DanChess 1.06

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DanChess 1.06

Postby Daniel Shawul » 13 Jul 2004, 09:34

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Daniel Shawul at 13 July 2004 10:34:36:

Hello all
you can download a new DanChess at the link below.
It is certainly better in test suites compared to 1.05 but
but only God knows if it is better in actual games. Some tests
suggest it is better in endgames.

Daniel Shawul

Re: DanChess 1.06

Postby Volker Boehm » 13 Jul 2004, 10:46

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Volker Boehm at 13 July 2004 11:46:33:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: DanChess 1.06 geschrieben von:/posted by: Daniel Shawul at 13 July 2004 10:34:36:
Hello all
you can download a new DanChess at the link below.
It is certainly better in test suites compared to 1.05 but
but only God knows if it is better in actual games. Some tests
suggest it is better in endgames.
Please give me the e-mail of God. If he knows if a new version is better in games he could help us very much by improving Spike :-)
Volker Boehm

Re: DanChess 1.06

Postby Norm Pollock » 13 Jul 2004, 12:57

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Norm Pollock at 13 July 2004 13:57:04:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: DanChess 1.06 geschrieben von:/posted by: Volker Boehm at 13 July 2004 11:46:33:
Hello all
you can download a new DanChess at the link below.
It is certainly better in test suites compared to 1.05 but
but only God knows if it is better in actual games. Some tests
suggest it is better in endgames.
Please give me the e-mail of God. If he knows if a new version is better in games he could help us very much by improving Spike :-)
What's his/her elo rating?
Norm Pollock

Re: DanChess 1.06

Postby Matthias Gemuh » 13 Jul 2004, 13:01

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Matthias Gemuh at 13 July 2004 14:01:46:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: DanChess 1.06 geschrieben von:/posted by: Norm Pollock at 13 July 2004 13:57:04:
Hello all
you can download a new DanChess at the link below.
It is certainly better in test suites compared to 1.05 but
but only God knows if it is better in actual games. Some tests
suggest it is better in endgames.
Please give me the e-mail of God. If he knows if a new version is better in games he could help us very much by improving Spike :-)
What's his/her elo rating?


BigLion + Taktix
Matthias Gemuh

Re: DanChess 1.06

Postby Roger Brown » 13 Jul 2004, 13:30

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Roger Brown at 13 July 2004 14:30:27:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: DanChess 1.06 geschrieben von:/posted by: Matthias Gemuh at 13 July 2004 14:01:46:

Roger Brown

Re: DanChess 1.06

Postby Daniel Shawul » 13 Jul 2004, 13:45

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Daniel Shawul at 13 July 2004 14:45:28:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: DanChess 1.06 geschrieben von:/posted by: Volker Boehm at 13 July 2004 11:46:33:
Hello all
you can download a new DanChess at the link below.
It is certainly better in test suites compared to 1.05 but
but only God knows if it is better in actual games. Some tests
suggest it is better in endgames.
Please give me the e-mail of God. If he knows if a new version is better in games he could help us very much by improving Spike :-)
Now that i don't have testers,i only depend on few games i run overnight
and on him :). He told me a little secrete that Spike >= DanChess.
best to you
Daniel Shawul

Re: DanChess 1.06

Postby Norm Pollock » 13 Jul 2004, 14:21

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Norm Pollock at 13 July 2004 15:21:38:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: DanChess 1.06 geschrieben von:/posted by: Matthias Gemuh at 13 July 2004 14:01:46:
Hello all
you can download a new DanChess at the link below.
It is certainly better in test suites compared to 1.05 but
but only God knows if it is better in actual games. Some tests
suggest it is better in endgames.
Please give me the e-mail of God. If he knows if a new version is better in games he could help us very much by improving Spike :-)
What's his/her elo rating?
Boy, did I walk into that one! Great response!
Norm Pollock

Round 5 : Francesca - DanChess draw (pgn)

Postby Olivier Deville » 13 Jul 2004, 14:46

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Olivier Deville at 13 July 2004 15:46:04:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: DanChess 1.06 geschrieben von:/posted by: Daniel Shawul at 13 July 2004 10:34:36:

Not a bad result for DanChess :)
Daniel, should I use the public version instead of 1.06f for the next games ?

[Event "ChessWar V C 40m/20'"]
[Site "Aurec"]
[Date "2004.07.13"]
[Round "5.5"]
[White "Francesca MAD 0.09"]
[Black "DanChess 1.06f"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "A28"]
[WhiteElo "2301"]
[BlackElo "2097"]
[PlyCount "199"]
1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 e5 3. Nf3 Nc6 4. d3 Bb4 5. Bd2 O-O 6. e3 Re8 7. Be2 d5 8. cxd5
Nxd5 9. Nxd5 Qxd5 10. Bxb4 Nxb4 11. Qa4 Nc6 12. O-O Bd7 13. Qe4 Be6 14. Ng5
Qxe4 15. Nxe4 Bd5 16. Nc3 Rad8 17. Rfd1 Ne7 18. d4 exd4 19. Rxd4 Be6 20. Rad1
Rxd4 21. Rxd4 c6 22. f3 Nf5 23. Ra4 Nxe3 24. Rxa7 b5 25. Kf2 Nf5 26. Ne4 Nd4
27. Nd6 Rd8 28. Nb7 Re8 29. Bd3 g6 30. Ke3 Nf5+ 31. Kf2 Re7 32. Ra8+ Kg7 33.
Nc5 Kf6 34. Be4 Bd5 35. Ra6 Ke5 36. Nd3+ Kd4 37. Bxf5 gxf5 38. Nf4 Kc5 39. h4
Kd6 40. b3 Be6 41. a4 bxa4 42. bxa4 Re8 43. Ra7 Bc4 44. a5 c5 45. Nh5 Rb8 46.
Nf6 h6 47. f4 Be6 48. Ke3 Kc6 49. Ra6+ Kb5 50. Ra7 Rd8 51. Nh5 c4 52. Ng7 Rd3+
53. Ke2 Rd7 54. Ra8 Bd5 55. Rb8+ Kxa5 56. Nxf5 Bb7 57. Ke3 Kb6 58. Nd4 Kc5 59.
Nf3 f6 60. Ne1 c3 61. g4 Kc4 62. Rf8 Rd6 63. g5 Re6+ 64. Kf2 hxg5 65. fxg5 fxg5
66. hxg5 Rd6 67. Ke2 Rg6 68. Rf4+ Kb3 69. Rf6 Be4 70. Ke3 Bb1 71. Nf3 Rg7 72.
Rb6+ Ka2 73. Rc6 Kb2 74. Rb6+ Kc1 75. Nd4 Re7+ 76. Kf2 Be4 77. Nb3+ Kc2 78. Nc5
Bd5 79. Rd6 Bc4 80. g6 Kb2 81. Rd4 Bg8 82. Nd3+ Kc2 83. Nc5 Re8 84. Rd7 Kb1 85.
Rb7+ Kc1 86. Rd7 Rb8 87. Ke3 c2 88. Nd3+ Kb1 89. Kd2 Bc4 90. Nc1 Rb5 91. g7
Rd5+ 92. Rxd5 Bxd5 93. Nd3 Be6 94. Nc1 Bg8 95. Nd3 Bf7 96. Ke3 Ba2 97. Ke4 Bf7
98. Ke3 Bc4 99. Ke4 Bf7 100. Ke3 1/2-1/2

Olivier Deville

Re: DanChess 1.06

Postby Norm Pollock » 13 Jul 2004, 15:16

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Norm Pollock at 13 July 2004 16:16:19:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: DanChess 1.06 geschrieben von:/posted by: Daniel Shawul at 13 July 2004 10:34:36:
Hello all
you can download a new DanChess at the link below.
It is certainly better in test suites compared to 1.05 but
but only God knows if it is better in actual games. Some tests
suggest it is better in endgames.
Can I set pondering to off?
Norm Pollock

Re: DanChess 1.06

Postby Daniel Shawul » 13 Jul 2004, 15:48

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Daniel Shawul at 13 July 2004 16:48:41:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Re: DanChess 1.06 geschrieben von:/posted by: Norm Pollock at 13 July 2004 16:16:19:
Hello all
you can download a new DanChess at the link below.
It is certainly better in test suites compared to 1.05 but
but only God knows if it is better in actual games. Some tests
suggest it is better in endgames.
Can I set pondering to off?
yes type "easy" on command line.
you can also do that in winboard gui but i don't know
about arena.
Daniel Shawul

Re: Round 5 : Francesca - DanChess draw (pgn)

Postby Daniel Shawul » 13 Jul 2004, 16:45

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Daniel Shawul at 13 July 2004 17:45:21:
Als Antwort auf:/In reply to: Round 5 : Francesca - DanChess draw (pgn) geschrieben von:/posted by: Olivier Deville at 13 July 2004 15:46:04:
Not a bad result for DanChess :)
Daniel, should I use the public version instead of 1.06f for the next games ?

[Event "ChessWar V C 40m/20'"]
[Site "Aurec"]
[Date "2004.07.13"]
[Round "5.5"]
[White "Francesca MAD 0.09"]
[Black "DanChess 1.06f"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "A28"]
[WhiteElo "2301"]
[BlackElo "2097"]
[PlyCount "199"]
1. c4 Nf6 2. Nc3 e5 3. Nf3 Nc6 4. d3 Bb4 5. Bd2 O-O 6. e3 Re8 7. Be2 d5 8. cxd5
Nxd5 9. Nxd5 Qxd5 10. Bxb4 Nxb4 11. Qa4 Nc6 12. O-O Bd7 13. Qe4 Be6 14. Ng5
Qxe4 15. Nxe4 Bd5 16. Nc3 Rad8 17. Rfd1 Ne7 18. d4 exd4 19. Rxd4 Be6 20. Rad1
Rxd4 21. Rxd4 c6 22. f3 Nf5 23. Ra4 Nxe3 24. Rxa7 b5 25. Kf2 Nf5 26. Ne4 Nd4
27. Nd6 Rd8 28. Nb7 Re8 29. Bd3 g6 30. Ke3 Nf5+ 31. Kf2 Re7 32. Ra8+ Kg7 33.
Nc5 Kf6 34. Be4 Bd5 35. Ra6 Ke5 36. Nd3+ Kd4 37. Bxf5 gxf5 38. Nf4 Kc5 39. h4
Kd6 40. b3 Be6 41. a4 bxa4 42. bxa4 Re8 43. Ra7 Bc4 44. a5 c5 45. Nh5 Rb8 46.
Nf6 h6 47. f4 Be6 48. Ke3 Kc6 49. Ra6+ Kb5 50. Ra7 Rd8 51. Nh5 c4 52. Ng7 Rd3+
53. Ke2 Rd7 54. Ra8 Bd5 55. Rb8+ Kxa5 56. Nxf5 Bb7 57. Ke3 Kb6 58. Nd4 Kc5 59.
Nf3 f6 60. Ne1 c3 61. g4 Kc4 62. Rf8 Rd6 63. g5 Re6+ 64. Kf2 hxg5 65. fxg5 fxg5
66. hxg5 Rd6 67. Ke2 Rg6 68. Rf4+ Kb3 69. Rf6 Be4 70. Ke3 Bb1 71. Nf3 Rg7 72.
Rb6+ Ka2 73. Rc6 Kb2 74. Rb6+ Kc1 75. Nd4 Re7+ 76. Kf2 Be4 77. Nb3+ Kc2 78. Nc5
Bd5 79. Rd6 Bc4 80. g6 Kb2 81. Rd4 Bg8 82. Nd3+ Kc2 83. Nc5 Re8 84. Rd7 Kb1 85.
Rb7+ Kc1 86. Rd7 Rb8 87. Ke3 c2 88. Nd3+ Kb1 89. Kd2 Bc4 90. Nc1 Rb5 91. g7
Rd5+ 92. Rxd5 Bxd5 93. Nd3 Be6 94. Nc1 Bg8 95. Nd3 Bf7 96. Ke3 Ba2 97. Ke4 Bf7
98. Ke3 Bc4 99. Ke4 Bf7 100. Ke3 1/2-1/2
there is no siginificant change but you can use
this one for the coming rounds.
Daniel Shawul

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