Hi all,
As promised in the readme file, I am adding book support to PolyGlot.
For it to be usable, I need to provide commonly-used heuristics.
Experienced "book makers" can probably help me here.
In this post I want to focus on common random books built from game
collections, not hand-tuned ones yet. I also have to point out I am
considering here the PGN-extracting process, not how to choose a move
at run time (probabilities, which for now are simply the popularity).
In other words: given a PGN file, how does one usually decide whether
a move should be included in book or not.
For now I only have:
- minimum number of games; what's a typical value: 3-5?
Other common heuristics might be:
- at least one win (or draw)?
- minimum average score (e.g. 25% of the points)?
- minimum proportion (e.g. played 10% of the time)?
Maybe some others?
- ?
I would like to provide at least the most useful ones, but also with
decent default values.
Thanks for your help,