Using the CM9000 and CM10th books under Chessbase

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Using the CM9000 and CM10th books under Chessbase

Postby Graham Banks » 13 Jan 2005, 13:15

I have a way that properly prioritises moves as under the CM GUI. If you're interested, email me.

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Graham Banks
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Location: Auckland, NZ

Re: Using the CM9000 and CM10th books under Chessbase

Postby Graham Banks » 14 Jan 2005, 08:24

Please read through these updated instructions. If you haven't followed them
precisely, you're best to delete your CM10th book from Chessbase/Books and redo
the process. Your ctg book should be 16,688 kb if you've done things properly.

Put OPK2PGN.exe and cmx.opk into My Documents folder.

Start menu/Run, type cmd, press enter (box pops up)

Type cd my documents, press enter

Type obk2pgn cmx.obk cmx.pgn, press enter

Wait until Phase 2 of 2 has finished, then close box

Open Fritz. New/opening book, Chessbase/Books folder, give name CM10th, okay

Edit/opening books/import games, select cmx.pgn from My Documents folder
(absolute length, 100, tick variations), enter

CM10th opening book is created under Fritz for your use!

NOTE : because the book is converted into one game with any variations, once you
load the book, under book options you should set the minimum games played to 1
in order to allow all sensible moves to be played (that is all moves with either
!!, ! or uncommented). Moves with question marks will not be played as book
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Graham Banks
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