Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Günther Simon at 25 July 2001 20:56:02:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: Tablebases Edwards geschrieben von: / posted by: RR at 25 July 2001 15:25:52:
Hi Dann!
There is a problem with the "".
WinZip's Log:
Extracting KPPK.TBW
Error: invalid compressed data to inflate
Extracting KQBK.TBB
bad CRC d3a15b58 (should be 33933559)
Warning: the size of the extracted file (2730234) does not match the
uncompressed size (2621440) recorded in the zip file
Extracting KQKB.TBB
bad CRC c63e5e13 (should be 1412007c)
Warning: the size of the extracted file (2776099) does not match the
uncompressed size (2621440) recorded in the zip file
I would strongly suppose it to be a problem in your download as the file
at Danns site worked always. (I have it too)
You should try to download it again.
Hi Günther
I already made 3 downloads with having resulted always identical.
You are absolutely right!
After testing my own zip-file downloaded at Feb01! I had to notice
the same error messages - seems I just forgot about it or ignored it
after a while as not too important

It's clearly to see that the two mentioned files are a bit too big.
Maybe we have to wait for a solution by Dann or perhaps there is another
URL available which has the properly Edwards files.