Hi all ,
on special request, for games collectors and those who want to apply bayeselo instead of EloStat there is a monster download file available (12 Mb) for all CEGT 40/40 games played up to now by around 17 testers, some using more than one machine.
Games are unstripped from all comments, doubles are killed and engine names are unified. This file will only be offered for download for a few days.
The database reflects the current standings of the CEGT ratinglist:
There is also a smaller updated file for Fritz 9 games (including comments).
We have decided to run the Fritz 9 test in "slow motion" because there were complaints by other testers that it removes all the fun for them when CEGT outputs 2000 games within one week for a new interesting engine. The last thing we want is that other testers feel pushed aside by our efforts to give statistical reliable ratings with a medium time control.
Links to other CEGT testers sites:
http://www.cegt.de (german)
http://uk.geocities.com/bloodhound66@bt ... /index.htm
Best Regards