I wanted to see the moves on winboard of a famous game between Lev polugaevsky vz Rashid Neshmetdinov held in sochi 1958. the game has 34 moves.
i got the moves from this source. i copy pasted the moves into a textfile then to winboard.
yt uploaded by matojelic. gives moves copied. error says winboard
when pasted only 14 moves are pasted into the move history window.
illegal move 15 Nge2------
the same game i copied the PGN from this source and when played in winboard no problem at all.
How , the illegal move 15 Nge2 becomes legal?
I tried with other files also saved in this manner (as stated in para1 from youtube). some stops at move 8. then says 9 is illegal move!.
kindly help