new Crux...

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new Crux...

Postby WYx » 23 Aug 2001, 10:04

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: WYx at 23 August 2001 11:04:38:

Re: new Crux...

Postby Leo Dijksman » 23 Aug 2001, 11:00

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Leo Dijksman at 23 August 2001 12:00:12:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: new Crux... geschrieben von: / posted by: WYx at 23 August 2001 11:04:38:
Fatal Error: Error: second chess program (Crux05_0h -xboard) exited unexpectedly
Its time to do something on this Laslo,
Leo Dijksman

:) Leo, on your configuration Crux crashes everytime :))

Postby WYx » 23 Aug 2001, 11:39

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: WYx at 23 August 2001 12:39:46:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: new Crux... geschrieben von: / posted by: Leo Dijksman at 23 August 2001 12:00:12:
Fatal Error: Error: second chess program (Crux05_0h -xboard) exited unexpectedly
Its time to do something on this Laslo,

after how much games crashes Crux ?
and timecontrol?
ponder mode?


Re: :) Leo, on your configuration Crux crashes everytime :))

Postby Leo Dijksman » 23 Aug 2001, 12:19

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Leo Dijksman at 23 August 2001 13:19:45:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: :) Leo, on your configuration Crux crashes everytime :)) geschrieben von: / posted by: WYx at 23 August 2001 12:39:46:
Fatal Error: Error: second chess program (Crux05_0h -xboard) exited unexpectedly
Its time to do something on this Laslo,

after how much games crashes Crux ?
and timecontrol?
ponder mode?

It crashed in the 3rd game :(
Timecontrole 40/3, Ponder=Off, Crux05_0h hash12 vs hash24 (/mg 16 /debug).
You have to find it while i want a stable version wich i
can add in my tournament :))
P.S. Windows 2000
Leo Dijksman

Re: new Crux...

Postby Johan Hutting » 23 Aug 2001, 14:19

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Johan Hutting at 23 August 2001 15:19:51:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: new Crux... geschrieben von: / posted by: WYx at 23 August 2001 11:04:38:
Your latest build also 'crashed' vs the latest build of 31337/Celes:
level 0 5 0, 24 MB hashing version of Crux
The position is a mate in 11, (Kf1-e1 Qh3-g2 Bc1-g5 h6xg5 Qd5-g8 Kd8-d7 Qg8-h7 Rh2xh7 Rf3-f2 Rh7-h1 Ke1-e2 Rc8-e8 Ke2-d2 Qg2xf2 Kd2-c3 Bd6-e5 d3-d4 Be5xd4 Kc3-b3 Qf2xb2 Kb3-a4 Re8-a8) but crux goes for the mate in 1 instead, along with some errors being dumped to winboard.debug
795694 >first : b7d5
Johan Hutting

Re: new Crux...

Postby Johan Hutting » 23 Aug 2001, 14:23

Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Johan Hutting at 23 August 2001 15:23:19:
Als Antwort auf: / As an answer to: Re: new Crux... geschrieben von: / posted by: Johan Hutting at 23 August 2001 15:19:51:
gotta love HTML in messages...
let's hope this shows up better, if it doesn't, just grab the html source of the post and dump it in an editor.
Your latest build also 'crashed' vs the latest build of 31337/Celes:
level 0 5 0, 24 MB hashing version of Crux
The position is a mate in 11, (Kf1-e1 Qh3-g2 Bc1-g5 h6xg5 Qd5-g8 Kd8-d7 Qg8-h7 Rh2xh7 Rf3-f2 Rh7-h1 Ke1-e2 Rc8-e8 Ke2-d2 Qg2xf2 Kd2-c3 Bd6-e5 d3-d4 Be5xd4 Kc3-b3 Qf2xb2 Kb3-a4 Re8-a8) but crux goes for the mate in 1 instead, along with some errors being dumped to winboard.debug
795694 ]first : b7d5
795704 )second: __________23-8-2001 15:00:32
795704 )second: --------
795704 )second: ..rk....
795704 )second: ..p.....
795704 )second: ...b...p
795704 )second: ..pQ.p..
795704 )second: ..P...q.
795704 )second: ...P.RP.
795704 )second: PP.....r
795704 )second: R.B..K..
795704 )second: --------
795714 )first : 1 195 0 1 Qg4-h3
795724 )first : 2 195 1 2 Qg4-h3
795724 )first : 3 195 1 3 Qg4-h3
795724 )first : 4 195 1 4 Qg4-h3
797046 )first : 5 195 133 129537 Qg4-h3 Kf1-e1 Qd4xd3 Kf1-g1 f5-f4 a2-a4 Rh2xb2
800822 )first : 6 195 510 496642 Qg4-h3 Kf1-e1 Rh2-h1 Ke1-d2 Qh3-g4 Kd2-e2 Rh1-h2 Ke2-f1
800822 )first : nodes/sec: 97228 nodes/TTable hits: 496642/7796
800822 )first : move g4h3
Interrupting second
800832 ]second: time 16999
otim 14799
800832 ]second: g4h3
800832 )second: Loop *CRUX*
800832 )second: -legalmoves- f1g1 f1e1
800842 )second: -repetition-b7d5 a7b7 g2f1
800842 )second: --- INFO befor move-----------------------------------------------------------------
800842 )second: Total time:300s Remained time:169s Usable time :4,2s
800842 )second: MPS:0 Base incr:5m Incr:0s
800842 )second: Number of moves:27 Period :0
800842 )second: Castling rights: - 50 move rule count:2
800842 )second: EP field:none
800842 )second: FEN:2rk4/2p5/3b3p/2pQ1p2/2P5/3P1RPq/PP5r/R1B2K2 w -
800842 )second: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
800982 )second: _depth___score_______time____nodes_______PV______
800982 )second: 2 -9998 0 41 ( ]f1g1 h3g2
800982 )second: 2 211 0 42 ( ]f1e1
800982 )second: 3 211 0 44 ( ]f1e1 d8e8
801032 )second: 4 179 0 2817 ( ]f1e1 h2g2 d5g8
801272 )second: 5 194 0 15947 ( ]f1e1 d8e7 f3e3 e7f8 e1d1
801633 )second: 6 164 0 37115 ( ]f1e1 h2h1 e1d2 h1h2 d2c3
802674 )second: 7 -7 2 97940 ( ]f1e1 h3g2 d5g8 d8d7 g8f7 d7d8 f7g8
803586 )second: 8 -652 2 153684 ( ]f1e1 h3g2 d5g8 d8d7 g8f7 d7c6 f7d5 c6b6 d5e6 h2h1
804947 )second: --error vMATT (1]
804947 )second: --error vMATT (1]
804947 )second: --error Search error (8]
804947 )second: --error hard error (3]
804947 )second: 9 -11000 4 237681 ( ]
804947 )second: -!-error in move
804947 )second: -legalmoves- f1g1 f1e1
804947 )second: -repetition-b7d5 a7b7 g2f1
804947 )second: --- INFO befor move-----------------------------------------------------------------
804958 )second: Total time:300s Remained time:169s Usable time :4,2s
804958 )second: MPS:0 Base incr:5m Incr:0s
804958 )second: Number of moves:27 Period :0
804958 )second: Castling rights: - 50 move rule count:2
804958 )second: EP field:none
804958 )second: FEN:2rk4/2p5/3b3p/2pQ1p2/2P5/3P1RPq/PP5r/R1B2K2 w -
804958 )second: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
805108 )second: _depth___score_______time____nodes_______PV______
805108 )second: 2 -9998 4 2 ( ]f1g1 h3g2
805108 )second: ---error (4]
805108 )second: --error MATT (10]
805108 )second: 2 -9998 4 3 ( ]f1g1 h3g2
805959 )second: -repetition-b7d5 a7b7 g2f1
805959 )second: cruxmatt9998 Yes 0
805959 )second: --- INFO after move-----------------------------------------------------------------
805959 )second: Loop time:0,15s
805959 )second: Game status:middlegame (Checkmate] PosScore:-99,98 Material:1 (w:28,55 b:-27,55]
805969 )second: Castling rights: - 50 move rule count:3 Rep:0
805969 )second: EP field:none lazy eval window:95
805969 )second: Nodes/Evals:3/0 NPS/EPS:0/0 Forward pruned moves:0
805969 )second: Hash present:Yes total size :20480KB
805969 )second: Hash entries capacity:1048576 used entries (PRIM/SEC/TOT):223279/5/251192 (23,96%)
805969 )second: Hash read hits/total entries:2/251192 (0,0007962%)
805969 )second: PawnHash present:Yes total size :4096KB
805969 )second: PawnHash entries capacity:131072 used entries (PRIM/SEC/TOT):12815/4/13509 (10,31%)
805969 )second: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
805969 )second: -scores--99,98 0,44 -0,06 -0,07 2,31
805969 )second: Figo: bQ Fig: wK
805969 )second:
805969 )second: move f1g1
Interrupting first
805979 ]first : time 14799
otim 16499
805979 ]first : f1g1
805979 )second: __________23-8-2001 15:00:43
805979 )second: --------
805979 )second: ..rk....
805989 )second: ..p.....
805989 )second: ...b...p
805989 )second: ..pQ.p..
805989 )second: ..P.....
805989 )second: ...P.RPq
805989 )second: PP.....r
805989 )second: R.B...K.
805989 )second: --------
805999 )first : 1 -55 0 31 Rh2-g2
805999 )first : 2 32766 0 156 Qh3-g2
805999 )first : nodes/sec: 156000 nodes/TTable hits: 156/12
806009 )first : move h3g2
Johan Hutting

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