Tactical testset

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Tactical testset

Postby Gian-Carlo Pascutto » 18 Jul 2005, 08:59

Hi all,

what good, cleaned tactical testsets are available?

I published ECM-GCP quite a while ago, and I'm basically looking for something similar, or the same, but a bit more cleaned out. Surely in the meantime some more cooks must have been found there, or someone else must have come up with something similar.

Any hints?
Gian-Carlo Pascutto
Posts: 42
Joined: 04 Jul 2005, 13:24
Location: Belgium

Re: Tactical testset

Postby Anonymous » 18 Jul 2005, 15:14

Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:Hi all,

what good, cleaned tactical testsets are available?

I published ECM-GCP quite a while ago, and I'm basically looking for something similar, or the same, but a bit more cleaned out. Surely in the meantime some more cooks must have been found there, or someone else must have come up with something similar.

Any hints?

Here are 50 positions from the Rebel tactics contest of a few years ago. I don't know if it is clean, but knowing Ed, i assume it is.

1r4k1/p4ppp/3P3q/4P2P/3b1P2/1r6/pPQ3B1/K1B2R2 b - - bm h6e6; id "Rebel Contest 1";
1r1qr2k/1p4pp/3p4/1R1B1p2/1pPp4/4P1Pb/1P3P1P/Q3R1K1 w - - bm b5b4; id "Rebel Contest 2";
r6k/1p4pp/3p4/1R1B1p2/1pPP4/6Pb/1P2qP1P/2Q3K1 w - - bm d5g2; id "Rebel Contest 3";
2rqk2r/pb1nbp1p/4p1p1/1B1n4/Np1N4/7Q/PP3PPP/R1B1R1K1 w k - bm e1e6; id "Rebel Contest 4";
r1bq1rk1/3nbppp/p2pp3/6PQ/1p1BP2P/2NB4/PPP2P2/2KR3R w - - bm d4g7; id "Rebel Contest 5";
r1bq1rk1/pp4bp/2np4/2p1p1p1/P1N1P3/1P1P1NP1/1BP1QPKP/1R3R2 b - - bm c8h3; id "Rebel Contest 6";
8/8/3k1p2/p2BnP2/4PN2/1P2K1p1/8/5b2 b - - bm e5d3; id "Rebel Contest 7";
8/3R4/p1k1B1p1/1pr5/P4B2/4K3/1Pr5/8 w - - bm d7c7; id "Rebel Contest 8";
r2q1rk1/pp2p1bp/2n1Ppp1/2pn4/3pNP2/6P1/PPPPQ2P/RNB2RK1 b - - bm d4d3; id "Rebel Contest 9";
3r4/2r5/p3nkp1/1p3p2/1P1pbP2/P2B3R/2PRN1P1/6K1 b - - bm c7c3; id "Rebel Contest 10";
2krr3/pppb1ppp/3b4/3q4/3P3n/2P2N1P/PP2B1P1/R1BQ1RK1 b - - bm h4g2; id "Rebel Contest 11";
5r1k/1P4pp/3P1p2/4p3/1P5P/3q2P1/Q2b2K1/B3R3 w - - bm a2f7; id "Rebel Contest 12";
4r2k/p2qr1pp/1pp2p2/2p1nP1N/4R3/1P1P2RP/1PP2QP1/7K w - - bm g3g7; id "Rebel Contest 13";
r1b1n2r/1p2q3/1Qp1npk1/4p1p1/P1B1P3/2P1BNP1/1P3PK1/R3R3 b - - bm e6f4; id "Rebel Contest 14";
2r2rk1/pb1q1ppp/1p3n2/5N2/4pP2/P3P3/1B2QRPP/R5K1 w - - bm f5g7; id "Rebel Contest 15";
rq4k1/pp1nrppp/4bn2/6R1/3QP3/P4PN1/4B1PP/2B2RK1 w - - bm g5g7; id "Rebel Contest 16";
2rr2k1/1b3ppp/pb2p3/1p2P3/1P2BPnq/P1N3P1/1B2Q2P/R4R1K b - - bm c8c3; id "Rebel Contest 17";
2r2rk1/p3bb1p/2n1Q1p1/q2pP3/3P1P2/p1NB1NR1/1P4P1/1K1R4 w - - bm d3g6; id "Rebel Contest 18";
4r1k1/1p3pp1/1Npr3p/3p3q/3P2n1/4P1PP/PP3PK1/1RR1Q3 b - - bm g4f2; id "Rebel Contest 19";
r3rn1k/1b3Qp1/2p2b2/qp1pN3/3P4/2N1P2P/PP3P2/2KR2R1 w - - bm g1g7; id "Rebel Contest 20";
2r1r1k1/pp1bb2p/3pppp1/q6n/4P2Q/2N1BP1P/PPP1BP2/2KR2R1 w - - bm e2b5; id "Rebel Contest 21";
6r1/2rp1kpp/2qQp3/p3Pp1P/1pP2P2/1P2KP2/P5R1/6R1 w - - bm g2g7; id "Rebel Contest 22";
rn2r1k1/pp2bp1p/3np1pP/2q5/5N2/1BP2Q2/PP1B1PP1/2KR3R w - - bm f4e6; id "Rebel Contest 23";
2r2rk1/1p3pp1/p2qpn1p/4N3/3P4/2PQ4/PP4PP/4RRK1 w - - bm f1f6; id "Rebel Contest 24";
r7/8/4p2k/3p1bR1/7r/Np6/1P6/K5R1 w - - bm g5h5; id "Rebel Contest 25";
b2r3r/k4p1p/p2q1np1/NppP4/3p1Q2/P4PPB/1PP4P/1K1RR3 w - - bm d1d4; id "Rebel Contest 26";
2rqrnk1/pp3pb1/6p1/4pbP1/3pN2R/3B1N2/PPP2P2/2K2Q1R w - - bm h4h8; id "Rebel Contest 27";
r3b1nr/ppqn1k1p/4p1p1/1P1pPpP1/1B1N1P1P/R7/3Q4/R3KB2 w Q - bm a3c3; id "Rebel Contest 28";
2n2r1k/3b3p/1p2p3/pP1p4/P1rPNq1P/8/2Q2PR1/B3R1K1 w - - bm c2c4; id "Rebel Contest 29";
8/7p/p2p4/P7/1p2k1P1/1P2p2r/2P1R1KP/8 b - - bm h3h2; id "Rebel Contest 30";
8/7p/5k2/5p2/p1p2P2/Pr1pPK2/1P1R3P/8 b - - bm b3b2; id "Rebel Contest 31";
rr4k1/3npp2/3p1npQ/q1pP3p/4P2P/P1N2N2/RP3PP1/6KR b - - bm b8b2; id "Rebel Contest 32";
1r6/5kp1/RqQb1p1p/1p1PpP2/1Pp1B3/2P4P/6P1/5K2 b - - bm b6e3; id "Rebel Contest 33";
3r4/8/2P2p2/1K3k2/8/6p1/8/2R5 b - - bm f5g4; id "Rebel Contest 34";
7K/6p1/8/7p/8/8/R7/6k1 w - - bm h8h7; id "Rebel Contest 35";
4Q3/1kp5/3r4/3PK3/8/8/8/8 w - - bm e8e6; id "Rebel Contest 36";
8/7p/1r5R/2k5/8/6PK/6P1/8 w - - bm h6b6; id "Rebel Contest 37";
2rq2k1/4bppp/p1rp4/1p1NpP2/4P3/2PQ4/PP4PP/3R1R1K w - - bm d1a1; id "Rebel Contest 38";
r4rk1/pp1n1p1p/1nqP2p1/2b1P1B1/4NQ2/1B3P2/PP2K2P/2R5 w - - bm c1c5; id "Rebel Contest 39";
r1b2rk1/1p1nbppp/pq1p4/3B4/P2NP3/2N1p3/1PP3PP/R2Q1R1K w - - bm f1f7; id "Rebel Contest 40";
8/6pk/1r5p/1q1p1p1Q/3PbP2/b1p3PP/2P2B1K/1B2R3 b - - bm b5b1; id "Rebel Contest 41";
r2qr2k/pbp3pp/1p2Bb2/2p5/2P2P2/3R2P1/PP2Q1NP/5RK1 b - - bm d8d3; id "Rebel Contest 42";
2r2bk1/4qp2/3n2p1/2R1p1Np/2p1N3/r6P/1Q3PP1/3R2K1 w - - bm c5c8; id "Rebel Contest 43";
1nr1b1k1/r4p2/1p1q2p1/pPppN3/3P4/2RBP3/P1Q2PP1/2R3K1 w - - bm d4c5; id "Rebel Contest 44";
3B4/1p4k1/6B1/P2npp1P/6b1/4P3/6K1/8 w - - bm g2g3; id "Rebel Contest 45";
rn3rk1/1b3ppp/pq2p3/1p1pP3/3RNP2/4Q3/PPP1B1PP/1K5R w - - bm e4f6; id "Rebel Contest 46";
4r3/Rp2rppk/2pQ3p/1qNp4/3P4/4P1P1/5P1P/Rb4K1 b - - bm e7e3; id "Rebel Contest 47";
r2q1rk1/pb3ppp/2n5/1pbNP3/2p1Q3/P4N2/BP3PPP/R4RK1 w - - bm d5f6; id "Rebel Contest 48";
6k1/8/p3r2p/1p1pPpp1/1n1pP3/1Pq4P/PR4PB/3QN1K1 b - - bm d5e4; id "Rebel Contest 49";
r1bq1rk1/1p2bppp/p3p3/n3P3/4N3/1P1P1N2/PB4PP/R3QR1K w - - bm e4f6; id "Rebel Contest 50";


Re: Tactical testset

Postby Joachim Rang » 18 Jul 2005, 17:34

David Dahlem wrote:
Here are 50 positions from the Rebel tactics contest of a few years ago. I don't know if it is clean, but knowing Ed, i assume it is.



no it is not. First they are of very different difficulty level and then there are simply wrong solutions. For example No. 4, Rxe6 is not the strongest move but Bh6. I'm sure there are some other incorrect ones.

Most surprisingly I didn't found good tactical test suites either. I have started to pick correct and comparable positions (difficulty level similiar to each other) from different test suites but this is a very time-cosuming process.

regards Joachim
Joachim Rang
Posts: 69
Joined: 26 Sep 2004, 22:00

Re: Tactical testset

Postby Ron Murawski » 18 Jul 2005, 18:46

Jim Monaghan has posted the IQ testsuite and the O'Kelly testsuite. IQ has been extensively debugged.
IQ5 testsuite
O'Kelly testsuite

You also can find some testsuites on Jon Dart's site.

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Ron Murawski
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Re: Tactical testset

Postby Joachim Rang » 18 Jul 2005, 20:23

Ron Murawski wrote:Jim Monaghan has posted the IQ testsuite and the O'Kelly testsuite. IQ has been extensively debugged.
IQ5 testsuite
O'Kelly testsuite

You also can find some testsuites on Jon Dart's site.


they are both very easy, but maybe mostly correct. I would like to have some positions for 10-30 seconds on modern hardware.

regards Joachim
Joachim Rang
Posts: 69
Joined: 26 Sep 2004, 22:00

Re: Tactical testset

Postby Volker Pittlik » 18 Jul 2005, 20:47

Joachim Rang wrote:...

they are both very easy, but maybe mostly correct. I would like to have some positions for 10-30 seconds on modern hardware.

regards Joachim

Maybe Arasan.5 is OK for you:

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Volker Pittlik
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Re: Tactical testset

Postby Dann Corbit » 18 Jul 2005, 21:07

Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:Hi all,

what good, cleaned tactical testsets are available?

I published ECM-GCP quite a while ago, and I'm basically looking for something similar, or the same, but a bit more cleaned out. Surely in the meantime some more cooks must have been found there, or someone else must have come up with something similar.

Any hints?

Every test set has a lot of bugs. The most thoroughly debugged is WAC, but it is too easy for most engines.
ECM-GCP is probably second best.

Every test set I examine will uncover flaws.

I just found a bunch in MES, and also some in Jenoban.

Here is how to find out if a test set is reliable:
Take at least 5 top engines and let them analyze every position you intend to use for an hour with big hash on a fast machine.
Then, look at every position's result for every engine.
Even if 4/5 agree, look at the disagreement. It may be a better solution or one as good or nearly as good.
Dann Corbit

Re: Tactical testset

Postby Dann Corbit » 18 Jul 2005, 21:21

For these positions:
1R1K4/8/3n4/1b6/1P6/8/8/7k w - - bm Rb6; id "(JenoBan_TofE).189"; #226 white_wins
6k1/1B5p/1p6/3n4/3r4/7P/5KP1/2R5 w - - bm Rc4; id "(JenoBan_TofE).190"; #227 white_wins
1r3k2/8/3b2p1/3P4/1p6/6P1/K4B2/7R w - - bm Bc5; id "(JenoBan_TofE).191"; #228 white_wins
8/8/5P1k/8/2K5/pr2r3/4R3/2R5 w - - bm f7; id "(JenoBan_TofE).192"; #229 white_wins
3r2r1/7k/8/7K/8/8/8/3RR3 w - - bm Re7+; id "(JenoBan_TofE).193"; #230 white_wins
8/8/B7/3K4/8/6p1/7k/5R2 w - - bm Rf3; id "(JenoBan_TofE).194"; #231 white_wins
6k1/4K3/6PP/8/7B/8/8/7r w - - bm h7+; id "(JenoBan_TofE).195"; #232 white_wins
5k2/4p2p/6P1/3K4/8/4B3/8/8 w - - bm Bh6+; id "(JenoBan_TofE).196"; #233 white_wins
1NBk4/p2p4/8/3K4/8/8/8/8 w - - bm Bb7; id "(JenoBan_TofE).197"; #234 white_wins
8/4q3/2p5/2n2Q2/p5N1/7k/8/1K6 w - - bm Ne3+; id "(JenoBan_TofE).198"; #235 white_wins
8/3b2Bq/8/7p/6k1/8/6K1/Q7 w - - bm Qd4+; id "(JenoBan_TofE).199"; #236 white_wins
R7/6N1/8/4p3/4k3/6n1/7b/3K4 w - - bm Ra2; id "(JenoBan_TofE).200"; #237 white_wins
8/3b4/k2p3P/1p1K3P/1P4r1/8/3R4/8 w - - bm h7; id "(JenoBan_TofE).201"; #238 white_wins
5q2/n2P1k2/2b5/8/8/3N4/4BK2/6Q1 w - - bm Qg5; id "(JenoBan_TofE).202"; #239 white_wins

Using Arena to run the tests, I got this result (had to cut short -- only rand for the weekend):

Analysis from E:\jenobug.epd
7/16/2005 12:02:59 AM Level: 3600 Seconds
Analyzing engine: Shredder9UCI

1) Nd4; id "(JenoBan_To
Searching move: Nb3-d4
Best move (Shredder9UCI): Nb3-d4
identical moves! Found in: 28:16
2/3- 00:00 45 60 -5.56 Re3e7
2/3 00:00 74 98 -5.56 Re3e7 Qb6g1
2/5+ 00:00 143 190 -5.55 Re3e8
2/5 00:00 184 245 -5.38 Re3e8 Bh8f6
3/6 00:00 336 421 -5.48 Re3e8 Bh8f6 d2d3
3/6+ 00:01 708 855 -5.47 Re3e4
3/6 00:01 798 963 -5.42 Re3e4 Bh8f6 d2d4
4/7 00:01 1.621 1.852 -5.61 Re3e4 Ka6b5 Ka2b1 Kb5c6
4/8+ 00:01 1.936 2.172 -5.60 Re3e8
4/8 00:01 2.255 2.445 -5.51 Re3e8 Bh8f6 Nb3c5+ Qb6xc5 Re8e6+ Ka6b5
5/11 00:01 5.309 4.719 -5.65 Re3e8 Bh8f6 Re8c8 Ka6b5 d2d3
5/11+ 00:01 5.673 5.042 -5.64 Re3e4
5/11 00:01 7.136 6.343 -5.53 Re3e4 Qb6g6 Re4c4 Ka6b5 Rc4c8
6/18 00:01 17.926 14.705 -5.60 Re3e4 Bh8f6 Re4c4 Ka6b5 Rc4c5+ Kb5b4 d2d4
7/14 00:01 30.880 24.391 -5.73 Re3e4 Bh8f6 Re4g4 Qb6d6 d2d4 Ka6b5 Rg4g6
7/23+ 00:01 50.435 38.441 -5.72 Re3h3
7/23 00:01 51.462 39.224 -5.72 Re3h3 Bh8e5 Rh3h4 Ka6b5
8/23 00:01 80.899 53.932 -5.88 Re3h3 Bh8f6 Rh3h5 Qb6b4 Rh5a5+ Ka6b6 Ra5a8 Kb6c7
8/23+ 00:01 86.499 55.914 -5.87 Re3e4
8/23 00:01 94.255 60.342 -5.86 Re3e4 Bh8f6 Re4g4 Ka6b5
8/23+ 00:01 102.589 62.516 -5.85 Ka2b1
8/23 00:01 113.657 68.633 -5.80 Ka2b1 Qb6g6+ Kb1c1 Ka6b5 Kc1d1 Qg6b1+ Kd1e2 Bh8f6 Re3e6 Bf6b2
9/23 00:02 155.044 80.043 -5.98 Ka2b1 Qb6g6+ Kb1c1 Ka6b5 Kc1d1 Qg6b1+ Kd1e2 Bh8f6 Re3e6 Bf6g7 Re6e7
9/23+ 00:02 164.694 74.219 -5.97 Re3h3
9/27 00:02 175.010 78.339 -5.97 Re3h3 Bh8f6 Rh3h5 Qb6b4 Rh5a5+ Ka6b6 Ra5a8 Qb4e4 Ra8b8+ Kb6c6 Ka2a3
9/27+ 00:02 201.871 81.762 -5.96 Re3e4
9/27 00:02 219.044 82.939 -5.96 Re3e4 Ka6b5
10/24 00:04 370.449 82.893 -6.08 Re3e4 Ka6b5 Re4g4 Qb6a6+ Ka2b1 Bh8f6 Rg4g3 Kb5c4 Kb1c2 Qa6a2+ Kc2d1 Qa2b2
10/24+ 00:04 381.222 80.257 -6.07 Re3h3
10/26 00:05 428.210 84.061 -5.97 Re3h3 Bh8f6 Rh3h5 Qb6b4 Rh5a5+ Ka6b6 Ra5a8 Qb4c4 Ka2a3 Kb6c7 Ra8f8
10/27+ 00:05 453.170 85.552 -5.96 Ka2b1
10/27 00:05 460.999 86.523 -5.96 Ka2b1 Qb6g6+ Kb1c1 Ka6b5 d2d3
11/29 00:07 647.117 90.429 -6.03 Ka2b1 Qb6g6+ Kb1c1 Ka6b5 Kc1d1 Qg6b1+ Kd1e2 Bh8f6 Re3g3 Kb5c4 Nb3a5+ Kc4d5 Rg3a3 Qb1c1
11/29+ 00:08 716.084 81.549 -6.02 Re3h3
11/29 00:09 773.184 84.160 -5.94 Re3h3 Bh8f6 Rh3h5 Qb6b4 Rh5a5+ Ka6b6 Ra5a8 Qb4c4 Ka2a3 Qc4d3 Ra8b8+ Kb6c7 Rb8a8
12/31 00:13 1.070.152 79.826 -6.00 Re3h3 Bh8f6 Rh3h5 Qb6b4 Rh5a5+ Ka6b6 Ra5a8 Qb4c4 Ka2a3 Qc4d3 Ra8a5 Bf6e7+ Ka3b2 Kb6c6
12/31+ 00:15 1.289.679 82.788 -5.99 Ka2b1
12/31 00:16 1.332.616 83.859 -5.99 Ka2b1 Qb6g6+ Kb1c1 Ka6b5 Re3g3
13/31 00:24 2.255.527 91.654 -6.15 Ka2b1 Qb6g6+ Kb1c1 Ka6b5 Re3h3 Qg6c6+
13/33+ 00:28 2.514.171 90.194 -6.14 Re3h3
13/33 00:29 2.764.084 93.450 -6.13 Re3h3 Bh8f6 Rh3e3 Ka6b5 Ka2b1 Qb6a6 Nb3c1 Kb5c4
14/37 00:42 4.154.019 97.778 -6.12 Re3h3 Bh8f6 Rh3e3 Ka6b5 Ka2b1 Qb6a6 Nb3c1 Qa6a1+ Kb1c2 Kb5c4 Re3b3 Kc4d5 d2d3 Bf6e5 Rb3b5+
14/37+ 00:45 4.877.994 108.099 -6.11 Ka2b1
14/37 00:45 5.011.956 109.738 -6.11 Ka2b1 Qb6g6+ Kb1c1 Ka6b5 d2d3
15/37 00:54 7.001.496 129.582 -6.17 Ka2b1 Qb6g6+ Kb1c1 Ka6b5 Re3h3 Qg6c6+ Kc1d1 Bh8b2 Rh3e3 Kb5b4
15/37+ 00:56 8.096.507 143.618 -6.16 Re3h3
15/37 00:58 9.295.861 160.058 -6.15 Re3h3 Bh8f6 Rh3e3 Ka6b5 Ka2b1 Qb6d6 Kb1c2 Qd6c6+ Kc2d1 Qc6h1+ Kd1e2
16/39- 01:17 16.771.422 216.274 -6.40 Re3h3 Bh8f6
16/39 01:28 23.273.390 263.255 -6.70 Re3h3 Qb6f6 Rh3c3 Ka6b5 Nb3c1 Qf6f2 Rc3d3 Kb5c4 Ka2b1 Bh8d4 Kb1c2 Qf2f5 Kc2d1 Qf5g4+ Kd1c2 Qg4e4 Kc2d1 Qe4h1+
16/40+ 01:31 24.117.467 265.575 -6.69 Ka2b1
16/41+ 01:33 26.481.157 282.559 -6.34 Ka2b1
16/41 01:47 34.544.083 321.621 -6.15 Ka2b1 Qb6g6+ Kb1c1 Ka6b5 Kc1d1 Qg6g4+ Kd1c2 Qg4f5+ Kc2c1 Qf5f2
17/45 02:10 44.753.433 344.257 -6.34 Ka2b1 Ka6b5 Kb1c2
18/45 02:43 64.451.150 394.008 -6.43 Ka2b1 Ka6b5 Nb3c1 Qb6g6+ d2d3 Qg6b6 Re3e2 Qb6c6 Re2e7 Bh8f6 Re7a7 Qc6c3 Ra7b7+ Kb5c6 Rb7b8 Qc3d2 Rb8c8+ Kc6d5 Rc8c5+
19/47 03:15 85.884.084 439.480 -6.44 Ka2b1 Ka6b5 Kb1c2 Qb6c6+ Kc2b1 Qc6g6+ Kb1c1 Kb5b4 Kc1d1 Bh8b2 Kd1e2 Qg6b1
20/45- 03:54 112.623.996 481.105 -6.69 Ka2b1 Ka6b5
20/49 04:12 126.293.443 501.474 -7.10 Ka2b1 Bh8d4 Re3g3 Qb6d6 Rg3g5 Bd4e5 Kb1c2
20/49+ 07:15 266.441.049 611.256 -7.09 Re3h3
20/49 15:03 649.962.927 719.097 -7.07 Re3h3 Bh8g7 Rh3e3 Qb6g6 Nb3c5+ Ka6a5 Re3a3+ Ka5b5 Nc5d3 Qg6g5
20/49+ 20:23 896.784.786 733.097 -7.06 Re3e8
20/49 25:28 755.275 -7.06 Re3e8 Bh8g7
20/49+ 28:16 1.284.603.335 757.110 -7.05 Nb3d4
20/49+ 30:03 1.368.010.627 758.511 -6.70 Nb3d4
20/49 30:16 1.375.472.534 757.164 -0.68 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5c4
21/34 30:18 1.376.205.513 756.728 -0.68 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5c4
22/36 30:58 1.398.068.368 752.136 -0.68 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5c4 Rb3c3+ Kc4b4 Rc3b3+ Kb4c5
23/38 31:45 1.419.831.752 745.190 -0.60 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5c4 Rb3c3+ Kc4b4 Rc3b3+ Kb4a5 Rb3a3+
24/40 33:06 1.462.771.070 736.413 -0.60 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5c4 Rb3c3+ Kc4b4 Rc3b3+ Kb4a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4
25/43 35:11 1.518.245.749 719.026 -0.60 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5c4 Rb3c3+ Kc4b4 Rc3b3+ Kb4a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5c4 Rb3c3+ Kc4b4 Rc3b3+ Kb4a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b5
26/46 39:53 1.688.838.849 705.538 -0.60 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7
27/44 44:52 1.828.210.629 678.945 -0.41 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7
28/47 58:42 2.384.598,178 677.009 -0.41 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7
7/16/2005 1:03:03 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:00, Rated time: 28:16

2) Ka6; id "(JenoBan_To
Searching move: Kb7-a6
Best move (Shredder9UCI): Kb7-a6
identical moves! Found in: 03:00
2/2- 00:01 15 21 -0.72 Kb7c6
2/2 00:01 30 43 -0.75 Kb7c6 Kd8c8
2/2+ 00:01 46 66 -0.70 Kb7a7
2/2 00:01 48 69 -0.70 Kb7a7 f5f4
3/3+ 00:01 110 159 -0.34 Kb7a7 f5f4
3/6 00:01 232 337 -0.30 Kb7a7 Bd2e3 Ba4d1
4/5- 00:01 371 539 -0.55 Kb7a7 Bd2e3
4/5 00:01 421 611 -0.84 Kb7a7 Bd2e3 Ba4d1 Be3xb6+
4/5+ 00:01 466 677 -0.83 Kb7c6
4/5 00:01 500 726 -0.83 Kb7c6 Kd8c8 Ba4d1 f5f4
4/7+ 00:01 654 950 -0.73 Kb7a8
4/7+ 00:01 939 1.335 -0.24 Kb7a8
4/7 00:01 1.060 1.507 +0.22 Kb7a8 Bd2f4 b6b7 Bf4e5 Ba4d1
5/9 00:01 1.494 2.125 +0.19 Kb7a8 Bd2f4 b6b7 c4c3 Ba4c2 Bf4e5
6/11 00:01 2.345 3.335 +0.12 Kb7a8 Bd2f4 b6b7 Bf4d6 Ba4d1 Kd8d7 Ka8a7
7/11 00:01 4.011 5.578 +0.08 Kb7a8 Bd2f4 b6b7 Bf4d6 Ba4d1 Kd8d7 Ka8a7 Bd6c5+
8/13 00:01 7.000 9.333 +0.12 Kb7a8 Bd2f4 b6b7 Bf4d6 Ba4b5 c4c3 Bb5d3 c3c2 Bd3xc2
9/15 00:01 10.792 12.786 +0.09 Kb7a8 Bd2f4 b6b7 Bf4d6 Ba4b5 c4c3 Bb5d3 c3c2 Bd3xc2 Bd6e5
10/15 00:01 19.849 15.117 +0.05 Kb7a8 Bd2f4 b6b7 c4c3 Ba4c2 Bf4e5 Bc2d3 f5f4 b7b8Q+
11/17 00:02 41.369 20.052 +0.03 Kb7a8 c4c3 Ba4d1 Bd2f4 b6b7 Bf4e5
12/17 00:02 60.859 25.453 +0.05 Kb7a8 c4c3 Ba4c2 Bd2f4 b6b7 Bf4e5 Bc2xf5
13/17 00:03 79.618 28.303 +0.03 Kb7a8 c4c3 b6b7 Bd2f4 b7b8Q+
14/19 00:04 125.100 33.638 +0.02 Kb7a8 c4c3 Ba4c2 Bd2f4 Bc2xf5
15/20 00:05 171.080 33.897 +0.01 Kb7a8 c4c3 Ba4c2 Bd2f4 Bc2xf5 c3c2 Bf5xc2
16/25- 00:07 269.872 38.042 -0.24 Kb7a8 c4c3
16/25- 00:07 311.485 42.413 -0.74 Kb7a8 c4c3
16/32 00:09 711.184 77.937 -4.35 Kb7a8 Bd2a5 Ba4b5 c4c3 Bb5d3 f5f4 Ka8b7 Ba5xb6 Kb7c6 f4f3 Kc6xb6
16/37+ 00:10 866.829 87.922 -4.34 Ba4c2
16/37 00:10 1.290.242 121.974 -4.34 Ba4c2 f5f4 Bc2d1
16/37+ 00:11 1.333.308 119.013 -4.33 Ba4b5
16/37 00:11 1.494.973 129.997 -4.33 Ba4b5 c4c3
16/37+ 00:12 1.669.871 140.431 -4.32 Kb7a7
16/37+ 00:12 1.795.149 147.481 -3.97 Kb7a7
16/38 00:54 37.343.875 686.581 -3.96 Kb7a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a6 f5f4
16/38+ 00:55 37.428.375 672.494 -3.95 Kb7c6
16/38+ 00:56 37.458.265 672.270 -3.60 Kb7c6
16/40 02:59 140.418.024 784.800 -1.93 Kb7c6 Kd8c8 Ba4c2 f5f4 Kc6d5 c4c3 Kd5e4 Kc8b7 Ke4d3
16/40+ 03:00 140.677.547 782.219 -1.92 Ba4d1
16/40 03:00 140.688.678 782.281 -1.92 Ba4d1 f5f4 Kb7c6 Kd8c8
16/40+ 03:00 140.748.924 779.638 -1.91 Kb7a6
16/40+ 03:00 140.776.716 779.589 -1.56 Kb7a6
16/40 06:00 303.984.069 844.583 -0.26 Kb7a6 Bd2e3 Ka6b5 c4c3 Kb5c4 Be3d2 Kc4d3 Kd8c8 Ba4c6 Kc8b8 Bc6d7 f5f4 Bd7c6 Kb8c8
17/23 06:02 304.124.038 839.071 -0.02 Kb7a6 Bd2e3 Ka6b5 c4c3 Kb5c4 Be3d2 Ba4c2 f5f4 Bc2f5 f4f3 Kc4d3 Bd2f4 Kd3xc3 Kd8e7 Bf5h3 f3f2
18/30 06:06 304.492.054 831.945 -0.01 Kb7a6 Bd2e3 Ka6b5 c4c3 Kb5c4 Be3xb6 Kc4xc3
19/27 06:11 304.957.214 821.088 -0.01 Kb7a6 Bd2e3 Ka6b5 c4c3 Kb5c4 Be3xb6 Kc4xc3
20/30 06:20 305.583.656 803.340 -0.01 Kb7a6 Bd2e3 Ka6b5 c4c3 Kb5c4 Be3xb6 Kc4xc3
21/33 06:40 306.845.355 766.574 -0.02 Kb7a6 Bd2e3 Ka6b5 c4c3 Kb5c4 Be3d2 Ba4c2 f5f4
22/40 07:08 308.672.434 721.618 -0.02 Kb7a6 Bd2e3 Ka6b5 c4c3 Kb5c4 Be3d2 Ba4c2 f5f4 Bc2f5 f4f3 Kc4d3 Kd8e7 b6b7
23/42 07:41 310.999.925 674.986 -0.02 Kb7a6 Bd2e3 Ka6b5 c4c3 Kb5c4 Be3d2 Ba4c2 f5f4 Bc2f5 f4f3 Kc4d3 f3f2 Bf5h3 f2f1Q+
24/46 08:40 317.269.458 610.335 -0.01 Kb7a6 Bd2e3 Ka6b5 c4c3 Kb5c4 Be3d2 Ba4c2 f5f4 Bc2f5 f4f3 Kc4d3 Bd2f4 Kd3xc3 f3f2
25/48 09:26 347.696.053 614.575 -0.05 Kb7a6 Bd2e3 Ka6b5 c4c3 Kb5c4 Be3d2 Ba4c2 f5f4 Bc2f5 f4f3 Kc4d3 f3f2 Bf5h3 Bd2g5 b6b7 Kd8c7 Kd3xc3 Bg5e3 Kc3d3 Kc7xb7
26/52 14:04 580.511.726 687.721 -0.04 Kb7a6 Bd2e3 Ka6b5 c4c3 Kb5c4 Be3d2 Ba4c2 f5f4 Bc2f5 f4f3 Kc4d3 Kd8e7 b6b7 Bd2f4 Kd3xc3 f3f2
27/54 16:30 684.660.190 691.619 -0.04 Kb7a6 Bd2e3 Ka6b5 c4c3 Kb5c4 Be3d2 Ba4c2 f5f4 Bc2f5 f4f3 Kc4d3 f3f2 Bf5h3 Bd2f4 b6b7 Bf4e5 b7b8Q+ Be5xb8 Kd3xc3 Bb8e5+ Kc3d3 Kd8c7 Kd3e4 f2f1Q
28/56 20:13 853.409.180 703.489 -0.05 Kb7a6 Bd2e3 Ka6b5 c4c3 Kb5c4 Be3d2 Ba4c2 f5f4 Bc2f5 f4f3 Kc4d3 f3f2 Bf5h3 Bd2f4 b6b7 Bf4e5 b7b8Q+ Be5xb8 Kd3xc3 Bb8e5+ Kc3d3 f2f1Q+ Bh3xf1 Kd8c7
7/16/2005 2:03:05 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:00, Rated time: 31:16

3) g7+; id "(JenoBan_To
Searching move: g6-g7
Best move (Shredder9UCI): g6-g7
identical moves! Found in: 00:47
2/6- 00:01 74 68 +0.33 g6g7+
2/6- 00:01 183 169 -5.57 g6g7+
2/6 00:01 188 174 -5.57 g6g7+ Kh8g8
2/6+ 00:01 239 221 -5.43 g6xh7
2/6 00:01 241 220 -5.43 g6xh7 f2f1Q
2/6+ 00:01 262 239 -5.13 Ka2b3
2/7 00:01 288 263 -5.13 Ka2b3
2/7+ 00:01 310 283 -5.08 Bf8e7
2/7 00:01 313 286 -5.08 Bf8e7
3/8- 00:01 442 404 -5.34 Bf8e7
3/8 00:01 522 477 -5.34 Bf8e7 f2f1Q
3/8+ 00:01 638 583 -5.18 g6g7+
3/8 00:01 745 680 -4.87 g6g7+ Kh8g8 Ka2b3 f2f1Q
4/10 00:01 1.396 1.276 -4.76 g6g7+ Kh8g8 Ne5f7 f2f1Q Nf7h6+
5/11- 00:01 3.253 2.973 -5.01 g6g7+ Kh8g8
5/11- 00:01 3.353 3.064 -5.57 g6g7+ Kh8g8
5/11 00:01 3.558 3.252 -5.89 g6g7+ Nf5xg7 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Bf8xg7 f2f1Q g5g6 Kg8xg7
5/11+ 00:01 4.054 3.705 -5.88 Bf8e7
5/11+ 00:01 4.099 3.746 -5.53 Bf8e7
5/11 00:01 4.587 4.192 -5.53 Bf8e7
6/11- 00:01 8.157 7.456 -5.98 Bf8e7
6/11- 00:01 8.450 7.723 -7.08 Bf8e7
6/11 00:01 9.024 8.248 -8.34 Bf8e7 Nf5xe7 Ne5f7+ Kh8g7
6/11+ 00:01 9.054 8.156 -5.44 g6g7+
6/11 00:01 10.074 8.954 -5.44 g6g7+ Nf5xg7 Bf8xg7+
6/21+ 00:01 13.266 11.626 -5.43 Ka2b3
6/21 00:01 14.361 12.586 -5.38 Ka2b3 f2f1Q Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Bf8a3
6/21+ 00:01 15.580 13.654 -5.37 Ka2b2
6/21 00:01 15.990 14.014 -5.22 Ka2b2 f2f1Q Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Bf8d6 Qf1b5+ Kb2c3 Nf5xd6 Nf7xd6 Qb5xg5
7/13 00:01 19.925 17.462 -5.25 Ka2b2 f2f1Q Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Bf8a3 Qf1c4 Nf7e5
7/23+ 00:01 22.754 19.942 -5.24 Ka2b3
7/23 00:01 23.299 20.419 -5.24 Ka2b3 f2f1Q Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Bf8a3 Qf1d3+ Kb3b4
7/23+ 00:01 26.638 23.023 -5.23 g6g7+
7/23+ 00:01 26.758 23.127 -4.88 g6g7+
7/23 00:01 28.236 24.092 -4.52 g6g7+ Nf5xg7 g5g6 f2f1Q Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 g6xh7+ Kg8xh7 Nf7g5+ Kh7g6
8/13 00:01 34.644 27.715 -4.52 g6g7+ Nf5xg7 g5g6 f2f1Q Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 g6xh7+ Kg8xh7 Nf7g5+ Kh7g6
9/15- 00:01 46.375 29.369 -4.77 g6g7+ Nf5xg7
9/15- 00:01 48.152 30.495 -5.27 g6g7+ Nf5xg7
9/24 00:02 73.936 35.839 -5.65 g6g7+ Nf5xg7 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Bf8c5 f2f1Q Nf7h6+ Kg8h8 Ka2b2
9/24+ 00:02 153.881 58.266 -5.58 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8
9/24 00:02 153.882 58.266 -5.58 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8
10/10 00:02 153.883 58.266 -5.58 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8
11/11 00:03 213.363 73.019 -5.58 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8
12/12 00:03 287.508 90.639 -5.58 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8
13/13 00:03 404.865 119.393 -5.58 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8
14/14 00:05 580.296 102.308 -5.58 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8
15/35 00:33 22.572.381 681.739 -5.57 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Nf7h6+ Nf5xh6 Bf8xh6 f2f1Q Ka2b2 Qf1d3 g6g7 Kg8f7
16/33- 00:40 27.586.182 688.295 -5.82 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8
16/35 00:44 31.363.839 704.061 -5.92 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Nf7h6+ Nf5xh6 Bf8xh6 f2f1Q g6g7 Qf1b5 Ka2a3 Kg8f7 Ka3a2
16/37+ 00:47 33.351.097 703.505 -5.91 g6g7+
16/38 00:52 37.341.057 712.099 -5.61 g6g7+ Nf5xg7 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Bf8c5 f2f1Q Nf7h6+ Kg8h8 Bc5d6 Qf1g2+ Ka2b3 Qg2d5+ Kb3c2 Qd5c4+ Kc2d2 Qc4d4+ Kd2c2
17/41 01:04 45.282.004 703.573 -5.56 g6g7+ Nf5xg7 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Bf8c5 f2f1Q Nf7h6+ Kg8h8 Bc5d6 Qf1g2+ Ka2b3 Qg2d5+ Kb3c2 Qd5c4+ Kc2d2 Qc4d4+ Kd2e2 Qd4d5 Bd6f4 Qd5e4+ Bf4e3 Qe4e6
18/42 01:56 82.366.039 706.337 -5.55 g6g7+ Nf5xg7 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Bf8c5 f2f1Q Nf7h6+ Kg8h8 Bc5d6 Qf1g2+ Ka2b3 Qg2d5+ Kb3c2 Qd5c4+ Kc2d2 Qc4d4+ Kd2c2
19/42 03:48 172.740.638 756.751 -5.48 g6g7+ Nf5xg7 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Bf8c5 f2f1Q Nf7h6+ Kg8h8 Bc5d6 Qf1g2+ Ka2b3 Qg2d5+ Kb3c2 Qd5c4+ Kc2d2 Qc4d4+ Kd2c2
20/43 05:01 224.726.094 745.746 -5.48 g6g7+ Nf5xg7 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Bf8c5 f2f1Q Nf7h6+ Kg8h8 Bc5d6 Qf1g2+ Ka2b3 Qg2d5+ Kb3c2 Qd5c4+ Kc2d2 Qc4d4+ Kd2c2
21/48 05:58 248.823.929 694.796 -5.47 g6g7+ Nf5xg7 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Bf8c5 f2f1Q Nf7h6+ Kg8h8 Bc5d6 Qf1g2+ Ka2b3 Qg2d5+ Kb3c2 Qd5c4+ Kc2d2 Qc4d4+ Kd2c2
22/49 07:56 328.257.909 689.300 -5.46 g6g7+ Nf5xg7 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Bf8c5 f2f1Q Nf7h6+ Kg8h8 Bc5d6 Qf1g2+ Ka2b3 Qg2d5+ Kb3c2 Qd5c4+ Kc2d2 Qc4d4+ Kd2c2 Qd4a4+ Kc2d3 Qa4b3+ Kd3d2 Qb3b2+ Kd2d3 Qb2b1+
23/51 10:10 432.203.913 708.022 -5.46 g6g7+ Nf5xg7 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Bf8c5 f2f1Q Nf7h6+ Kg8h8 Bc5d6 Qf1g2+ Ka2b3 Qg2d5+ Kb3c2 Qd5c4+ Kc2d2 Qc4d4+ Kd2c2
24/53 23:36 817.495 -5.45 g6g7+ Nf5xg7 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Bf8c5 f2f1Q Nf7h6+ Kg8h8 Bc5d6 Qf1g2+ Ka2b3 Qg2d5+ Kb3c2 Qd5c4+ Kc2d2 Qc4d4+ Kd2c2
7/16/2005 3:03:06 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:00, Rated time: 32:03

4) Bg4+; id "(JenoBan_T
Searching move: Be2-g4
Best move (Shredder9UCI): Be2xc4
Not found in: 1:00:00
2/3 00:01 33 39 +0.62 Be2f3 Ra1b1
2/5+ 00:01 66 79 +0.65 Be2g4+
2/5 00:01 79 95 +0.65 Be2g4+ Kd7d6 Kd1d2
3/6 00:01 182 219 +0.64 Be2g4+ Kd7d6 Kd1d2 Kd6d5
3/6+ 00:01 250 301 +0.66 Kd1d2
3/6 00:01 269 324 +0.66 Kd1d2 Ra1b1 Be2g4+ Kd7d6
4/7- 00:01 385 464 +0.39 Kd1d2 Ra1b1
4/7- 00:01 432 511 -0.15 Kd1d2 Ra1b1
4/7 00:01 488 578 -0.15 Kd1d2 Ra1b1 Be2xc4 Rb1xb2+
4/7+ 00:01 500 592 +0.41 Be2g4+
4/7 00:01 627 742 +0.45 Be2g4+ Kd7d6 Bg4f5 Kd6e5 Bf5d7
5/9 00:01 1.056 1.251 +0.45 Be2g4+ Kd7d6 Bg4f5 Kd6e5 Bf5d7 Ra1b1
6/9 00:01 2.234 2.646 +0.40 Be2g4+ Kd7d6 Bg4f5 Kd6e5 Bf5h7 c6c5 Kd1d2
7/11- 00:01 3.611 4.278 -0.07 Be2g4+ Kd7d6
7/11- 00:01 3.792 4.492 -0.59 Be2g4+ Kd7d6
7/14 00:01 6.104 7.232 -0.97 Be2g4+ Kd7d6 Bg4e2 Ra1b1 Be2xc4 Rb1xb2 Bc4d3 Rb2g2
7/14+ 00:01 7.142 8.462 -0.96 Be2f1
7/14 00:01 7.493 8.877 -0.78 Be2f1 Ra1b1 Bf1xc4 Rb1xb2 Bc4d3 Rb2f2 Nc1e2
7/14+ 00:01 7.494 8.879 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
7/14 00:01 7.495 8.880 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
8/8 00:01 7.797 9.066 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
9/9 00:01 10.274 11.946 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
10/10 00:01 14.193 16.503 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
11/11 00:01 18.228 20.832 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
12/12 00:01 23.241 26.561 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
13/13 00:01 29.283 31.218 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
14/14 00:01 39.122 39.717 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
15/15 00:01 61.856 43.963 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
16/16 00:01 92.132 61.421 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
17/17 00:01 125.451 79.500 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
18/18 00:01 171.063 102.310 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
19/19 00:02 280.175 151.938 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
20/20 00:02 409.983 186.102 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
21/21 00:04 588.521 136.452 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
22/22 00:06 900.012 139.796 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
23/23 00:08 1.384.663 173.408 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
24/24 00:13 2.065.907 155.917 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
25/25 00:15 3.008.764 198.310 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
26/26 00:18 4.534.898 253.700 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
27/27 00:21 6.647.738 315.387 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1
28/43 01:30 64.509.436 716.771 -0.58 Be2xc4 Ra1b1 Bc4d3 Rb1xb2 Nc1e2 Rb2a2 Kd1c1 c6c5 Kc1b1 Kd7c7 Ne2c1 Ra2d2 Bd3b5 Kc7b6 Bb5xa4 c5c4 Nc1xb3 c4xb3 Ba4xb3 Kb6b5 Bb3c2 Rd2h2
29/46 02:03 91.379.806 742.828 -0.54 Be2xc4 Ra1b1 Bc4d3 Rb1xb2 Nc1e2 Rb2a2 Kd1c1 c6c5 c3c4 b3b2+ Kc1b1 Ra2xa3 Bd3c2 Kd7d6 Kb1xb2 Ra3e3 Ne2f4 Kd6e5 Nf4g6+ Ke5d4 Bc2xa4 Kd4xc4 Ng6f4 Kc4d4 Ba4c6
30/48 03:01 139.629.554 770.901 -0.63 Be2xc4 Ra1b1 Bc4d3 Rb1xb2 Nc1e2 Rb2a2 Kd1c1 c6c5 c3c4 b3b2+ Kc1b1 Ra2xa3 Bd3c2 Kd7d6 Kb1xb2 Ra3e3 Ne2f4 Kd6e5 Nf4g6+ Ke5d4 Bc2xa4 Kd4xc4 Ng6f4 Re3f3
31/50 04:11 198.417.897 789.477 -0.60 Be2xc4 Ra1b1 Bc4d3 Rb1xb2 Nc1e2 Rb2a2 Kd1c1 c6c5 c3c4 b3b2+ Kc1b1 Ra2xa3 Bd3c2 Kd7d6 Kb1xb2 Ra3e3 Ne2f4 Kd6e5 Nf4g6+ Ke5d4 Bc2xa4 Kd4xc4 Ng6f4 Kc4d4 Ba4c6 c5c4 Kb2c1 Re3e5
32/53 06:29 313.463.485 804.976 -0.58 Be2xc4 Ra1b1 Bc4d3 Rb1xb2 Nc1e2 Rb2a2 Kd1c1 c6c5 Kc1b1 Kd7c7 Ne2c1 Ra2d2 Bd3b5 Kc7b6 Bb5c4 Rd2c2 Bc4d3 Rc2h2 Nc1e2 Rh2h3 Ne2c1 Kb6c6
33/56 09:33 463.732.095 809.239 -0.57 Be2xc4 Ra1b1 Bc4d3 Rb1xb2 Nc1e2 Rb2a2 Kd1c1 c6c5 Kc1b1 Kd7c7 Ne2c1 Ra2d2 Bd3c4 Kc7b6
34/57 15:43 764.256.150 810.115 -0.58 Be2xc4 Ra1b1 Bc4d3 Rb1xb2 Nc1e2 Rb2a2 Kd1c1 c6c5 Kc1b1 Kd7c7 Ne2c1 Ra2d2 Bd3c4 Kc7b6 Nc1d3 Rd2a2 Nd3c1
35/51 23:14 1.108.741.011 795.348 -0.58 Be2xc4 Ra1b1 Bc4d3 Rb1xb2 Nc1e2 Rb2a2 Kd1c1 c6c5 Kc1b1 Kd7c7 Ne2c1 Ra2d2 Bd3c4 Kc7b6 Nc1d3 Rd2a2 Nd3c1
36/54 35:30 1.655.927.833 777.459 -0.57 Be2xc4 Ra1b1 Bc4d3 Rb1xb2 Nc1e2 Rb2a2 Kd1c1 c6c5 Kc1b1 Kd7c7 Ne2c1 Ra2d2 Bd3c4 Kc7b6 Nc1d3 Rd2a2 Bc4e6 Ra2e2
37/60 57:24 2.626.102,012 762.369 -0.56 Be2xc4 Ra1b1 Bc4d3 Rb1xb2 Nc1e2 Rb2a2 Kd1c1 c6c5 Kc1b1 Kd7c7 Ne2c1 Ra2d2 Bd3c4 Kc7b6 Nc1d3 Rd2a2 Bc4e6 Ra2e2 Be6c4 Re2e4 Bc4d5
7/16/2005 4:03:08 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:00, Rated time: 1:32:03

5) Rc6; id "(JenoBan_To
Searching move: Ra6-c6
Best move (Shredder9UCI): Ra6-b6
Not found in: 1:00:00
2/3 00:00 134 199 -1.85 Ra6xe6 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7
3/5- 00:00 242 360 -2.12 Ra6xe6 Rb5xc5+
3/6- 00:00 451 671 -2.71 Ra6xe6 Rb5xc5+
3/7 00:00 510 758 -3.47 Ra6xe6 Bc2f5 Kc8d7 Bf5xe6+ Kd7d6
3/7+ 00:00 823 1.224 -3.41 Ra6a8
3/7 00:00 873 1.299 -3.41 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Ra8c8
4/8- 00:00 1.232 1.833 -3.79 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+
4/9- 00:00 1.341 1.995 -4.33 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+
4/9 00:00 1.431 2.129 -4.33 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 b2b4 Rc5xe5
4/9+ 00:00 1.633 2.430 -3.49 Ra6xe6
4/9 00:00 1.748 2.601 -3.47 Ra6xe6 Bc2f5 Kc8d7 Bf5xe6+ Kd7d6
5/7- 00:00 2.749 4.090 -4.03 Ra6xe6 Bc2f5
5/9 00:01 3.253 4.728 -4.30 Ra6xe6 Bc2f5 Kc8c7 Bf5xe6 b2b4
5/9+ 00:01 3.422 4.973 -4.06 Ra6a8
5/9 00:01 3.881 5.640 -3.90 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Ra8a7 Rc5xe5 Kb7c6+ Kf7f8
6/12 00:01 6.507 9.457 -4.02 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Ra8a7 Kf7e8 b2b4 Rc5xe5
7/13 00:01 10.834 15.747 -4.10 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Ra8a7 Kf7e8 b2b4 Rc5xe5 Kb7c6
7/13+ 00:01 14.406 20.492 -4.09 Ra6b6
7/13 00:01 14.634 20.816 -4.09 Ra6b6 Rb5xc5+ Kc8d7 Rc5xe5 Rb6xb7 Bc2e4 Rb7c7 Kg8f7
8/14 00:01 22.364 31.812 -4.00 Ra6b6 Rb5xc5+ Kc8d7 Rc5xe5 Rb6xb7 Re5xg5 Kd7xe6 Rg5f5 b2b4
9/15- 00:01 33.987 46.240 -4.25 Ra6b6 Rb5xc5+
9/17 00:01 40.234 54.740 -4.25 Ra6b6 Rb5xc5+ Kc8d7 Rc5xe5 Rb6xb7 Bc2f5
9/17+ 00:01 46.663 62.217 -4.24 Ra6a8
9/17 00:01 51.690 68.920 -4.04 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Ra8a7 Kf7e8 b2b4 Bc2e4+ Kb7a6 Rc5xe5 b4b5
10/20- 00:01 71.045 90.966 -4.29 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+
10/20 00:01 86.453 108.473 -4.50 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Ra8a7 Kf7e8 Ra7a6 Ke8e7 Ra6c6
11/19 00:01 145.157 154.751 -4.42 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Ra8a7 Kf7e8 b2b4 Rc5xe5 Kb7c6 Re5xg5 Kc6d6 Rg5b5 Ra7e7+ Ke8f8
12/23 00:01 229.340 203.857 -4.59 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Ra8a7 Kf7e8 b2b4 Rc5xe5 Kb7c6 Re5xg5 Kc6d6 Rg5b5 Ra7e7+ Ke8d8 Re7c7
13/23 00:01 425.997 262.152 -4.72 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Kb7b6 Rc5xe5 Ra8c8 Bc2e4 Rc8c4 Be4f3
14/30 00:03 869.430 278.217 -4.90 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Ra8a7 Kf7e8 b2b4
14/30+ 00:03 1.043.000 299.282 -4.89 Ra6d6
14/30 00:04 1.198.173 318.155 -4.82 Ra6d6 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7 Rc5xe5 Kb7b6 Kg8f7 Rd6d7+ Kf7f8 Rd7d2 Bc2b3 Rd2d3 Bb3c4 Rd3g3
14/30+ 00:04 1.492.426 337.500 -4.81 Ra6xe6
14/30 00:04 1.564.761 342.923 -4.59 Ra6xe6 Bc2f5 Kc8c7 Bf5xe6 b2b4
15/19- 00:04 1.591.197 345.162 -4.84 Ra6xe6 Bc2f5
15/27 00:05 1.730.905 353.895 -4.95 Ra6xe6 Bc2f5 b2b4 Bf5xe6+ Kc8d8 Kg8f7 Kd8c7 Be6f5 Kc7d6 b7b6 Kd6c6 Bf5d3 Bc5d6 Kf7e6 Bd6c7 Ke6f5
15/29+ 00:05 1.888.450 370.720 -4.94 Ra6a8
15/29 00:05 2.107.155 392.028 -4.85 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Kb7b6 Rc5xe5 Ra8c8 Bc2e4 Rc8c5 Re5f5 b2b4 e6e5 b4b5 Kf7e6 Kb6a6 Rf5f7 Ka6a5
15/29+ 00:05 2.290.346 409.429 -4.84 Ra6d6
15/29 00:06 2.393.796 411.800 -4.84 Ra6d6 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7 Rc5xe5 Kb7b6 Kg8f7 Rd6d7+ Kf7e8
16/31 00:07 3.136.740 423.540 -4.85 Ra6d6 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7 Rc5xe5 Kb7b6 Kg8f7 Rd6c6 Bc2e4 Rc6c5 Re5f5 b2b4 e6e5 b4b5 Kf7e6 Kb6a6 Rf5f7 Ka6a5
17/35 00:10 4.579.757 440.107 -4.94 Ra6d6 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7 Rc5xe5 Kb7b6 Bc2a4 Rd6d4
17/35+ 00:11 4.939.578 454.214 -4.93 Ra6a8
17/35 00:11 5.386.317 471.573 -4.93 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Kb7b6 Rc5xe5 Ra8c8 Bc2e4 Rc8c4 Be4d5
18/32 00:14 7.473.898 522.175 -4.89 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Kb7b6 Rc5xe5 Ra8c8 Bc2e4 Rc8c7+ Kf7e8 Rc7c4 Be4d5 Rc4g4 Re5f5 b2b4 Ke8e7 b4b5 Bd5f3 Rg4g1 Bf3e2 Kb6c7
19/36 00:21 11.590.217 535.196 -5.06 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Kb7b6 Rc5xe5 Ra8a7+ Kf7e8 Ra7a5 Re5xa5 Kb6xa5 e6e5 Ka5b4 Ke8d7 Kb4c3 Bc2f5 Kc3d2 Kd7c6 Kd2e3 Kc6c5 b2b3 Bf5c2
20/37 00:33 19.361.562 578.492 -5.15 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Kb7b6 Rc5xe5 Ra8a7+ Kf7e8 Ra7c7 Bc2e4 Rc7c4 Be4d5 Rc4g4 Ke8e7 b2b4 Ke7d6 b4b5 Bd5f3 Rg4f4 Re5f5 Rf4d4+ Rf5d5 Rd4f4 Bf3e2
21/38 00:48 30.599.966 632.963 -5.18 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Kb7b6 Rc5xe5 Ra8a7+ Kf7e8 Ra7a5 Re5xa5 Kb6xa5 e6e5 Ka5b4 Bc2e4 Kb4c4 Ke8e7 b2b4 Ke7e6 b4b5 Ke6f5 b5b6 Be4b7 Kc4d3 Kf5xg5
22/42 01:19 53.022.266 667.072 -5.31 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Kb7b6 Rc5xe5 Ra8a7+ Kf7e8 Ra7c7 Bc2e4 Rc7c4 Be4d5 Rc4g4 Ke8e7 b2b4 Ke7d6 b4b5 Bd5f3 Rg4g1
22/43+ 01:39 62.425.907 630.367 -5.30 Ra6d6
22/43 01:47 67.090.182 625.730 -5.30 Ra6d6 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7 Rc5xe5 Kb7b6 Bc2a4 Rd6d4 Ba4b5
23/41- 02:43 99.828.301 612.796 -5.55 Ra6d6 Rb5xc5+
23/43 03:27 129.007.188 622.282 -5.68 Ra6d6 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7 Rc5xe5 Kb7b6 Bc2a4 Rd6d4 Ba4b5 Rd4g4 Re5d5 Rg4g3 e6e5 Rg3e3 Kg8f7 b2b4 Kf7e6 Re3f3 e5e4 Rf3f6+ Ke6d7 Rf6xg6 e4e3 Rg6g7+ Kd7d6 Rg7g6+ Kd6e7 Rg6g7+ Ke7d6
23/43+ 03:41 138.621.952 627.779 -5.67 Ra6a8
23/43+ 03:46 142.989.127 632.082 -5.32 Ra6a8
23/43 03:56 150.367.980 637.995 -5.31 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Kb7b6 Rc5xe5 Ra8a7+ Kf7e8 Ra7c7 Bc2e4 Rc7c4 Be4d5 Rc4g4 Ke8e7 b2b4 Ke7d6 b4b5 Bd5f3 Rg4g1
24/45 05:07 195.219.266 635.924 -5.45 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Kb7b6 Rc5xe5 Ra8a7+ Kf7e8 Ra7a5 Re5xa5 Kb6xa5 e6e5 Ka5b4 Bc2d3
25/49 07:37 285.966.549 625.576 -5.50 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Kb7b6 Rc5xe5 Ra8a7+ Kf7e8 Ra7c7 Bc2e4 Rc7c4 Ke8e7 b2b4 Be4d3 Rc4c5 Ke7d6 Rc5c6+
26/51 10:58 400.073.851 608.087 -5.50 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Kb7b6 Rc5xe5 Ra8a7+ Kf7e8 Ra7c7 Bc2e4 Rc7c4 Ke8e7 b2b4 Be4d3 Rc4c5 Ke7d6 Rc5c6+
27/51 18:29 642.950.794 579.528 -5.63 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Kb7b6 Rc5xe5 Ra8a7+ Kf7e8 Ra7c7 Bc2e4 Rc7c4 Ke8e7 b2b4 Ke7d6 b4b5 Be4d5 Rc4g4 Re5f5 Kb6a6 e6e5 Rg4g3 Rf5f3 Rg3g1 Rf3a3+ Ka6b6 e5e4 Rg1d1 e4e3
28/51 35:18 1.291.856.170 609.972 -5.87 Ra6a8 Rb5xc5+ Kc8xb7+ Kg8f7 Ra8a7 Kf7e8 b2b4 Bc2e4+ Kb7b6 Rc5xe5 Ra7a5 Be4d5 Kb6c5 Re5xg5 Kc5d6 Rg5g2 Ra5a7 Rg2b2 Ra7g7 Rb2xb4 Rg7xg6 Ke8f7
28/53+ 50:54 1.856.521.155 607.783 -5.86 Ra6b6
28/53 55:00 1.993.248.014 603.894 -5.86 Ra6b6 Rb5xc5+ Kc8d7 Rc5xe5 Rb6xb7 Re5xg5
7/16/2005 5:03:09 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:00, Rated time: 2:32:03

6) Kc6; id "(JenoBan_To
Searching move: Kb5-c6
Best move (Shredder9UCI): Kb5-c6
identical moves! Found in: 00:01
2/5 00:01 41 52 +0.85 Kb5c4 c3c2
3/4- 00:01 139 177 +0.60 Kb5c4 c3c2
3/6 00:01 183 234 +0.39 Kb5c4 c3c2 Rb1f1
4/8- 00:01 717 916 +0.14 Kb5c4 c3c2
4/8- 00:01 768 982 -0.36 Kb5c4 c3c2
4/9 00:01 1.114 1.424 -1.49 Kb5c4 c3c2 Rb1b8+ Kg8f7 Rb8b7+ Kf7e6
4/9+ 00:01 2.206 2.767 -1.12 Rb1a1
4/9 00:01 2.367 2.969 -1.12 Rb1a1 d3d2 Ra1a8+ Kg8f7 Ra8a1
4/9+ 00:01 2.450 3.074 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
4/9 00:01 2.451 3.075 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
5/5 00:01 2.934 3.681 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
6/6 00:01 5.108 6.282 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
7/7 00:01 7.375 8.896 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
8/8 00:01 12.147 14.652 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
9/9 00:01 18.696 19.931 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
10/10 00:01 30.017 29.086 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
11/11 00:01 48.168 40.006 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
12/12 00:01 72.097 50.701 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
13/13 00:01 145.671 87.123 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
14/14 00:02 212.629 112.442 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
15/15 00:02 298.098 139.233 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
16/16 00:02 409.181 168.943 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
17/17 00:03 543.822 151.948 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
18/18 00:05 739.694 156.748 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
19/19 00:06 1.235.292 185.562 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
20/20 00:08 1.637.468 205.867 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
21/21 00:09 2.113.027 231.945 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
22/22 00:11 2.714.620 249.253 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
23/23 00:13 3.532.018 267.496 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
24/24 00:15 4.627.404 304.054 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
25/25 00:21 7.769.406 372.740 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
26/26 00:23 10.192.684 438.395 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2
27/40 01:02 50.933.465 817.171 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2 Kc6d7 d4d3 Rb1f1 Kg8h7 Kd7e7 c3c2 Rf1f8 c2c1Q Rf8f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+
28/42 01:20 65.790.137 822.849 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2 Kc6d7 d4d3 Rb1f1 Kg8h7 Kd7e7 c3c2 Rf1f8 c2c1Q Rf8f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+
29/43 01:34 79.315.213 846.164 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2 Kc6d7 d4d3 Rb1f1 Kg8h7 Kd7e7 c3c2 Rf1f8 c2c1Q Rf8f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+
30/44 01:59 103.993.129 871.256 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2 Kc6d7 d4d3 Rb1f1 Kg8h7 Kd7e7 c3c2 Rf1f8 c2c1Q Rf8f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+
31/44 02:39 140.786.142 883.364 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2 Kc6d7 d4d3 Rb1f1 Kg8h7 Kd7e7 c3c2 Rf1f8 c2c1Q Rf8f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+
32/44 03:26 185.607.263 899.708 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2 Kc6d7 d4d3 Rb1f1 Kg8h7 Kd7e7 c3c2 Rf1f8 c2c1Q Rf8f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7
33/54 04:44 258.084.076 909.547 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2 Kc6d7 d4d3 Rb1f1 Kg8h7 Kd7e7 c3c2 Rf1f8 c2c1Q Rf8f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+
34/48 06:13 339.909.758 910.141 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2 Kc6d7 d4d3 Rb1f1 Kg8h7 Kd7e7 c3c2 Rf1f8 c2c1Q Rf8f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+
35/52 08:35 459.706.143 893.066 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2 Kc6d7 d4d3 Rb1f1 Kg8h7 Kd7e7 c3c2 Rf1f8 c2c1Q Rf8f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+
36/54 12:31 659.794.037 877.950 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2 Kc6d7 d4d3 Rb1f1 Kg8h7 Kd7e7 c3c2 Rf1f8 c2c1Q Rf8f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+
37/56 18:41 964.518.018 860.108 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2 Kc6d7 d4d3 Rb1f1 Kg8h7 Kd7e7 c3c2 Rf1f8 c2c1Q Rf8f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+
38/60 26:18 1.358.996.491 861.180 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2 Kc6d7 d4d3 Rb1f1 Kg8h7 Kd7e7 c3c2 Rf1f8 c2c1Q Rf8f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+
39/61 41:33 2.174.004,244 871.922 +0.03 Kb5c6 d3d2 Kc6d7 d4d3 Rb1f1 Kg8h7 Kd7e7 c3c2 Rf1f8 c2c1Q Rf8f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+ Kh7g6 Rf7f6+ Kg6h7 Rf6f7+
7/16/2005 6:03:11 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:00, Rated time: 2:32:04

7) Rf6; id "(JenoBan_To
Searching move: Rf4-f6
Best move (Shredder9UCI): Rf4-f6
identical moves! Found in: 00:18
2/4- 00:01 87 118 +3.65 Ne6c7+
2/4- 00:01 115 156 +3.15 Ne6c7+
2/5 00:01 281 382 -1.66 Ne6c7+ Kd5e5 Rf4e4+ Ng3xe4
3/5- 00:01 403 526 -3.35 Ne6c7+ Kd5e5
3/6- 00:01 469 612 -3.91 Ne6c7+ Kd5e5
3/7 00:01 701 915 -5.39 Ne6c7+ Kd5e5 Nc7e8 e2e1Q
4/6- 00:01 1.584 1.987 -6.22 Ne6c7+ Kd5e5
4/8 00:01 2.112 2.597 -6.22 Ne6c7+ Kd5e5
4/8+ 00:01 2.656 1.603 -6.12 Rf4f8
4/8 00:01 2.822 1.704 -6.12 Rf4f8 e2e1Q Rf8d8+
5/11 00:02 4.385 2.462 -6.23 Rf4f8 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf8d8+ Kd4c4 Ka7b7
5/11+ 00:02 6.521 3.628 -6.22 Ne6c7+
5/11+ 00:02 9.398 5.096 -5.87 Ne6c7+
5/16 00:02 12.782 6.817 -3.22 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5 Nc7a6+ Kc5d6 Rf4d4+ Kd6e7 Rd4d7+ Ke7e8 Rd7d8+ Ke8xd8
6/13+ 00:02 16.170 8.624 -2.65 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5
6/13+ 00:02 16.316 8.701 -2.14 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5
6/16 00:02 18.433 9.830 -2.14 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5 Nc7a6+ Kc5d6 Rf4f6+ Kd6e7 Rf6e6+ Ke7xe6 Na6c5+ Ke6e5 Nc5d3+ Ke5d4
7/18 00:02 27.064 14.312 -2.37 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5 Nc7a6+ Kc5d6 Rf4f6+ Kd6e7 Rf6e6+ Ke7xe6 Na6c5+ Ke6e5 Nc5d3+ Ke5d4 Nd3e1
8/19 00:02 45.673 23.763 -2.47 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5 Nc7a6+ Kc5d6 Rf4f6+ Kd6e7 Rf6e6+ Ke7xe6 Na6c5+ Ke6e5 Nc5d3+ Ke5d4 Nd3e1 Ng3e4
9/16+ 00:02 61.858 30.218 -2.22 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5
9/20 00:02 79.695 35.673 -1.87 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5 Nc7a6+ Kc5d6 Rf4f6+ Kd6e7 Na6c5 Ke7xf6 Nc5d3 Kf6f5
10/26 00:03 140.561 45.430 -2.02 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5 Nc7a6+ Kc5d6 Rf4d4+ Kd6e7 Rd4d7+ Ke7xd7 Na6c5+ Kd7c6 Nc5d3 Kc6b5 Nd3e1 Ng3f5 Ka7b7
11/27- 00:05 209.908 44.042 -2.27 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5
11/27- 00:05 231.165 48.029 -2.77 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5
11/27 00:06 578.298 87.700 -5.99 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5 Nc7a6+ Kc5d6 Rf4f6+ Kd6e7 Rf6g6 e2e1Q Rg6g7+ Ke7e8 Na6c7+ Ke8d8 Ka7b6 Qe1b4+ Kb6c6
12/29+ 00:10 719.845 70.878 -5.74 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5
12/29+ 00:10 725.824 71.467 -5.24 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5
12/29 00:10 780.445 73.996 -4.84 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5 Nc7a6+ Kc5d6 Rf4f6+ Kd6e7 Rf6g6 e2e1Q Rg6g7+ Ke7d6 Rg7g6+ Kd6e5 Rg6g5+ Ke5d4 Rg5xg3
13/29 00:15 1.030.857 68.582 -4.90 Ne6c7+ Kd5c5 Nc7a6+ Kc5d6 Rf4f6+ Kd6e7 Rf6g6 e2e1Q Rg6g7+ Ke7f6 Rg7xg3 Qe1xg3 Ka7b7 Qg3b3+ Kb7a7 Qb3b5
13/31+ 00:18 1.132.818 63.709 -4.89 Rf4f6
13/31+ 00:18 1.136.857 63.490 -4.54 Rf4f6
13/31 00:19 1.168.741 61.818 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
14/24 00:23 1.279.084 54.792 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
15/28 00:28 1.543.853 54.468 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
16/28 00:34 2.057.865 60.693 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
17/34 00:39 2.923.894 75.243 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
18/36 00:45 4.272.862 95.448 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
19/38 00:51 6.393.923 125.064 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
20/40 00:58 9.642.829 166.614 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
21/44 01:09 14.609.567 212.694 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
22/42 01:19 22.353.681 282.510 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
23/48 01:33 34.066.684 366.060 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
24/50 01:54 52.118.754 457.495 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
25/48 02:25 79.835.522 551.719 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
26/52 03:08 120.559.172 639.411 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
27/54 04:18 183.080.799 709.401 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
28/56 06:13 277.936.180 744.077 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
29/57 09:27 419.588.541 739.240 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
30/60 14:01 633.597.567 753.077 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
31/62 20:58 952.627.123 757.349 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
32/64 30:56 1.436.018.927 773.456 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
33/66 46:05 2.157.603,063 780.378 -0.01 Rf4f6 e2e1Q Ne6f4+ Kd5d4 Rf6d6+ Kd4e5 Nf4d3+ Ke5xd6
7/16/2005 7:03:13 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:00, Rated time: 2:32:22

8) Nd7; id "(JenoBan_To
Searching move: Nc5-d7
Best move (Shredder9UCI): Nc5-d7
identical moves! Found in: 00:18
2/4- 00:01 38 47 -2.84 Nc5d7
2/6- 00:01 44 55 -4.61 Nc5d7
2/6 00:01 65 81 -4.61 Nc5d7 Bb8d6
2/6+ 00:01 89 111 -4.47 Nc5e6
2/6 00:01 112 140 -4.37 Nc5e6 Bb8d6
3/8 00:01 322 404 -4.46 Nc5e6 Bb8d6 Bb5d3
4/9 00:01 1.167 1.464 -4.54 Nc5e6 Bb8d6 Bb5d3 Kh5h4
5/11 00:01 4.235 5.209 -4.69 Nc5e6 Bb8d6 Bb5e8 Kh5h4 Be8c6
5/12+ 00:01 4.975 6.119 -4.68 Bb5e2+
5/12 00:01 6.289 7.735 -4.68 Bb5e2+ Kh5h4
5/12+ 00:01 8.485 10.436 -4.67 Bb5d7
5/12 00:01 9.088 11.178 -4.58 Bb5d7 Kh5h4 Nc5e4
6/13 00:01 14.481 17.489 -4.75 Bb5d7 Bb8d6 Bd7e8 Kh5h4 Nc5e4 Qh8h6
6/16+ 00:01 22.993 27.242 -4.74 Nc5e4
6/16 00:01 25.286 29.959 -4.62 Nc5e4 Bb8e5 Bb5c4
7/15- 00:01 30.490 35.494 -4.87 Nc5e4 Bb8e5
7/15 00:01 33.984 39.562 -4.95 Nc5e4 Kh5g6 Bb5e8 Qh8f8 Kg2f3 Bb8e5 h3h4
7/21+ 00:01 43.644 49.878 -4.94 Bb5e2+
7/21 00:01 46.073 52.654 -4.94 Bb5e2+ Kh5g6 Be2c4 Bb8d6 Nc5b7
7/21+ 00:01 47.009 53.724 -4.93 Nc5e6
7/21 00:01 49.928 56.035 -4.74 Nc5e6 Bb8d6 Bb5e8 Kh5h4 Ne6d4 g7g6 Nd4f3+ Kh4h5
8/19 00:01 73.551 78.412 -4.81 Nc5e6 Bb8d6 Bb5e8 Kh5h4 Ne6d4 Kh4g5 Be8c6 Qh8h4
9/21- 00:01 158.751 116.814 -5.06 Nc5e6 Bb8d6
9/23 00:01 205.945 143.216 -5.15 Nc5e6 Bb8d6 Bb5c6 Kh5g6 f7f8Q Bd6xf8
9/23+ 00:01 218.322 144.011 -5.14 Bb5c6
9/30 00:01 251.180 159.176 -5.09 Bb5c6 g7g5 Nc5e4 g5g4 h3xg4+ Kh5g6 Bc6d5 Qh8h2+ Kg2f3 Qh2f4+ Kf3e2 Kg6g7
9/30+ 00:01 269.604 169.136 -5.08 Bb5d7
9/30 00:01 279.113 173.469 -5.08 Bb5d7 g7g5 Nc5d3 Bb8d6
9/30+ 00:01 286.773 176.475 -5.07 Bb5e2+
9/30 00:01 298.081 180.000 -5.07 Bb5e2+ Kh5g6 Be2c4 Bb8d6 Nc5b7 Qh8a8 Bc4d5 Kg6f6 Nb7xd6
9/30+ 00:02 303.067 179.542 -5.06 Nc5e4
9/30 00:02 370.138 199.105 -4.85 Nc5e4 Bb8e5 Bb5e8 Kh5h4 Be8c6 Qh8c8 Bc6d7 Qc8a8
10/28 00:02 486.411 216.182 -4.98 Nc5e4 Kh5g6 Bb5e8 Kg6f5 Ne4g3+ Kf5e6 Ng3e4 Bb8a7 Kg2g3 Ba7e3 h3h4
10/29+ 00:03 763.778 215.330 -4.97 Bb5c4
10/29 00:04 863.303 233.136 -4.97 Bb5c4 g7g5
11/31- 00:04 1.176.259 260.464 -5.22 Bb5c4 g7g5
11/31 00:05 1.436.529 289.098 -5.22 Bb5c4 Qh8c8 Nc5e4
11/31+ 00:05 1.459.686 291.937 -5.21 Nc5e4
11/31 00:05 1.528.678 294.656 -5.05 Nc5e4 Kh5g6 Bb5c4 Qh8c8 Ne4c5
12/33 00:09 2.938.186 338.188 -5.29 Nc5e4 g7g5 Ne4f2 Bb8d6 Bb5e8
12/33+ 00:11 4.568.642 399.986 -5.28 Bb5e8
12/33 00:16 8.647.531 542.062 -5.26 Bb5e8 g7g6 Nc5d7 Qh8b2+ Kg2f3 Qb2c3+ Kf3e4 Qc3c4+ Ke4e3 Bb8f4+ Ke3f3 Bf4d6 f7f8Q Qc4f1+ Kf3e4 Qf1e2+ Ke4d5
12/33+ 00:16 8.935.672 544.128 -5.25 Bb5e2+
12/33 00:17 9.305.245 543.880 -5.23 Bb5e2+ Kh5g6 Be2c4 Qh8d8 Nc5e4 Qd8c8 Ne4d2 Qc8b7+ Nd2f3 Qb7b2+ Kg2f1 Bb8d6
12/33+ 00:18 9.640.675 545.040 -5.22 Nc5d7
12/33+ 00:19 9.980.073 530.488 -4.87 Nc5d7
12/33 00:19 10.151.717 527.800 -0.15 Nc5d7 Bb8d6 f7f8Q Bd6xf8 Nd7e5 Qh8g8 Bb5c4 Qg8h7 Bc4d3 g7g6 Bd3xg6+ Qh7xg6+
13/29 00:20 10.419.032 520.145 -0.24 Nc5d7 Bb8d6 f7f8Q Bd6xf8 Nd7e5 Qh8g8 Bb5c4 Qg8h7 Bc4d3 Qh7xd3 Ne5xd3 Bf8d6
14/36 00:21 11.304.554 521.620 -0.20 Nc5d7 Bb8d6 f7f8Q Bd6xf8 Nd7e5 Qh8g8 Bb5c4 Qg8h7 Bc4d3
15/37 00:23 12.311.270 525.628 -0.22 Nc5d7 Bb8d6 f7f8Q Bd6xf8 Nd7e5 Qh8g8 Bb5c4 Qg8xc4 Ne5xc4 Kh5h4 Nc4e5 Bf8d6 Ne5c6 Bd6c5
16/37 00:26 14.190.661 542.207 -0.24 Nc5d7 Bb8d6 f7f8Q Bd6xf8 Nd7e5 Qh8g8 Bb5c4 Qg8xc4 Ne5xc4 Kh5h4 Nc4e5 Bf8d6 Ne5f3+ Kh4h5
17/40 00:45 28.221.638 626.493 -0.15 Nc5d7 Bb8d6 f7f8Q Bd6xf8 Nd7e5 Qh8g8 Bb5c4 Qg8h7 Bc4d3 Qh7xd3 Ne5xd3 Bf8d6 Kg2f3 Kh5h4 Nd3f4 Bd6xf4
18/43 00:58 34.828.306 594.086 -0.24 Nc5d7 Bb8d6 f7f8Q Bd6xf8 Nd7e5 Qh8g8 Bb5c4 Qg8xc4 Ne5xc4 Kh5h4 Nc4e5 Bf8d6 Ne5f3+ Kh4h5
19/44 02:11 92.737.362 705.227 -0.19 Nc5d7 Bb8d6 f7f8Q Bd6xf8 Nd7e5 Qh8g8 Bb5c4 Qg8xc4 Ne5xc4 Kh5h4 Nc4e5 Bf8d6 Ne5f3+ Kh4h5
20/47 02:44 118.860.317 724.069 -0.20 Nc5d7 Bb8d6 f7f8Q Bd6xf8 Nd7e5 Qh8g8 Bb5c4 Qg8xc4 Ne5xc4 Kh5h4 Nc4e5 Bf8d6 Ne5f3+ Kh4h5
21/49 08:33 416.653.789 811.992 -0.16 Nc5d7 Bb8d6 f7f8Q Bd6xf8 Nd7e5 Qh8g8 Bb5c4 Qg8xc4 Ne5xc4 Kh5h4 Nc4e5 Bf8d6 Ne5f3+ Kh4h5
22/51 11:51 572.279.031 804.309 -0.18 Nc5d7 Bb8d6 f7f8Q Bd6xf8 Nd7e5 Qh8g8 Bb5c4 Qg8xc4 Ne5xc4 Kh5h4 Nc4e5 Bf8d6 Ne5f3+ Kh4h5
23/53 38:57 1.963.606.361 840.118 -0.15 Nc5d7 Bb8d6 f7f8Q Bd6xf8 Nd7e5 Qh8g8 Bb5c4 Qg8xc4 Ne5xc4 Kh5h4 Nc4e5 Bf8d6 Ne5f3+ Kh4h5 Kg2f2 Bd6c5+ Kf2g3 g7g5 Nf3d2 Bc5d6+ Kg3f3 Kh5h4
7/16/2005 8:03:14 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:00, Rated time: 2:32:40

9) Qc4+; id "(JenoBan_T
Searching move: Qc8-c4
Best move (Shredder9UCI): Qc8-c2
Not found in: 1:00:00
2/2 00:01 55 74 +M18 Qc8c2+ Ke2e1
3/3 00:01 81 97 +M18 Qc8c2+ Ke2e1
4/4 00:01 107 120 +M18 Qc8c2+ Ke2e1
7/16/2005 8:03:17 AM, Time for this analysis: 00:00:02, Rated time: 3:32:40

10) Kd4; id "(JenoBan_T
Searching move: Kd5-d4
Best move (Shredder9UCI): Kd5-d4
identical moves! Found in: 00:00
2/2- 00:00 15 241 +0.01 Ba7d4
2/2 00:00 16 172 +0.01 Ba7d4
2/2+ 00:00 24 153 +M22 Kd5d4
2/2 00:00 25 160 +M22 Kd5d4
3/3 00:00 31 124 +M22 Kd5d4 Kc7c6
4/4 00:00 45 151 +M22 Kd5d4 Kc7c6
7/16/2005 8:03:20 AM, Time for this analysis: 00:00:01, Rated time: 3:32:40

11) Bd4; id "(JenoBan_T
Searching move: Ba7-d4
Best move (Shredder9UCI): Ba7-d4
identical moves! Found in: 02:57
2/6- 00:01 103 146 +3.76 Ba7c5+ Ka3b2
2/10- 00:01 156 221 +3.26 Ba7c5+ Ka3b2
2/10 00:01 337 479 +0.34 Ba7c5+ Ka3b3 Kd2e3
2/10+ 00:01 358 509 +0.36 Kd2e3
2/10 00:01 361 513 +0.36 Kd2e3 a2a1Q
3/6 00:01 505 718 +0.34 Kd2e3 Ka3b3 Ba7c5
3/6+ 00:01 541 769 +0.36 h7h8Q
3/6 00:01 595 846 +0.39 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8b8
4/8+ 00:01 1.026 1.459 +0.65 h7h8Q a2a1Q
4/8+ 00:01 1.156 1.644 +1.15 h7h8Q a2a1Q
4/8 00:01 1.578 2.244 +1.23 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8f8+ Ka3a4 Qf8xf7
5/10 00:01 3.129 4.450 +1.24 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8f8+ Ka3a4 Qf8xf7 Qa1b2+
6/18 00:01 7.435 10.115 +1.24 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8f8+ Ka3a4 Qf8xf7 Qa1b2+ Kd2d3
7/21 00:01 15.281 20.374 +1.24 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8f8+ Ka3a4 Qf8e8+ Ka4a5 Qe8xf7 Qa1b2+ Kd2d3
8/21- 00:01 32.782 41.920 +0.99 h7h8Q a2a1Q
8/26 00:01 42.560 50.426 +0.94 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8f8+ Ka3a4 Qf8e8+ Ka4b4 Qe8b8+ Kb4a4 Ba7c5 Qa1a2+ Kd2e3
9/24 00:01 78.618 57.807 +0.87 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8f8+ Ka3a4 Qf8e8+ Ka4b4 Qe8b8+ Kb4a4 Qb8xc7 Qa1b2+ Kd2e3 f7f5
10/28- 00:02 195.514 110.710 +0.62 h7h8Q a2a1Q
10/28 00:02 215.645 117.967 +0.62 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8f8+ Ka3a4 Qf8e8+ Ka4a5 Qe8c6
11/30 00:02 411.000 157.471 +0.73 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8f8+ Ka3a4 Qf8e8+ Ka4a5 Qe8c6 Qa1b2+ Kd2e3 Qb2b3+ Ke3e4 f7f5+ Ke4xe5 Qb3b5+ Qc6c5 Qb5xc5+ Ba7xc5
12/32 00:04 858.262 226.036 +0.80 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8f8+ Ka3a4 Qf8e8+ Ka4a5 Qe8c6 Qa1b2+ Kd2e3 Qb2b3+ Ke3f2 Qb3b2+ Kf2f3 f7f5 Qc6xc7+ Ka5b4
13/33 00:06 1.677.165 263.705 +0.76 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8f8+ Ka3a4 Qf8e8+ Ka4a5 Qe8c6 Qa1b2+ Kd2e3 Qb2b3+ Ke3f2 Qb3b2+ Kf2f3 e5e4+ Qc6xe4 Qb2f6+ Kf3e3 Qf6e6 Ba7d4
14/37 00:12 4.079.598 347.643 +0.52 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8f8+ Ka3a4 Qf8e8+ Ka4a5 Qe8c6 Qa1b2+ Kd2e3 f7f5 Qc6xc7+ Ka5a6 Ba7b8 Qb2b6+ Qc7xb6+ Ka6xb6
15/40 00:24 10.359.885 423.925 +0.31 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8f8+ Ka3a4 Qf8e8+ Ka4a5 Qe8c6 Qa1b2+ Kd2e3 f7f5 Qc6xc7+ Ka5a6 Ba7c5 f5f4+ Ke3e4 Qb2e2+ Ke4f5 f4f3
16/40 00:47 22.401.461 470.213 +0.24 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8f8+ Ka3a4 Qf8e8+ Ka4a5 Qe8xf7 Qa1b2+ Kd2e3 Qb2c1+ Ke3e2 Qc1b2+ Ke2f1 Qb2b1+ Kf1f2
16/40+ 00:55 25.469.052 461.496 +0.31 Ba7d4
16/40 00:55 25.469.053 461.496 +0.31 Ba7d4
17/39 01:02 26.160.025 423.747 +0.08 Ba7d4 e5xd4 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8a8+ Ka3b2 Qa8b7+ Kb2a2 Qb7a6+ Ka2b1 Qa6d3+ Kb1a2 Qd3c4+ Ka2a3 Qc4a6+
17/39+ 01:04 27.513.143 431.788 +0.09 h7h8Q
17/43 01:31 48.338.775 532.382 +0.23 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8f8+ Ka3a4 Qf8e8+ Ka4a5 Qe8c6 Qa1b2+ Kd2e3 f7f5 Qc6xc7+ Ka5a6 Ba7c5 Qb2b3+ Ke3f2
18/45 02:41 99.217.289 616.313 +0.12 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8f8+ Ka3a4 Qf8e8+ Ka4a5 Qe8c6 Qa1b2+ Kd2e3 f7f5 Ke3f3 e5e4+ Kf3f4 Qb2h2+ Kf4xf5 Qh2h3+ Kf5e5 Qh3g3+ Ke5e6 Qg3g6+
18/45+ 02:57 109.089.731 615.999 +0.13 Ba7d4
18/45+ 02:57 109.175.241 615.016 +0.48 Ba7d4
18/45 08:14 397.376.988 804.100 +7.70 Ba7d4 e5xd4 h7h8Q a2a1N Qh8f8+ Ka3b2 Qf8b8+ Na1b3+ Kd2d3 Kb2a3 Qb8xc7 Ka3b4 Qc7c4+ Kb4a3
19/40 08:21 399.557.123 797.594 +7.86 Ba7d4 e5xd4 h7h8Q a2a1N Qh8f8+ Ka3b2 Qf8b8+ Na1b3+ Kd2d3 Kb2a2 Qb8xc7
20/40+ 08:59 419.378.483 777.143 +8.11 Ba7d4 e5xd4
20/42+ 09:02 419.815.926 774.679 +8.61 Ba7d4 e5xd4
20/42 09:22 430.102.813 765.137 +11.89 Ba7d4 e5xd4 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8a8+ Ka3b2 Qa8b7+ Kb2a2 Qb7a6+ Ka2b1 Qa6d3+ Kb1a2 Qd3c4+ Ka2a3 Qc4a6+
21/44 10:09 453.603.644 744.030 +11.97 Ba7d4 e5xd4 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8a8+ Ka3b2 Qa8b7+ Kb2a2 Qb7a6+ Ka2b1 Qa6d3+ Kb1a2 Qd3c4+ Ka2a3 Qc4a6+
22/46 11:27 492.427.452 716.176 +12.20 Ba7d4 e5xd4 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8a8+ Ka3b2 Qa8b7+ Kb2a2 Qb7a6+ Ka2b1 Qa6d3+ Kb1a2 Qd3c4+ Ka2a3 Qc4a6+
23/48 13:55 581.784.125 696.864 +12.26 Ba7d4 e5xd4 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8a8+ Ka3b2 Qa8b7+ Kb2a2 Qb7a6+ Ka2b1 Qa6d3+ Kb1a2 Qd3c4+ Ka2a3 Qc4a6+ Ka3b4 Qa6xa1
24/50 18:14 752.217.428 687.407 +12.34 Ba7d4 e5xd4 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8a8+ Ka3b2 Qa8b7+ Kb2a2 Qb7a6+ Ka2b1 Qa6d3+ Kb1a2 Qd3c4+ Ka2a3 Qc4a6+ Ka3b2 Qa6b5+
25/52 28:11 1.161.774.518 687.014 +12.50 Ba7d4 e5xd4 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8a8+ Ka3b2 Qa8b7+ Kb2a2 Qb7a6+ Ka2b1 Qa6d3+ Kb1a2 Qd3c4+ Ka2a3 Qc4a6+ Ka3b2 Qa6b5+
26/56 41:20 1.729.345.500 697.198 +12.74 Ba7d4 e5xd4 h7h8Q a2a1Q Qh8a8+ Ka3b2 Qa8b7+ Kb2a2 Qb7a6+ Ka2b1 Qa6d3+ Kb1a2 Qd3c4+ Ka2a3 Qc4a6+
7/16/2005 9:03:22 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:00, Rated time: 3:35:37

12) Kh7; id "(JenoBan_T
Searching move: Kh8-h7
Best move (Shredder9UCI): Kh8-h7
identical moves! Found in: 00:01
2/2- 00:01 20 25 +0.01 Ra2a4
2/2 00:01 21 25 +0.01 Ra2a4
2/2+ 00:01 23 27 +M29 Kh8h7
2/2 00:01 24 28 +M29 Kh8h7
3/3 00:01 38 45 +M29 Kh8h7 h5h4
4/4 00:01 54 63 +M29 Kh8h7 h5h4
7/16/2005 9:03:25 AM, Time for this analysis: 00:00:02, Rated time: 3:35:38

13) Bb4; id "(JenoBan_T
Searching move: Be7-b4
Best move (Shredder9UCI): Kc6-d7
Not found in: 1:00:00
2/2- 00:00 20 0 -0.17 Be7f6
2/2 00:00 32 0 -0.24 Be7f6 Bc1f4
2/3+ 00:00 60 4.000 -0.01 Kc6d7
2/3 00:00 62 4.133 -0.01 Kc6d7
3/4- 00:00 118 3.806 -0.26 Kc6d7
3/4- 00:00 138 4.451 -1.34 Kc6d7
3/7 00:00 354 7.531 -4.49 Kc6d7 Bc1f4 Be7a3 Ka2xa3
3/7+ 00:00 641 10.338 -4.16 Be7c5
3/7+ 00:00 658 10.612 -3.42 Be7c5
3/8 00:00 966 15.580 -1.59 Be7c5 Bc1a3 Bc5e3
4/6- 00:00 1.544 24.903 -2.05 Be7c5 Bc1a3
4/6- 00:00 1.655 21.217 -7.31 Be7c5 Bc1a3
4/6 00:00 1.734 22.230 -7.54 Be7c5 Bc1g5 Kc6d7 c2c1Q
4/6+ 00:00 1.835 16.834 -2.03 Kc6d7
4/6+ 00:00 1.959 17.972 -0.68 Kc6d7
4/6 00:00 1.988 18.238 -0.68 Kc6d7 Bc1f4 Be7a3
5/8- 00:00 3.022 13.862 -1.22 Kc6d7 Bc1f4
5/8 00:00 3.598 16.504 -1.23 Kc6d7 Bc1f4 Be7a3 Bf4g5 e6e7 Bg5xe7
5/9+ 00:00 4.260 18.205 -1.15 Be7b4
5/11 00:00 4.498 19.222 -0.84 Be7b4 Bc1a3 Bb4d2 Ka2b2 Kc6d7
6/10 00:00 6.978 27.912 -0.75 Be7b4 Bc1a3 Bb4d2 Ka2b2 Kc6d7 Ba3c5
7/12 00:00 10.185 38.433 -0.78 Be7b4 Bc1a3 Bb4d2 Ka2b2 Kc6d7 Ba3b4 Bd2f4
7/13+ 00:00 15.607 55.540 -0.77 Kc6d5
7/13 00:00 16.380 58.291 -0.75 Kc6d5 Bc1e3 Be7a3 Ka2b3 Ba3c1 Be3xc1 e6e7
8/13 00:00 21.761 51.566 -0.98 Kc6d5 Bc1h6 Be7a3 Bh6f8 Ba3c1 Ka2b1 Bc1g5 Bf8e7
8/13+ 00:00 22.840 43.013 -0.97 Be7b4
8/15 00:00 26.332 46.854 -0.70 Be7b4 Bc1a3 Bb4d2 Ba3b4 Bd2g5 Ka2b2 Kc6d7 Bb4c5
9/19 00:01 38.843 46.911 -0.74 Be7b4 Bc1a3 Bb4d2 Ka2b1 Kc6d7 Ba3c5 Bd2g5 Bc5b4 Bg5f4
9/19+ 00:01 46.138 38.352 -0.73 Kc6d7
9/19 00:01 52.580 42.064 -0.67 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5h4 Bd2h6 Bh4f6 Kd7d6
10/21 00:02 74.818 35.746 -0.69 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5h4 Bd2h6 Bh4f6 Kd7d6 Kb1b2 Bh6f4
11/26+ 00:03 120.961 37.218 -0.44 Kc6d7 Ka2b1
11/26 00:03 131.672 39.756 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5h4 e6e7 Bh4xe7
12/15 00:07 162.809 24.009 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5h4 e6e7 Bh4xe7
13/29 00:10 219.421 20.591 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5h4 e6e7 Bh4xe7
14/28 00:15 286.191 19.300 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5h4 e6e7 Bh4xe7
15/29 00:20 406.129 19.964 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5h4 e6e7 Bh4xe7
16/31 00:23 573.618 24.573 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5h4 e6e7 Bh4xe7
17/34 00:26 963.613 37.513 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5h4 e6e7 Bh4xe7
18/36 00:28 1.628.338 56.855 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5h4 e6e7 Bh4xe7
19/37 00:38 5.194.277 134.751 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5h4 e6e7 Bh4xe7
20/40 00:46 10.101.883 220.204 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5h4 e6e7 Bh4xe7
21/43 01:01 21.032.777 345.950 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5h4 e6e7 Bh4xe7
22/46 01:25 39.340.256 464.279 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5h4 e6e7 Bh4xe7
23/50 02:24 81.876.180 566.679 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5h4 e6e7 Bh4xe7
24/52 04:40 178.364.949 637.516 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5xd2
25/50 26:39 1.217.643.211 761.428 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5xd2
26/55 49:15 2.283.747,467 772.732 -0.01 Kc6d7 Ka2b1 Be7b4 Bc1g5 Bb4d2 Bg5xd2
7/16/2005 10:03:26 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:00, Rated time: 4:35:38

14) Qg5; id "(JenoBan_T
Searching move: Qg1-g5
Best move (Shredder9UCI): Qg1-g5
identical moves! Found in: 00:43
2/2- 00:01 72 102 0.00 d7d8Q
2/3 00:01 76 108 0.00 d7d8Q Qf8xd8
2/9+ 00:01 178 253 +0.01 Nd3e5+
2/9 00:01 280 398 +0.31 Nd3e5+ Kf7e6+ Kf2e1 Ke6xe5
2/9+ 00:01 457 650 +0.32 Kf2e1
2/9 00:01 503 715 +0.56 Kf2e1 Na7b5
3/8+ 00:01 762 1.083 +0.81 Kf2e1 Na7b5
3/8 00:01 811 1.153 +0.81 Kf2e1 Bc6xd7 Qg1xa7
4/10 00:01 2.920 4.153 +0.81 Kf2e1 Bc6xd7 Nd3e5+ Kf7e6 Ne5xd7
5/19 00:01 12.913 17.984 +0.77 Kf2e1 Bc6xd7 Nd3e5+ Kf7e8 Qg1xa7
6/24 00:01 74.507 88.383 +0.82 Kf2e1 Bc6xd7 Qg1xa7 Kf7e8 Qa7a8+ Ke8e7 Qa8d5
7/25 00:01 226.431 193.200 +0.78 Kf2e1 Bc6xd7 Qg1xa7 Qf8e7 Qa7f2+ Kf7g7 Qf2g3+ Kg7f6 Qg3g8
8/26 00:02 875.835 348.244 +0.76 Kf2e1 Bc6xd7 Qg1xa7 Qf8e7 Qa7f2+ Kf7g8 Qf2g2+ Kg8f7 Qg2f3+ Kf7g8 Qf3g3+ Qe7g7
9/29 00:05 2.113.425 375.720 +0.70 Kf2e1 Bc6xd7 Qg1xa7 Qf8e7 Qa7f2+ Kf7e8 Nd3c5
9/31+ 00:08 3.325.019 406.879 +0.71 Be2h5+
9/31 00:09 3.701.090 416.320 +0.78 Be2h5+ Kf7e7+ Kf2e1 Qf8f6 Qg1c5+ Ke7xd7 Qc5xa7+ Kd7d6 Qa7b8+ Kd6e6 Bh5g4+ Ke6d5 Qb8b3+
10/32 00:13 5.183.658 399.234 +0.78 Be2h5+ Kf7e7+ Kf2e1 Qf8f6 Qg1c5+ Ke7xd7 Qc5xa7+ Kd7d6 Qa7b8+ Kd6e7 Qb8c7+ Bc6d7 Qc7c5+ Qf6d6 Qc5g5+ Qd6f6 Qg5e3+ Bd7e6 Qe3a7+ Ke7d8
11/35 00:29 11.451.997 385.952 +0.70 Be2h5+ Kf7e7+ Kf2e1 Qf8f6 Qg1c5+ Ke7xd7 Qc5xa7+ Kd7d8 Qa7b6+ Kd8e7 Bh5g4
11/35+ 00:43 19.272.142 446.248 +0.71 Qg1g5
11/35 00:43 19.481.977 447.707 +0.85 Qg1g5 Kf7e6+ Kf2g1 Ke6xd7 Nd3c5+ Kd7c8 Be2a6+ Kc8b8 Qg5g3+ Kb8a8 Nc5e6 Qf8f3 Qg3g8+ Na7c8 Qg8xc8+ Ka8a7
12/36 00:56 26.118.612 464.851 +0.80 Qg1g5 Kf7e6+ Kf2g1 Ke6xd7 Nd3c5+ Kd7c8 Be2a6+ Kc8b8 Nc5e6 Qf8d6 Qg5g8+ Na7c8 Qg8xc8+ Kb8a7 Qc8xc6
13/36+ 01:47 54.190.309 505.124 +1.05 Qg1g5 Kf7e6+
13/36+ 01:47 54.267.529 504.302 +1.55 Qg1g5 Kf7e6+
13/39 01:59 60.973.876 513.736 +4.40 Qg1g5 Kf7e6+ Kf2g1 Ke6xd7 Nd3c5+ Kd7d6 Qg5g3+ Kd6d5 Be2c4+ Kd5xc5 Qg3a3+ Kc5xc4 Qa3xf8 Na7b5 Qf8f1+ Kc4c5 Qf1c1+ Kc5d5 Qc1g5+ Kd5c4 Qg5e5
14/41 03:32 108.944.076 514.190 +4.41 Qg1g5 Kf7e6+ Kf2g1 Ke6xd7 Nd3c5+ Kd7d6 Qg5g3+ Kd6d5 Be2c4+ Kd5xc5 Qg3a3+ Kc5xc4 Qa3xf8 Na7b5 Qf8f1+ Kc4c5 Qf1f5+ Kc5c4 Qf5e6+
15/43 07:21 231.512.534 524.767 +4.41 Qg1g5 Kf7e6+ Kf2g1 Ke6xd7 Nd3c5+ Kd7d6 Qg5g3+ Kd6d5 Be2c4+ Kd5xc4 Qg3b3+ Kc4xc5 Qb3a3+ Kc5d5 Qa3xf8 Na7b5 Qf8f3+ Kd5c5 Qf3f5+ Kc5c4 Qf5e6+
16/45 17:11 582.997.869 565.417 +4.41 Qg1g5 Kf7e6+ Kf2g1 Ke6xd7 Nd3c5+ Kd7d6 Qg5g3+ Kd6d5 Be2c4+ Kd5xc4 Qg3b3+ Kc4xc5 Qb3a3+ Kc5d5 Qa3xf8 Na7b5 Qf8f3+ Kd5c5 Qf3f5+ Kc5c4
17/42+ 38:34 1.408.498.231 608.734 +4.66 Qg1g5 Kf7e6+
17/47 42:49 1.581.016.765 615.335 +4.77 Qg1g5 Kf7e6+ Kf2g1 Ke6xd7 Nd3c5+ Kd7c8 Be2a6+ Kc8b8 Qg5g3+ Kb8a8 Ba6b7+ Bc6xb7 Nc5d7 Bb7e4 Nd7xf8 Na7c6
7/16/2005 11:03:28 AM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:00, Rated time: 4:36:21

10 of 14 matching moves
7/16/2005 11:03:29 AM, Total time: 11:00:29 AM
Rated time: 4:36:21 = 16581 Seconds


Analysis from E:\jenobug.epd
7/16/2005 12:02:59 AM Level: Infinite
Analyzing engine: Fruit_21_db

1) Nd4; id "(JenoBan_To
Searching move: Nb3-d4
Best move (Fruit_21_db): Nb3-d4
identical moves! Found in: 02:04
2/7 00:00 196 0 -4.62 Ka2b1 Bh8f6
3/7 00:00 721 0 -4.71 Ka2b1 Bh8d4 Re3g3
3/10 00:00 1.608 0 -4.70 Re3e1 Bh8c3 Re1e7
3/10 00:00 2.214 0 -4.49 Re3e4 Qb6c6 Re4f4 Qc6c2+ Ka2a3
4/12 00:00 4.208 0 -4.79 Re3e4 Qb6c6 Re4e3 Qc6c2+ Ka2a3 Ka6b5
4/12 00:00 5.701 0 -4.74 Re3e1 Qb6c6 d2d4 Qc6a4+ Ka2b2 Bh8xd4+ Nb3xd4 Qa4xd4+ Kb2c2
4/12 00:00 7.803 0 -4.69 Re3e8 Bh8f6 Nb3c5+ Ka6a7 Nc5b3
5/13 00:00 14.155 0 -4.93 Re3e8 Qb6f6 Ka2a3 Qf6d6+ Ka3a2 Bh8e5
5/15 00:00 18.515 0 -4.71 Re3e1 Qb6c6 Ka2b1 Qc6g6+ Kb1c1 Ka6b5
5/15 00:00 23.570 0 -4.40 Re3e4 Ka6b5 d2d4 Qb6a7+ Ka2b2 Bh8f6
6/15 00:00 36.759 0 -4.72 Re3e4 Ka6b5 Ka2b1 Bh8f6 d2d4 Qb6d6
7/17 00:00 86.013 0 -4.76 Re3e4 Ka6b5 Ka2b1 Bh8f6 d2d3 Qb6f2 d3d4
8/19 00:00 202.143 0 -5.11 Re3e4 Ka6b5 Re4g4 Qb6e6 Rg4h4 Bh8f6 Rh4f4 Qe6d6
8/19 00:00 268.368 0 -4.99 Re3e8 Qb6f6 Ka2a3 Qf6d6+ Ka3a2 Bh8e5 d2d4 Be5xd4 Nb3xd4 Qd6xd4
9/23 00:01 566.090 0 -5.01 Re3e8 Bh8f6 Re8e4 Qb6c6 d2d4 Ka6b5 Re4e2 Qc6d5 Ka2b2 Bf6xd4+ Nb3xd4+ Qd5xd4+ Kb2b3
10/25 00:01 1.072.468 0 -5.03 Re3e8 Bh8f6 Re8e3 Ka6b5 Ka2b1 Qb6c6 d2d4 Qc6c4 Kb1b2 Bf6xd4+ Nb3xd4+ Qc4xd4+ Re3c3
10/25 00:02 2.066.163 1.380.000 -5.01 Re3h3 Bh8f6 Ka2a3 Qb6c6 d2d4 Bf6e7+ Nb3c5+ Be7xc5+ d4xc5 Qc6xc5+ Ka3b2 Qc5d4+ Kb2c2 Qd4e4+ Rh3d3 Ka6b5 Kc2d2
11/33 00:02 2.834.042 1.400.000 -5.06 Re3h3 Bh8f6 Rh3e3 Ka6b5 Ka2b1 Qb6c6 d2d4 Qc6c4 Kb1b2 Bf6xd4+ Nb3xd4+ Qc4xd4+ Re3c3 Qd4e4
11/33 00:02 3.258.916 1.400.000 -5.01 Ka2b1 Bh8d4 Re3g3 Ka6b7 Rg3d3 Bd4e5 Rd3e3 Qb6b5 Kb1c2 Qb5c4+ Kc2d1 Qc4f1+ Kd1c2
12/33 00:03 3.906.622 1.407.419 -5.15 Ka2b1 Bh8d4 Re3g3 Ka6b7 Rg3d3 Qb6g6 Kb1c2 Bd4e5 Kc2d1 Qg6g1+ Kd1c2 Qg1f2 Rd3e3
12/33 00:04 5.113.371 1.420.000 -5.11 Re3h3 Bh8f6 Ka2b1 Qb6c6 Rh3d3 Ka6b6 Rd3e3 Qc6c4 d2d4 Bf6xd4 Nb3xd4 Qc4xd4 Re3e8
13/33 00:10 14.661.440 1.445.000 -5.17 Re3h3 Bh8g7 Ka2b1 Qb6f6 Kb1c2 Qf6f5+ Rh3d3 Ka6b5 Nb3c1 Bg7e5 Kc2d1 Qf5f1+ Kd1c2 Kb5c4 Rd3e3 Kc4d5
13/33 00:11 15.635.327 1.445.000 -5.06 Ka2b1 Bh8d4 Re3g3 Qb6e6 Kb1c2 Qe6f5+ Kc2d1 Qf5f1+ Kd1c2 Qf1f4 Rg3d3 Bd4e5 Rd3e3 Ka6b5 Kc2d1 Qf4g4+ Re3e2
14/33 00:13 18.777.615 1.455.833 -5.06 Ka2b1 Bh8d4 Re3g3 Qb6e6 Kb1c2 Qe6f5+ Kc2d1 Qf5f1+ Kd1c2 Qf1f4 Rg3d3 Bd4e5 Rd3e3 Ka6b5 Kc2c1 Qf4f1+ Kc1c2 Qf1c4+ Kc2d1 Qc4g4+ Re3e2
15/34 00:16 23.391.326 1.468.667 -5.21 Ka2b1 Bh8d4 Re3g3 Ka6a7 Rg3d3 Qb6g6 Kb1c2 Bd4f6 Nb3c5 Qg6f5 Nc5b3 Ka7b6 Nb3c1 Qf5e4 Kc2d1
16/40 00:42 62.138.413 1.483.659 -5.39 Ka2b1 Bh8d4 Re3g3 Ka6a7 Rg3d3 Qb6g6 Kb1c2 Bd4f6 Nb3c5 Ka7b6 Nc5b3 Qg6e4 Nb3c1 Kb6c6 Kc2d1 Bf6d4
17/41 01:13 109.348.583 1.497.534 -5.42 Ka2b1 Bh8d4 Re3g3 Qb6d6 Rg3g4 Bd4f6 d2d4 Qd6b8 Kb1c2 Qb8h2+ Nb3d2 Qh2h7+ Rg4e4 Bf6xd4 Kc2d3 Bd4e5 Nd2f3 Qh7d7+ Nf3d4 Qd7d5
17/47 02:04 184.939.582 1.496.585 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
18/47 02:04 185.340.818 1.496.605 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
19/47 02:04 186.259.688 1.497.658 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
20/47 02:05 187.384.656 1.499.012 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
21/47 02:06 189.200.527 1.500.802 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
22/47 02:08 191.933.464 1.503.601 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
23/47 02:10 196.190.004 1.507.641 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
24/47 02:14 202.691.946 1.511.861 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
25/47 02:20 212.827.703 1.519.230 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
26/47 02:29 228.468.370 1.533.020 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
27/48 02:43 251.754.090 1.541.481 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
28/50 03:03 285.150.668 1.556.978 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
29/52 03:30 331.177.736 1.574.905 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
30/54 04:13 400.973.719 1.586.865 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
31/54 05:21 510.655.224 1.589.861 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
32/59 07:00 669.066.836 1.592.975 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
33/60 09:23 900.476.986 1.600.561 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
34/60 13:29 1.606.098 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
35/60 20:51 2.011.584.851 1.607.420 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
36/65 35:23 3.403.811,991 1.602.935 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
37/65 58:03 5.577.729,109 1.601.223 0.00 Nb3d4 Qb6xd4 Re3a3+ Ka6b5 Ra3b3+ Kb5a5 Rb3a3+ Ka5b4 Ra3b3+ Kb4c5 Rb3c3+ Kc5b6 Rc3b3+ Kb6c6 Rb3c3+ Kc6b7 Rc3b3+ Kb7a6 Rb3a3+
7/16/2005 12:03:39 PM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:00, Rated time: 02:04

2) Ka6; id "(JenoBan_To
Searching move: Kb7-a6
Best move (Fruit_21_db): Kb7-a6
identical moves! Found in: 00:01
2/3 00:00 38 0 -0.43 Kb7c6 f5f4
3/7 00:00 267 0 -0.22 Kb7c6 Kd8c8 Ba4c2
4/8 00:00 1.012 0 -0.20 Kb7c6 Kd8c8 b6b7+ Kc8b8 Ba4c2
5/10 00:00 1.834 0 -0.14 Kb7c6 Kd8c8 Ba4c2 f5f4 Bc2e4
6/10 00:00 3.862 0 -0.16 Kb7c6 Kd8e7 b6b7 Bd2f4 Ba4c2 Ke7e6 Kc6c5
7/13 00:00 10.280 0 -0.15 Kb7c6 Kd8c8 Ba4c2 f5f4 Bc2e4 Bd2b4 Kc6b5
8/13 00:00 22.351 0 -0.09 Kb7c6 Kd8c8 Ba4c2 f5f4 Kc6c5 c4c3 Bc2f5+ Kc8b8 Bf5e4 Bd2e3+ Kc5c4
9/15 00:00 32.384 0 -0.14 Kb7c6 Kd8c8 Ba4c2 f5f4 Bc2e4 c4c3 Kc6b5 Kc8d7 Kb5c4
10/15 00:00 55.117 0 -0.09 Kb7c6 Kd8c8 Ba4c2 f5f4 Bc2f5+ Kc8b8 Bf5e4 c4c3 Kc6b5 Bd2e3 Kb5c4
11/17 00:00 89.581 0 -0.16 Kb7c6 Kd8c8 Ba4c2 f5f4 Bc2f5+ Kc8b8 Bf5e4 c4c3 Kc6c5 Bd2e3+ Kc5b5 Be3d4 Kb5c4
12/23 00:01 267.828 0 -0.71 Kb7c6 Kd8c8 Ba4c2 f5f4 Bc2f5+ Kc8b8 Kc6d5 c4c3 Kd5c4 f4f3 Kc4d3 f3f2 Kd3e2 Bd2e3
12/23 00:01 329.052 0 -0.17 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4
13/23 00:01 410.106 0 -0.20 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4 f3f2 Bc4d3
14/30 00:01 565.930 0 -0.21 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4d3
15/31 00:02 902.223 681.629 -0.22 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4
16/32 00:02 1.422.465 740.440 -0.22 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4d3 Kc8c7 Bd3c4
17/33 00:03 1.976.805 781.288 -0.22 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4 Bd4e3 Bc4d3
18/33 00:03 3.091.916 920.039 -0.22 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4d3 Kc8c7 Bd3c4 Bd4e3 Bc4d3
19/35 00:05 4.618.114 1.071.598 -0.22 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4 Bd4e3 Bc4d3 Be3c5 Bd3c4
20/38 00:08 8.301.950 1.011.861 -0.23 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4 Bd4e3 Bc4d3 Be3c5 Bd3c4 Kc7c6
21/39 00:13 15.662.222 1.172.200 -0.23 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4 Kc7c6 Ka8b8 Bd4e5+ Kb8a7 Kc6c5 Bc4d3 Kc5d5
22/43 00:21 27.208.757 1.273.113 -0.23 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4 Kc7c6 Ka8b8 Bd4e5+ Kb8a7 Kc6c5 Bc4d3 Kc5d4 Bd3e2
23/45 00:38 50.459.634 1.338.483 -0.23 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4 Kc7c6 Ka8b8 Kc6c5 Bc4d3 Bd4e5+ Kb8b7 Kc5d4 Bd3e2 Kd4e4
24/46 00:56 77.240.546 1.385.286 -0.23 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4 Bd4e3 Bc4d3 Be3c5 Bd3c4 Bc5d4 Bc4d3 Bd4e3 Bd3c4 Kc7d6
25/50 01:19 112.632.461 1.427.933 -0.23 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4 Bd4e3 Bc4d3 Be3c5 Bd3c4 Kc7b6 Bc4d3 Bc5d6 Bd3e2 Bd6f4 Be2d3
26/53 02:05 178.386.334 1.431.169 -0.23 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4 Bd4e3 Bc4d3 Kc7c8 Bd3c4 Be3c5 Bc4d3 Kc8c7 Bd3c4 Kc7b6 Bc4d3 Bc5d6
27/55 04:09 365.287.829 1.466.550 -0.23 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4 Bd4e3 Bc4d3 Kc7c8 Bd3c4 Be3c5 Bc4d3 Kc8c7 Bd3c4 Kc7b6 Bc4d3 Bc5d6 Bd3e2
28/62 07:42 678.937.510 1.469.097 -0.23 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4 Bd4e3 Bc4d3 Kc7c8 Bd3c4 Be3c5 Bc4d3 Kc8c7 Bd3c4 Kc7b6 Bc4d3 Bc5d6 Bd3c4 Bd6f4
29/67 15:20 1.391.485.136 1.512.386 -0.23 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4 Bd4e3 Bc4d3 Kc7c8 Bd3c4 Be3c5 Bc4d3 Kc8c7 Bd3c4 Kc7b6 Bc4d3 Bc5d6 Bd3e2 Bd6f4 Be2d3
30/69 27:40 2.543.508,478 1.532.315 -0.23 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4 Bd4e3 Bc4d3 Kc7c8 Bd3c4 Be3c5 Bc4d3 Kc8c7 Bd3c4 Bc5d4 Bc4d3 Bd4e3 Bd3c4 Be3c5 Bc4d3 Kc7c6
31/69 50:54 4.540.887,207 1.486.895 -0.22 Kb7a6 Kd8c8 Ka6a7 Bd2e3 Ka7a8 Be3xb6 Ba4b3 f5f4 Bb3xc4 f4f3 Bc4d3 f3f2 Bd3c4 Bb6d4 Bc4e6+ Kc8c7 Be6c4 Bd4e3 Bc4d3 Kc7c8 Bd3c4 Be3c5 Bc4d3 Kc8c7 Bd3c4 Bc5d4 Bc4d3 Bd4e3 Bd3c4 Kc7b6 Ka8b8 Be3f4+ Kb8c8 Kb6c5
7/16/2005 1:03:41 PM, Time for this analysis: 01:00:00, Rated time: 02:05

3) g7+; id "(JenoBan_To
Searching move: g6-g7
Best move (Fruit_21_db): Ne5-f7
Not found in: 1:00:00
2/10 00:00 958 0 -5.23 g6g7+ Kh8g8 Bf8c5 f2f1Q
2/12 00:00 1.782 0 -0.54 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 g6xh7+ Kg8xh7 g5g6+ Kh7g8 Nf7h6+ Kg8xf8
3/13 00:00 4.178 0 -5.57 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Nf7h6+ Nf5xh6 g6xh7+ Kg8xh7 g5xh6 f2f1Q
4/14 00:00 8.017 0 -5.50 Ne5f7+ Kh8g8 Nf7h6+ Nf5xh6 g6xh7+ Kg8xh7 g5xh6 f2f1Q Bf8g7 Qf1c4+ Ka2b2
5/14 00:00 15.689 0 -5.63 Ne5
Dann Corbit

Re: Tactical testset

Postby Tord Romstad » 18 Jul 2005, 23:13

Dann Corbit wrote:
Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:Hi all,

what good, cleaned tactical testsets are available?

I published ECM-GCP quite a while ago, and I'm basically looking for something similar, or the same, but a bit more cleaned out. Surely in the meantime some more cooks must have been found there, or someone else must have come up with something similar.

Any hints?

Every test set has a lot of bugs. The most thoroughly debugged is WAC, but it is too easy for most engines.
ECM-GCP is probably second best.

Even ECM-GCP is beginning to get a bit too easy on modern hardware.

Besides, WAC, ECM-GCP and all other tactical test suites I have seen suffer from one very fundamental flaw: It is far too biased towards flashy, spectacular tactics of the type that usually win brilliancy prizes in human tournaments, and I am not sure to what extent the ability to solve such positions correlate to the ability to find the more mundane tactics which decide most games. Our current tactical test suites are not only a poor tool for testing an engine's strength, they are not even very good for measuring an engine's tactical abilities.

Glaurung performs better than most amateur engines at tactical test suites like ECM-GCP (which is a complete mystery to me, because my use of extensions is rather conservative), but in engine vs engine matches it seems to be out-tacticed more often than not, even against opponents 100 Elo points weaker.

This is not meant as a criticism of Gian-Carlo's work, by the way. I couldn't have done it better myself. Making a good tactical test suite is just a really hard task.

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Tord Romstad
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Re: Tactical testset

Postby Ross Boyd » 18 Jul 2005, 23:40

Hi Dann,

I just found a bunch in MES, and also some in Jenoban.

Yes, I've found there are many cooks in MES400 as proven by use of egtbs. Also, one position where the solution is the only legal move :D... - that particular position is only interesting for the evaluation score.

Is there a corrected version available on your site by any chance? I'd be interested in making comparisons.

btw, it would be useful to design a testsuite which has extra conditions like "score must exceed x" or "score must be a draw" before the engine's solution is accepted as correct. This would add some credence that the engine actually 'understands' the position.


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Ross Boyd
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Re: Tactical testset

Postby Uri Blass » 19 Jul 2005, 01:06

Tord Romstad wrote:
Dann Corbit wrote:
Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:Hi all,

what good, cleaned tactical testsets are available?

I published ECM-GCP quite a while ago, and I'm basically looking for something similar, or the same, but a bit more cleaned out. Surely in the meantime some more cooks must have been found there, or someone else must have come up with something similar.

Any hints?

Every test set has a lot of bugs. The most thoroughly debugged is WAC, but it is too easy for most engines.
ECM-GCP is probably second best.

Even ECM-GCP is beginning to get a bit too easy on modern hardware.

Besides, WAC, ECM-GCP and all other tactical test suites I have seen suffer from one very fundamental flaw: It is far too biased towards flashy, spectacular tactics of the type that usually win brilliancy prizes in human tournaments, and I am not sure to what extent the ability to solve such positions correlate to the ability to find the more mundane tactics which decide most games. Our current tactical test suites are not only a poor tool for testing an engine's strength, they are not even very good for measuring an engine's tactical abilities.

Glaurung performs better than most amateur engines at tactical test suites like ECM-GCP (which is a complete mystery to me, because my use of extensions is rather conservative), but in engine vs engine matches it seems to be out-tacticed more often than not, even against opponents 100 Elo points weaker.

This is not meant as a criticism of Gian-Carlo's work, by the way. I couldn't have done it better myself. Making a good tactical test suite is just a really hard task.


I think that it is easy to do it better than ECM-GCP and you only need time for it.
The way to do it is simply to look at computer games and find tactical mistakes(based on evaluation after search before the move and after the move).

positions with tactical mistakes are candidate to be test positions.
Later you can give top programs to analyze the candidates for a lot of time in 2-best mode and if you find that only one move is winning then you can include it in the test.

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Uri Blass
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Re: Tactical testset

Postby Uri Blass » 19 Jul 2005, 01:10

Dann Corbit wrote:
Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:Hi all,

what good, cleaned tactical testsets are available?

I published ECM-GCP quite a while ago, and I'm basically looking for something similar, or the same, but a bit more cleaned out. Surely in the meantime some more cooks must have been found there, or someone else must have come up with something similar.

Any hints?

Every test set has a lot of bugs. The most thoroughly debugged is WAC, but it is too easy for most engines.
ECM-GCP is probably second best.

Every test set I examine will uncover flaws.

I just found a bunch in MES, and also some in Jenoban.

Here is how to find out if a test set is reliable:
Take at least 5 top engines and let them analyze every position you intend to use for an hour with big hash on a fast machine.
Then, look at every position's result for every engine.
Even if 4/5 agree, look at the disagreement. It may be a better solution or one as good or nearly as good.

I think that there is a better way.

give one top program to analyze the position in 2-best mode.

If you see based on the scores that only one move is winning then the position is probably correct.
If you see based on the scores 2 winning moves or 2 drawing moves or everything is losing then you know that there is a mistake.

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Uri Blass
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Re: Tactical testset

Postby Dann Corbit » 19 Jul 2005, 01:42

All of these approaches only give probability based guesses as to what is a good test set.

If you look at the Jenoban result log that I posted you will see that some of the strongest programs clearly misevaluated a position after one full hour of search on a very fast machine with a great big hash table. If they can't even get the best move right, then what about second best?

The only way to know that a test suite is fully ensured is to analyze it all the way to checkmate or draw exhaustively.

So every other approach that we try will always be a guess.
Dann Corbit

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