Hi H.G.,
Arena has not breached the protocol xboard, I see that Arena has been adjusted to what the protocol says. ChessGui also.
H.G.Muller wrote:In any case O-O-O or O-O is in violation of WinBoard protocol.
O-O and O-O-O is not a violation
Protocol xboard -->
MOVE See below for the syntax of moves. If the move is illegal, print an error message; see the section "Commands from the engine to xboard". If the move is legal and in turn, make it. If not in force mode, stop the opponent's clock, start the engine's clock, start thinking, and eventually make a move.
When xboard sends your engine a move, it normally sends coordinate algebraic notation. Examples:
Normal moves: e2e4
Pawn promotion: e7e8q
Castling: e1g1, e1c1, e8g8, e8c8
Bughouse/crazyhouse drop: P@h3
ICS Wild 0/1 castling: d1f1, d1b1, d8f8, d8b8
FischerRandom castling: O-O, O-O-O (oh, not zero) /variant=fischeRandom (with only a single R, I don't know why the variant is named like that),.
I understand that is something that decided Tim Mann.
variant VARNAME
If the game is not standard chess, but a variant, this command is sent after "new" and before the first move or "edit" command. Currently defined variant names are:
wildcastle Shuffle chess where king can castle from d file
nocastle Shuffle chess with no castling at all
fischerandom Fischer Random (not supported yet)
bughouse Bughouse, ICC/FICS rules
crazyhouse Crazyhouse, ICC/FICS rules
losers Win by losing all pieces or getting mated (ICC)
suicide Win by losing all pieces including king, or by having fewer pieces when one player has no legal moves (FICS)
giveaway Win by losing all pieces including king, or by having no legal moves (ICC)
twokings Weird ICC wild 9
kriegspiel Kriegspiel (engines not supported)
atomic Atomic
3check Win by giving check 3 times
unknown Unknown variant (not supported)