New Infinite Loop-6, C5

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New Infinite Loop-6, C5

Postby Igor Gorelikov » 21 Sep 2004, 13:24

Geschrieben von:/Posted by: Igor Gorelikov at 21 September 2004 14:24:15:

New Infinite Loop-6, C5
The 34th long event of New Long IL-6 is concluded.
Time control: 80'+3"
Celeron 1GHz 256MB; hash settings is up to 38MB in sum for each engine;
resign is set to 6; 3-men, 4-men, and few 5-men Nalimov's TBs.
Galis WBTM 0.5.0 is used to arrange the event.

P3 1GHz 256MB, 2004.09.20 - 2004.09.21
1 2 3 4 5 6 S R B
1 Eeyore 1.40 X 1 = 0 1 1 3= 1-2 8.50
2 Hagrid 0.7.56 0 X = 1 1 1 3= 1-2 7.00
3 Aristarch 3.9.68b = = X 0 0 1 2 3-6 5.50
4 Chezzz 0.88 1 0 1 X 0 0 2 3-6 5.50
5 Tytan 3.66 0 0 1 1 X 0 2 3-6 4.00
6 WJChess 1.62 0 0 0 1 1 X 2 3-6 4.00
Games 15/15, +6 -7 =2
After-event ratings
Change Place Program Elo + - Games Score Av.Op. Draws
in places
-7 172 Aristarch 3.9.68b : 2006 104 117 34 44.1 % 2047 23.5 %
-7 174 WJChess 1.62 : 1984 182 199 15 46.7 % 2007 13.3 %
+9 162 Hagrid 0.7.56 : 2026 101 144 34 67.6 % 1898 11.8 %
-1 175 Tytan 3.66 : 1980 185 180 15 36.7 % 2075 20.0 %
+15 160 Eeyore 1.40 : 2028 180 185 15 63.3 % 1933 20.0 %
0 177 Chezzz 0.88 : 1964 112 112 39 50.0 % 1964 7.7 %
Next event
New IL-6, C6
139 Esc 1.16
140 Merlin 2.0 beta
151 Djinn 0.848
152 Delphil 0.8c
165 Alarm 0.93.1
167 GreKo 2.70

One selected game
[Event "New IL-6, C5"]
[Site "P3 1GHz 256MB"]
[Date "2004.09.20"]
[Round "2"]
[White "Eeyore 1.40"]
[Black "Hagrid 0.7.56"]
[Result "1-0"]
[TimeControl "4800+3"]
[PairNo ""]
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. g3 Ba6 5. Nbd2 Bb7 6. Bg2 c5 7. e4 cxd4 8.
O-O d6 9. Nxd4 Qd7 10. Qe2 Be7 11. N2b3 O-O 12. Rd1 Na6 13. e5 Ne8 14. Nf3
Qa4 15. Nbd4 dxe5 16. Nxe5 Bxg2 17. Kxg2 Nc5 18. Be3 Bd6 19. Ndf3 Ne4 20.
Bxb6 Nxg3 21. hxg3 axb6 22. Qd3 f6 23. b3 Qa7 24. Nc6 Qb7 25. Qe4 Rf7 26.
Nfd4 Be5 27. Nxe6 Nd6 28. Qf3 Re8 29. Nxe5 fxe5 30. Qxb7 Nxb7 31. Ng5 Rf5
32. Ne4 Ref8 33. b4 Rb8 34. Rd7 Nd8 35. Rd6 Nf7 36. Rd5 Rc8 37. Rc1 Rh5 38.
b5 Rh6 39. c5 Kf8 40. c6 Re6 41. Rd7 Rb8 42. c7 Rc8 43. Rc6 Ree8 44. Rxb6
Kg8 45. Rc6 Nd8 46. Rxd8 Rexd8 47. b6 Re8 48. Nd6 Rxc7 49. bxc7 Rf8 50.
c8=Q h5 51. Qe6+ Kh7 52. Nf7 e4 53. Ng5+ Kh8 54. Rc8 g6 55. Qf6+ Kg8 56.
{Eeyore says 'White mates'} 1-0
All the games of the events reported today can be found at
For games and more info on the Infinite Loop apply to
Igor Gorelikov

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