New Infinite Loop-6, C3

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New Infinite Loop-6, C3

Postby Igor Gorelikov » 20 Sep 2004, 13:29

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Igor Gorelikov at 20 September 2004 14:29:20:

New Infinite Loop-6, C3
The 32nd long event of New Long IL-6 is concluded.
Time control: 80'+3"
Celeron 1GHz 256MB; hash settings is up to 38MB in sum for each engine;
resign is set to 6; 3-men, 4-men, and few 5-men Nalimov's TBs.
Galis WBTM 0.5.0 is used to arrange the event.

P3 1GHz 256MB, 2004.09.16 - 2004.09.18
1 2 3 4 5 6 S R B
1 DrunkenMaster 1.0 X = = 1 1 1 4 1 7.75
2 Elephant 1.05 = X 1 0 1 1 3= 2 6.50
3 Ufim 1.43 = 0 X 1 = 1 3 3-4 5.75
4 Averno 0.40 0 1 0 X 1 1 3 3-4 5.00
5 Holmes 0.8.1 0 0 = 0 X 1 1= 5 1.50
6 Gerbil 02 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 6 0.00
Games 15/15, +5 -7 =3
After-event ratings
Change Place Program Elo + - Games Score Av.Op. Draws
in places
-13 232 Gerbil 02 : 1716 118 114 34 42.6 % 1767 14.7 %
+2 221 Ufim 1.43 : 1757 108 121 34 47.1 % 1777 17.6 %
-5 230 Holmes 0.8.1 : 1723 116 112 34 41.2 % 1785 17.6 %
+17 210 DrunkenMaster 1.0 : 1818 174 174 15 66.7 % 1697 26.7 %
+2 228 Averno 0.40 : 1733 113 105 39 52.6 % 1715 12.8 %
+10 225 Elephant 1.05 : 1748 167 149 20 52.5 % 1730 15.0 %

One selected game
[Event "New IL-6, C3"]
[Site "P3 1GHz 256MB"]
[Date "2004.09.17"]
[Round "3"]
[White "DrunkenMaster 1.0"]
[Black "Averno 0.40"]
[Result "1-0"]
[TimeControl "4800+3"]
[PairNo ""]
1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Qh4+ 4. Kf1 Nc6 5. d4 Nf6 6. Nf3 Qh6 7. Nc3 Be7
8. e5 Nh5 9. Rg1 g5 10. Nb5 Bd8 11. d5 Na5 12. Be2 a6 13. Nbd4 g4 14. Nf5
Qg6 15. N3d4 Rg8 16. Bd2 c5 17. Nd6+ Kf8 18. N4f5 b5 19. Bd3 Nc4 20. Ne7
Qg7 21. Nexc8 Ne3+ 22. Bxe3 fxe3 23. g3 Qxe5 24. Bxh7 Rh8 25. Qd3 Nf6 26.
Nxf7 Qxb2 27. Nxh8 Qxa1+ 28. Kg2 Qxa2 29. Nd6 Qxd5+ 30. Qxd5 Nxd5 31. Be4
Nb6 32. Ng6+ Kg8 33. Bxa8 Nxa8 34. Re1 Bc7 35. Rxe3 Kg7 36. Ne7 Bxd6 37.
Nf5+ Kg6 38. Nxd6 Nc7 39. Re4 Kf6 40. Rxg4 c4 41. Re4 Nd5 42. h4 Nc3 43.
Re1 Nd5 44. g4 Nb4 45. Re2 Nd5 46. Kg3 Kg7 47. g5 Nb4 48. h5 Nc6 49. Nf5+
Kf8 50. g6 a5 51. g7+ Kf7 52. Re8 Ne7 53. Rxe7+ Kg8 54. Nh6+ Kh7 55. g8=Q+
Kxh6 56. Qg6#
{Jaque Mate} 1-0
All the games of the events reported today can be found at
For games and more info on the Infinite Loop apply to
Igor Gorelikov

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