Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Luca Dormio at 04 March 2002 12:17:39:
Hi to all, i've just uploaded LarsenVB 0.05 to my site
What's new
- Faster move generation
- Better endgame recognition
- Take back support added (about time...)
- Opening lines extended up to 30 ply
- Book editor completed
- Starting move as White now taken from book preferences, not "hard-coded"
Even if i'll be the only one to use it here are some notes regarding the editor:
Adding and removing of lines is now fully working, even directly with the small chess board... you can also create a book from scratch, and it supports also books without the trailing space (like mine) that some other engines use.
Beware, however, of a small bug that i've not be able to trace yet, that sometimes results in incorrect "playable" flags (easy to correct) or in a partial duplicated line (which is worse, since the book won't load... althought it still can be corrected with a simple text editor)... so, save often and make backups
Have fun
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