7c5
2243 >second: g1f3
2243 >second: d7d6
2243 >second: d2d4
2243 >second: c5d4
2253 >second: f3d4
2253 >second: g8f6
2253 >second: b1c3
2253 >second: a7a6
2253 >second: c1g5
2253 >second: e7e6
2253 >second: f2f4
2253 >second: f8e7
2253 >second: d1f3
2253 >second: d8c7
2253 >second: e1c1
2253 >second: b8d7
2253 >second: g2g4
2253 >second: b7b5
2253 >second: g5f6
2253 >second: d7f6
2253 >second: g4g5
2253 >second: f6d7
2253 >second: f4f5
2253 >second: d7c5
2263 >second: f5f6
2263 >second: g7f6
2263 >second: g5f6
2263 >first : computer
2263 >second: computer
2263 >second: white
2263 >second: time 6100
2263 >second: otim 6100
2263 >second: black
2263 >second: go
2273 <first : illegal move: computer
3184 <second: 0 0 29643039 0
3184 <second: move e7f8
3184 >first : time 6100
3184 >first : otim 6107
3194 >first : e7f8
3194 >first : white
3194 >first : go
3294 <first : illegal move: e7f8
3304 <first : ply score time nodes pv
3304 <first : 1 94 0 297 c1b1
3324 <first : 2 87 1 1718 c1b1 a8b8
3465 <first : 3 88 3 8450 c1b1 b5b4 c3e2
3905 <first : 4 81 27 42681 c1b1 b5b4 c3e2 a8b8
3905 <first : 5 83 72 131664 c1b1 b5b4 c3e2 c8b7 e2g3
3905 <first :
3905 <first : Null riuscite : 4972, fallite : 2552
3915 <first : move c1b1
Ignoring move out of turn by first, gameMode 5, forwardMost 29
GameEnds(31, White wins on time, 4)
64392 >first : result 1-0 {White wins on time}
Interrupting second
64392 >second: result 1-0 {White wins on time}
64392 >first : force
64392 >second: force
Exiting: Match Soldat vs. Chaturanga 2.3.1: final score 1-0-0
GameEnds(0, (null), 2)
64402 >first : quit
64402 >second: quit