That's very implement dependent, don't you think?
What kind of attack table did you have? "attacks from a square/piece" or " attacks to a square/piece"?
Yes it probably is implementation dependent (hence the "YMMV"), but I believe you have to resort to some heavy attack calculations to make them worth while, more than there is in Crafty per node.
Crafty is perhaps not the best example, it having a relative "light-weight" search. One could imagine a program that did e.g. full evaluations at every node and similarly heavydudy stuff on the pruning/extensions.
In a program like that attack tables might pay off, but compared to the "raw speed" of e.g. Crafty a big slowdown can be expected.
Is Frenzee bitboard based? I have a feeling that for bitboards attack tables have less merits even if you don't use rotated bitboards.
In the endgame with sliding pieces they could still be usefule I think.
The sliding is longer so to say...
Yes it is all bitboards. So was the old program with attack tables, it had both attack-to and attack-from tables. They are incredibly expensive to update for the pieces in the endgame, even a knight can in one move attack 8 new squares, so a total of 16 squares changes attack status.
At the end of the day the idea of attack tables must be more speed, because everything they can do can also be done on the fly. So if the end result is a slowdown...
Of course there is some potential in the tables, but so far I have not managed to come up with anything heavy enough to make them worth while.