Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Aaron at 30 March 2003 12:20:45:
Als Antwort auf: / In reply to: Re: uci2wb geschrieben von: / posted by: Uri Blass at 30 March 2003 09:50:19:
I would like to be able to configure s0s3 for use in winboard but i do not read German and so do not know how to use the adapter.Any help appreciated thank you.
Regards Andrew
I think that the adapter is only for using winboard engines in
UCI or Fritz enviroment
(otherwise Leo could also use it in his tournament).
Thanks to the adapter
I tested latest movei in the nunn match against different
native chessbase engines(part of the games are with time handicap).
No Uri. He is talking about the UCI to winboard adaptor (i.e convert UCI engines for use in Winboard) by Roland Pfister and not the Malin winboard to uci adaptor (convert Winboard engines to UCI).
As for the answer to the question, I'm no expert but I think you need to change the adaptor.rc file.
# Exe-Name
# Directory
change exe= name of engine. eg SOSarena.exe
and dir=c:\sosarena (if it's there)
Make some other changes.
Then treat adapter.exe like a uci engine.
No idea if this works for SOS 3 Arena.
Oops I mean treat it like a Winboard engine.
Quick test . It works under winboard.
If this is possible then the question is if there is a problem to release
Sos3 for winboard?
Is there a problem to have one exe file that calls Sos 3 Arena and
the adapter and practically run Sos3 under winboard(same question for releasing winboard engines as UCI engine).
Is it possible that we will have step by step instructions how to generate
WB exe files from UCI exe files and the opposite?
I can use Movei as a UCI engine under winboard
generating an exe file and I use an existing exe file.
No sure what you mean. You can run SOS3 under Winboard using the ucitowb adapter , yes. but given that it is not tested by the author of SOS, any such support is unofficial.
I don't really understand what you mean. But if I had to guess you are asking whether the author of SOS 3 could use the ucitowb adaptor together with SOS3 and combine it into one exe file?
I suppose he could (but I'm no programmer), but I'm sure he ( Rudolf Huber,author of SOS )
has his reasons for not supporting Winboard protocol in the first place.The first versions of SOS in 99 was in WInboard so if he had wanted to retain support he could have easily continued to, without resorting to adapters.
I'm not sure if you are aware but Rudolf Huber is also one of the co-authors of the UCI protocol so that may be one reason.
Of course, for us users, the adapters (whether uci to wb or wb to uci) give us
additional options, but i think because support is unofficial, there may be bugs or problems when using adapters, unless they are extensively tested by the authors themselves.
I think if you really want to pit a UCI engine against a Winboard engine, best seems to be to use them in a interface that supports both like Arena,Chess assistant, Chess partner etc...
Of course if you want to play Winboard engines against Fritz, you have no choice but to adapt them first into UCI..
I'll leave this question for the real experts e.g Odd Gunnar Malin to answer. But I suspect, the adapters have problems sometimes because of the different ways the protocols are implemented espically if there are no equalavants.
Huh? Movei is a Winboard engine right? If you converted it to a UCI engine how could it run in Winboard?
but it is not done by