Geschrieben von: / Posted by: Federico Corigliano at 22 November 2003 02:38:18:
Changes from Chispa v3.96
- Added Pawn Hashing
- Fixed a bug in move generation that makes Chispa to play illegal moves, crash or lose in time
- Some other bug fixes
This is a 2 week old version that tries to fix a move generation bug reported by Leo Dijksman and George Lyapko in some tournament games.
Also pawn hashing was added but not tested too much.
I don't tested Fischer Random Chess mode. Please before to send bug reports about it, see the readme file included in the zip distribution to see how to make Chispa to play Fischer Random Chess.
I'm trying now to make a WIN32 utility to make the openings book generation easier.
Reports of new bugs are appreciated.