...crux chess for windows 1.0 is available...

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...crux chess for windows 1.0 is available...

Postby WYx » 29 Sep 2000, 17:58

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: WYx at 29 September 2000 18:58:05:

graphical crux is ready. (anti wb action :))
more on crux's page

Re: ...crux chess for windows 1.0 is available...

Postby Volker » 29 Sep 2000, 20:16

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Volker at 29 September 2000 21:16:59:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: ...crux chess for windows 1.0 is available... geschrieben von: / posted by: WYx at 29 September 2000 18:58:05:
graphical crux is ready. (anti wb action :))
No joke: 20 Dollars? Please read the note at the head on the page.
Another suggestion: 0.1 Deutschmark to me for every pageview of a commercial add posted here (~2500 pageviews on average = 250 Deutschmarks for me day by day, well not to bad...).

Re: ...crux chess for windows 1.0 is available...

Postby Martin G » 30 Sep 2000, 05:56

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Martin G at 30 September 2000 06:56:38:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: ...crux chess for windows 1.0 is available... geschrieben von: / posted by: WYx at 29 September 2000 18:58:05:
(1)The save game function is not working.
(2) I played a game against Crux and it was drawish until Crux gave away a knight and a queen for nothing towards endgame. I can't produce the game because of (1) above.
(3) If you are fixing the save game function, could you also include a "save as .pgn" feature?
graphical crux is ready. (anti wb action :))
more on crux's page
Martin G

thanx your message...

Postby WYx » 30 Sep 2000, 08:41

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: WYx at 30 September 2000 09:41:36:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: ...crux chess for windows 1.0 is available... geschrieben von: / posted by: Martin G at 30 September 2000 06:56:38:
(1)The save game function is not working.
(2) I played a game against Crux and it was drawish until Crux gave away a knight and a queen for nothing towards endgame. I can't produce the game because of (1) above.
(3) If you are fixing the save game function, could you also include a "save as .pgn" feature?
Yes, you are right!
It will be fixed soon!
If file not exist, the save game function not working, else yes.

Please, copy the FEN string into a clipboard, where bad moves was!

No, this feature coming later.
Crux engine not supported present this feature.

Thanx again...

Dear Volker

Postby WYx » 30 Sep 2000, 09:05

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: WYx at 30 September 2000 10:05:02:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: ...crux chess for windows 1.0 is available... geschrieben von: / posted by: Volker at 29 September 2000 21:16:59:
graphical crux is ready. (anti wb action :))
No joke: 20 Dollars? Please read the note at the head on the page.

Dear Volker.
If i right remember, I dont wrote the price of CRUX on your forum!
(albeit previously was contrary case)
Please, dont criticize my decision, I set the price in the moment!
That is your alternative, purchase or not purchase this product.
(and crux enough simple purchasing and REGISTRATION IS VALID FOR ALL FUTURE VERSIONS)
another remark:
If a programmer big work investing to owner job, in my view,
inherent time and work deserv this pittance.
In Hungary to be costed a Novag ChessComputer, that estimated ELO rating is cca. 1800 -> 30000 HUF, namely cca. 100 USD, I think, for Cruxchess not bad a 20 USD.


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