Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

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Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby WolfV » 23 Dec 2004, 17:21


I used to d/l the Nalimov TBs from Hyatt's FTP site. However, it's been down for a while and I'd like to know if there's a mirror or some other site that I could download the tablebases from.

Any ideas, or, better, urls :D

Merry Christmas :)

Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby Gábor Szots » 23 Dec 2004, 17:31

WolfV wrote:Hi,

I used to d/l the Nalimov TBs from Hyatt's FTP site. However, it's been down for a while and I'd like to know if there's a mirror or some other site that I could download the tablebases from.

Any ideas, or, better, urls :D

Merry Christmas :)


Here are two:



The former seems to be faster.

Gábor Szőts

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Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby WolfV » 24 Dec 2004, 03:23

G?bor Szots wrote:
WolfV wrote:Hi,

I used to d/l the Nalimov TBs from Hyatt's FTP site. However, it's been down for a while and I'd like to know if there's a mirror or some other site that I could download the tablebases from.

Any ideas, or, better, urls :D

Merry Christmas :)


Here are two:



The former seems to be faster.


Thanks a lot.


Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby Johan Havegheer » 24 Dec 2004, 05:40

WolfV wrote:Hi,

I used to d/l the Nalimov TBs from Hyatt's FTP site. However, it's been down for a while and I'd like to know if there's a mirror or some other site that I could download the tablebases from.

Any ideas, or, better, urls :D

Merry Christmas :)

Hello Wolfie,

Glad to here something from you.
I used this link : http://www.chesslib.no/Nalimov.htm

BTW : I'm at home at the moment. I have some problems with my heart, maybe due to stress at the office. But i just woked up with some pain in my chest :(

i wish you a merry christmas and a hopefull 2005

Sincerely's yours
Johan Havegheer

Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby WolfV » 24 Dec 2004, 15:24

Johan Havegheer wrote:
WolfV wrote:Hi,

I used to d/l the Nalimov TBs from Hyatt's FTP site. However, it's been down for a while and I'd like to know if there's a mirror or some other site that I could download the tablebases from.

Any ideas, or, better, urls :D

Merry Christmas :)

Hello Wolfie,

Glad to here something from you.
I used this link : http://www.chesslib.no/Nalimov.htm

BTW : I'm at home at the moment. I have some problems with my heart, maybe due to stress at the office. But i just woked up with some pain in my chest :(

i wish you a merry christmas and a hopefull 2005

Sincerely's yours

Hello my friend,

thanks for the message. Please see a doctor right away: I don't want to sound melodramatic, but if you feel a pain in the chest, that demands a doctor's attention. It is probably not serious :-) but still...

Yes, the link you gave is just great. Actually, I used to have all the TB's on CDs (sent a long time ago by Perola :-)) but a couple of CDs appear faulty so I wanted to replace them.

I wish you and your family a very nice and peaceful Christmas and a very happy New Year. May you and your family be healthy and joyful...


Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby Guest » 25 Dec 2004, 20:52

Johan Havegheer wrote:
WolfV wrote:Hi,

I used to d/l the Nalimov TBs from Hyatt's FTP site. However, it's been down for a while and I'd like to know if there's a mirror or some other site that I could download the tablebases from.

Any ideas, or, better, urls :D

Merry Christmas :)

Hello Wolfie,

Glad to here something from you.
I used this link : http://www.chesslib.no/Nalimov.htm

BTW : I'm at home at the moment. I have some problems with my heart, maybe due to stress at the office. But i just woked up with some pain in my chest :(

i wish you a merry christmas and a hopefull 2005

Sincerely's yours

Johan get better soon, we missed you at dutch open champs!


Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby Guest » 25 Dec 2004, 20:53

WolfV wrote:Hi,

I used to d/l the Nalimov TBs from Hyatt's FTP site. However, it's been down for a while and I'd like to know if there's a mirror or some other site that I could download the tablebases from.

Any ideas, or, better, urls :D

Merry Christmas :)

Rumours say Hyatt has a problem with his hardware. I assume he'll let it get fixed.

Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby WolfV » 26 Dec 2004, 04:27

diep wrote:
WolfV wrote:Hi,

I used to d/l the Nalimov TBs from Hyatt's FTP site. However, it's been down for a while and I'd like to know if there's a mirror or some other site that I could download the tablebases from.

Any ideas, or, better, urls :D

Merry Christmas :)

Rumours say Hyatt has a problem with his hardware. I assume he'll let it get fixed.

Vincent, thanks for the information. I was really wondering what on earth had happened with Hyatt... thought he might have quit computer chess :-). That would be disastrous...

BTW, wish you and all the others a very Merry Christmas.

Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby Guest » 26 Dec 2004, 09:14

WolfV wrote:
diep wrote:
WolfV wrote:Hi,

I used to d/l the Nalimov TBs from Hyatt's FTP site. However, it's been down for a while and I'd like to know if there's a mirror or some other site that I could download the tablebases from.

Any ideas, or, better, urls :D

Merry Christmas :)

Rumours say Hyatt has a problem with his hardware. I assume he'll let it get fixed.

Vincent, thanks for the information. I was really wondering what on earth had happened with Hyatt... thought he might have quit computer chess :-). That would be disastrous...

BTW, wish you and all the others a very Merry Christmas.

I hope you realize how destructive Hyatt has been for computerchess after april 1997, claiming that we all are possible with useless software anyway as IBM has a software that is not possible to improve upon.

Of course complete BS but the average university teacher swallows it. Example is several Artificial Intelligence papers starting several sentences with like: "now that deep blue has solved computerchess..."

Hyatt never has been objective there. Not in interviews nor online statements. It just played 2200 level and Kasparov to quote himself: "i had to do nothing in game one and i still won somehow because it has an auto-screw up function".

Every single match played after that had a way higher level.

Yet the effect on big sponsors was disastreous, we sure can say that.

2 weeks ago i had a talk with Sun. The biggest highend provider. "No we are not interested in talking about any match with anyone, IBM already solved chess, so our 0-policy regarding sponsoring will be applied here".

For sure a fair answer and the hard truth.

Some major IT companies sponsored chess, as well as some major banks. One by one they nearly all withdrew. Note that another reason for withdrawing is Television time. A television viewer is worth around 7-9 eurocent in publicity. So do the math. No television viewers then 0 cent for each viewer in most companies (reason why my chessclub can't find any sponsor despite that we have about 7 IM's in our first team which are all ex-youth selection players and some of them still under 20).

Hyatt sure has done nothing to prevent companies from acting like that and only encouraged it in wording. So if he retires from chess, most importantly retires commenting and giving interviews, all commercial programmers and many computerchess experts who know a bit background, will drink 10 bottles of champaign each. Of course the reason for Hyatt to act like that is trivial too. It was an American program and by showcasing the IBM crew as having produced the strongest software ever, without a chance of ever improving upon it, even today, means that if you can get funding from government for other software projects, that th emoney is well spent.

The chance of Hyatt withdrawing alive from computerchess i estimate at a hard 0%.

Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby Graham Banks » 26 Dec 2004, 09:20

Hi Vincent

I think that most members are aware that there is bad blood between yourself and Bob. I don't think that it should manifest itself in this forum though. Personally I respect you both.

Hope you had a great Christmas,
Respectfully, Graham.
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Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby Guest » 26 Dec 2004, 09:42

Graham Banks wrote:Hi Vincent

I think that most members are aware that there is bad blood between yourself and Bob. I don't think that it should manifest itself in this forum though. Personally I respect you both.

Hope you had a great Christmas,
Respectfully, Graham.

Perhaps you guess that because i write it down. It's true for about every strong programmer. They just never dare to post anything. But just ask the Crafty operator what he heard in world champs 2004, perhaps he smelt and heard here and there some discussions...

So saying this is a personal opinion is just not even remotely true.

Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby José Carlos » 26 Dec 2004, 11:54

Hi Vincent. I would like you to stop writing those negative comments about Hyatt for two reasons:
1. This is not the right place
2. He's not here to defend himself
You accusatinons belong, if any, to CCC.
Please, talk about computerchess in positive. You sound great when you do that.
José Carlos Martínez Galán
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Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby Guest » 26 Dec 2004, 15:34

Jos? Carlos wrote:Hi Vincent. I would like you to stop writing those negative comments about Hyatt for two reasons:
1. This is not the right place
2. He's not here to defend himself
You accusatinons belong, if any, to CCC.
Please, talk about computerchess in positive. You sound great when you do that.

Please remove me again as a member of the winboard forum.

i did not even accuse the guy of fraud here. just noticed something on general public relations and egtb's.

if that is not acceptible there. then goodbye.


Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby José Carlos » 26 Dec 2004, 17:05

Come on Vincent, you know Bob is not here and can't defend. All I said was not to be too personal against someone who is not present.
I hope you keep posting here, truly. Your comments are valuable to me.
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Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby Uri Blass » 26 Dec 2004, 17:11

It is better if Vincent does not post unless he changes his behaviour.

This is the type of behaviour of Vincent(it can be against other people and not only about Hyatt):

1)Hyatt claimed X
2)Vincent believes in Y.
3)The difference between X and Y is not big enough to make Vincent's post interesting so Vincent does not like simply to criticize hyatt for X.
4)Vincent decide to changes X to ABSURD1 and criticize Hyatt for saying ABSURD1.
5)The difference between ABSURD1 and Y is still not big enough to make Vincent's post interesting so vincent needs to do some more steps.
6)Vincent changes Y to ABSURD2 and claims ABSURD2 at the same time that he claims that Hyatt claims ABSURD1.

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Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby José Carlos » 26 Dec 2004, 17:22

Ok, let us get back to computerchess.
We all have interesting things to comment on computerchess.
José Carlos Martínez Galán
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Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby Roger Brown » 26 Dec 2004, 17:29

diep wrote:
Please remove me again as a member of the winboard forum.

i did not even accuse the guy of fraud here. just noticed something on general public relations and egtb's.

if that is not acceptible there. then goodbye.


Hello Vincent,

I want to be as clear as possible.

All we are saying is that you know so much about computer chess, having written a master class program and partcipated in countless discussions on several fora.

Can't you simply avoid the 1 % knowledge about Robert Hyatt and share the other 99 % ?

I cannot see how that is tantamount to asking for a cancellation of your registration.

Think about it.

Roger Brown
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Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby WolfV » 26 Dec 2004, 19:04

diep wrote:
WolfV wrote:
diep wrote:
WolfV wrote:Hi,

I used to d/l the Nalimov TBs from Hyatt's FTP site. However, it's been down for a while and I'd like to know if there's a mirror or some other site that I could download the tablebases from.

Any ideas, or, better, urls :D

Merry Christmas :)

Rumours say Hyatt has a problem with his hardware. I assume he'll let it get fixed.

Vincent, thanks for the information. I was really wondering what on earth had happened with Hyatt... thought he might have quit computer chess :-). That would be disastrous...

BTW, wish you and all the others a very Merry Christmas.

I hope you realize how destructive Hyatt has been for computerchess after april 1997, claiming that we all are possible with useless software anyway as IBM has a software that is not possible to improve upon.

Of course complete BS but the average university teacher swallows it. Example is several Artificial Intelligence papers starting several sentences with like: "now that deep blue has solved computerchess..."

Hyatt never has been objective there. Not in interviews nor online statements. It just played 2200 level and Kasparov to quote himself: "i had to do nothing in game one and i still won somehow because it has an auto-screw up function".

Every single match played after that had a way higher level.

Yet the effect on big sponsors was disastreous, we sure can say that.

2 weeks ago i had a talk with Sun. The biggest highend provider. "No we are not interested in talking about any match with anyone, IBM already solved chess, so our 0-policy regarding sponsoring will be applied here".

For sure a fair answer and the hard truth.

Some major IT companies sponsored chess, as well as some major banks. One by one they nearly all withdrew. Note that another reason for withdrawing is Television time. A television viewer is worth around 7-9 eurocent in publicity. So do the math. No television viewers then 0 cent for each viewer in most companies (reason why my chessclub can't find any sponsor despite that we have about 7 IM's in our first team which are all ex-youth selection players and some of them still under 20).

Hyatt sure has done nothing to prevent companies from acting like that and only encouraged it in wording. So if he retires from chess, most importantly retires commenting and giving interviews, all commercial programmers and many computerchess experts who know a bit background, will drink 10 bottles of champaign each. Of course the reason for Hyatt to act like that is trivial too. It was an American program and by showcasing the IBM crew as having produced the strongest software ever, without a chance of ever improving upon it, even today, means that if you can get funding from government for other software projects, that th emoney is well spent.

The chance of Hyatt withdrawing alive from computerchess i estimate at a hard 0%.

I think that I can understand your main points. However, I should need a long time to take everything into consideration, although I tend to agree with you in general. Let's stay away from such topics in this forum as it is rather closely monitored and there are only a couple of people really interested in the wider picture you've offered.

You and I have had some disagreements in the past, and I would like to apologise to you for some of my mistakes and hasty rebuttals. You were right many times, but wrong just as many as you also tend to be very impulsive in your reactions.

Vincent, let's close the Hyatt issue though. As for the moderators, I should only say that Vincent should have the right to say something that touches (albeit indirectly) upond Winboard and all topics related to it (one of the first WB engines, Crafty, computer chess in general and its development and prospects, etc.). Vincent is entitled to a statement regarding all these. He should be advised to keep his postings within the formal boundaries of the forum, but every once in a while an excellent programmer should be allowed to vent his feelings and offer his ideas as food for thought.

Bye Vincent, and all the best for your very, very strong and intelligent program :-)

Re: Where can I download all 3-4-5 men Nalimov tablebases?

Postby José Carlos » 26 Dec 2004, 19:20

WolfV wrote:I think that I can understand your main points. However, I should need a long time to take everything into consideration, although I tend to agree with you in general. Let's stay away from such topics in this forum as it is rather closely monitored and there are only a couple of people really interested in the wider picture you've offered.

You and I have had some disagreements in the past, and I would like to apologise to you for some of my mistakes and hasty rebuttals. You were right many times, but wrong just as many as you also tend to be very impulsive in your reactions.

Vincent, let's close the Hyatt issue though. As for the moderators, I should only say that Vincent should have the right to say something that touches (albeit indirectly) upond Winboard and all topics related to it (one of the first WB engines, Crafty, computer chess in general and its development and prospects, etc.). Vincent is entitled to a statement regarding all these. He should be advised to keep his postings within the formal boundaries of the forum, but every once in a while an excellent programmer should be allowed to vent his feelings and offer his ideas as food for thought.

Bye Vincent, and all the best for your very, very strong and intelligent program :-)

Vincent is very welcome to post here about his ideas in computerchess. I was one of the first in saying "welcome Vincent".
I said a couple of times in this thread that his contibutions are much appreciated.
I only asked not to get into personal when the other party cannot defend himself as he doesn't have an account here.
Saying "computerchess was harmed by Deep Blue being considered unbeatable" is fine, as a valid opinion.
Saying "X harmed computerchess" is not acceptable when X can't answer.
No matter who is X and who posts it.
I hope you agree.
Please, let's stick to ideas, tests, programs... and let's try not to get into personal wars.
Note that I'm not forbidding nor banning. I just saying please.
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