Guenther Simon wrote:I switched to the smaller book, with option "tournament", and this bug doesn't appear, at least on these two positions ...
1r4k1/2q1bppp/3p1n2/1pp1pP2/8/1P1P1N1P/2PBQPP1/R5K1 b - -
5rk1/n1q4p/4brp1/1p2p1Q1/p3B1PN/P2PP3/1R5P/1R4K1 w - -
Perhaps the bug will still appear with the smaller book on other positins?
I want to add another position:
Here LG Evo plays ...e5?? from 'book'
[diag]1r3rk1/p2bp1bp/5pp1/1ppP1P2/q1P1P3/3Q1NP1/PR4BP/1R4K1 w [/diag]
1r3rk1/p2bp1bp/5pp1/1ppP1P2/q1P1P3/3Q1NP1/PR4BP/1R4K1 w
P.S. I would suppose the smaller book has also some
of those key 'holes', but at least all 3 positions above
are clean
(may be the probability is much lower? or it is indeed
without that bugs...I will change to it for my next games)
I checked the games lost by Evolution, and out of 55 total games, i found eight total occurances of this bug. In addition to the position i already posted, here are the others ...
rq3rk1/pb2bpp1/4p2p/3nP3/1p2N1Q1/3B4/PP3PPP/R1B2RK1 w - - 0 1
Evolution played Be3?? giving away a pawn.
4rrk1/1p3pbp/p5p1/8/3q2P1/4P3/P3QBPP/1RR3K1 b - - 0 1
Evolution played Ra8?? giving away it's queen.
5rk1/pp3rp1/2nbbq1p/3p1P2/8/P3B3/1PBQN1PP/4RRK1 b - - 0 1
Evolution played Nd8?? losing a bishop.
4rrk1/1p1n1ppp/1qp2n2/p7/PbBP1B2/1QN4P/1P3PP1/2RR2K1 w - - 0 1
Evolution played Qa3?? giving away it's queen.
r3rbk1/pppq1p1p/5np1/3pRN2/3P1B2/2PQ3P/PP3PP1/R5K1 w - - 0 1
Evolution played Qd2?? losing a knight.
r2k1b1r/1p2pppp/p4n2/1B3b2/1n1P4/2N1B3/PP1K1PPP/R5NR w - - 0 1
Evolution played Ke2?? losing the bishop.
r1bq3k/pp2p1bp/3p2p1/3Qnr2/2P2B2/2N4P/PP2BPP1/R4RK1 w - - 0 1
Evolution played Rfc1?? losing the bishop.
In all cases, Evolution was clearly out of book, and all of these moves were made instantly, without any thinking. Using the smaller book, Evolution doesn't play any of these moves.
I'll continue to watch and see if this bug occurs with the small book.