Hi Graham,
I haven't tested it before thus I have no clue, but the previous
version played at Oliviers ChessWar in the qualification.
Probably you can get a rough guess from its results there.
I will know more though in around 6-8 weeks after a quite big
Swiss tourney (15 double game rounds)for lower level entries
in my rapid rating list.
- Code: Select all
Round 1
No Name Result Name
1 Matilde_2008 1.0:1.0 BibiChess_05
2 Etude_011 2.0:0.0 DChess_102
3 TonysChess_02 0.0:2.0 ColChess_80DC
4 MicroMax_48w 2.0:0.0 Jupiter_001
5 Ifrit_C29 0.0:2.0 Simontacchi_181
6 TJChess_096R 1.0:1.0 Exacto_0d
7 Needle_0531 0.0:2.0 SnailChess_4013
8 Heracles_0514 2.0:0.0 Blikskottel_07
9 Eden_0013JA 0.0:2.0 Cecir_35
10 HoiChess_100 2.0:0.0 jChecs_010
11 Fimbulwinter_500 0.0:2.0 JARS_1726
12 Zoidberg_01 2.0:0.0 Nanook_016
13 Dimitri_136 .5:1.5 Beaches_226
14 Amundsen_060gccJA 2.0:0.0 Protej_055
15 JaksaH_018 0.0:2.0 JSBam_052
16 Golem_0441 2.0:0.0 NSVChess_014
17 Dreamer_020 0.0:2.0 BremboCE_031
18 Mizar_30 2.0:0.0 ChadsChess_015
19 Frank_058 0.0:2.0 Vicki_0035a
20 ChessRikus_1465 2.0:0.0 Goyaz_0005
21 HanzoTheRazor_DC 0.0:2.0 Zotron_446
22 Lovelace_10r1JA : Xadreco_57
23 BabyChess_111 : Rainman_075
24 Philemon_C : Neg_03d
25 Ace_01 : Roque_11
Tiffanys_04 and later PulChess_02ir70 replaced by BabyChess_111, because
Tiffanys tried to use more than available
virtual ram for its second
game and PulChess most of the time rejected legal moves as illegal ones
with Black!!
Goyaz replaced by Numpty_021pr, because it always repeated its 39th
move as move 40!