Forum 'Print All' Feature Request

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Forum 'Print All' Feature Request

Postby Charles Browne » 14 Jun 2010, 20:11


A feature request for the forum.

In the current 'Print View' of the forum only one page of a multi-page thread is displayed at a time while in the print view mode, so that to save or print a seven page thread for example (in my case mostly to save) each page of the multi-page thread needs to be clicked on individually and a 'Print View' done for it.

While the current print view is fine and in my opinion should remain as it is, would it also be possible to have a print all mode so that all pages of a multi-page thread are displayed in a single html page.

I know nothing of forum software including phpBB but a quick search of the phpBB website located this old 2008 page (link below) that has an example of what I am writing about. Maybe a print all option is built into the current software? ... _in_topic/

Thanks for considering
Charles Browne
Posts: 209
Joined: 26 May 2008, 00:30

Re: Forum 'Print All' Feature Request

Postby Olivier Deville » 15 Jun 2010, 05:48

Thanks Charles, I'll try to have a look at it.

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Re: Forum 'Print All' Feature Request

Postby Olivier Deville » 15 Jun 2010, 18:17

Hi again Charles

It appears that adding mods makes the forum software more difficult to upgrade... and not upgrading the software on a regular basis would be very risky, security issues would certainly happen. Actually this is why we upgraded to phpBB 3 : some time ago a hacker attacked the forum, and at that time there were so many mods installed that upgrading was virtually impossible.

But we are still considering adding this mod, just be patient :)

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Re: Forum 'Print All' Feature Request

Postby Charles Browne » 15 Jun 2010, 20:03

Olivier Deville wrote:It appears that adding mods makes the forum software more difficult to upgrade...

I would forget about the print all modification then. That's why I asked if maybe it was an option in the current software version, as in built-in option. If I want to save a print view of a multi-page thread no extra trouble to just save each thread page one at a time.
Charles Browne
Posts: 209
Joined: 26 May 2008, 00:30

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